Random List of Boyf Headcanons!

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(I just wanna go ahead and say I should probably have done this at the beginning)

Jeremy Headcanons

-So many curls, so many
-He was basically traumatized by the Squip. He has nightmares about it frequently
-Even though he is Jewish he does attend his friends' annual Christmas Party because they are his only friends
-He has small panic attacks when he sees Mountain Dew or any green soda really
-That also applied to tic-tacs, Wintergreen
-He tends to nuzzle himself under Michael's head when they cuddle
-He wants a pet, bad
-He is a really good kisser but he denies it, saying Michael is better
-He still likes to listen to musicals with Christine, and the only reason he passed American History WAS Christine
-He has multiple tumblrs, a gaming blog, a furry blog, a cosplay blog, and an art blog.
-He doodles on his arm, and he draws but he is VERY conscious about it in person, and only shows Michael
-He has cat headphones that change color
-He was never really close to his mother, so out of his parents, he's kind of glad she is the one that left
-He hates himself and has a load of doubt and self hatred
-He goes to Michael for motivation
-He is actually really smart but nobody knows it
-He has the biggest room in his house
-He will only eat pancakes for breakfast. Nothing else.

Michael Headcanons

-He is the taller of the two
-He is extremely affectionate, he loves kisses and hugs and cuddling.
-He loves to cuddle Jeremy because Jeremy is extremely warm.
-He loves Jeremy's kisses, they're like a bit of joy tingling at Michael's lips
-He loves his moms to the death, but his dad is a different story
-He has a scar on his ankle from his dad's ring left from the day he came out to his parents
-He speaks both English and Filipino, and is now teaching Filipino to Jeremy
-His hair is extremely soft when it's messy
-He has a crap ton of bracelets
-He paints his nails and has also painted Jeremy's
-The mom friend
-He is very very heavy on having consent when doing anything
-He loves it when Jeremy says Mahal Kita because hearing his boyfriend say I love you in another language is honestly adorable
-If he has a panic attack, Jeremy will make circular motions on his back and whisper to him. It helps calm him down
-He has both dependency issues and separation anxiety, and it's worse after the Squipcident
-He has an older brother. He lied to Jeremy about his friend's brother having a Squip(so basically this kinda follows book canon)
-Michael basically freaked out when he knew his best friend got the same thing that caused him to lose his brother
-Luckily, he gets MDR to his brother and now his bro is tryna mentally recover. So he can't really come home.
-Oh yeah, he has two mothers, Maganda(biological), and Mallory(step mom)
-He will try to make anybody happy in his "list of people to protect" list
-Has a YouTube channel, he unboxes vintage soft drinks as well as plays retro games. His intro is "Yello my Mellos, Mellons, and Marshmellows, Michael(and then he proceeds to make a Jeremy pun)Heere...Mell. Today I have something..."
-He has a list of nicknames for Jeremy, including: JereBear, Jer, Furball, Early Bird, Baby Bird, Baby Boy Blue, Freckle Face, Blue Eyes, Marshmellow(he is basically calling him the name of his own fans)
-He has hacked an email before. He also has very extensive technological know how, he's very educated in this because he studies it in his spare time
-He doesn't believe he's good at romance but he is
-Bought Jeremy a matching hoodie to his own
-All his patches have special meaning.
-Tries to stay optimistic so Jeremy can smile
-He adores Jeremy's smile, he thinks it's precious and he wants to protect it.

I hope you guys like my random headcanons.

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