We're Breaking All The Rules

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So I just watched the Disney movie "Z-O-M-B-I-E-S" and I really really loved it..so...Boyf one shot based on it. Also chapter 99!!!

Jeremy turned the television off and stared in shock at what he just heard. Zombies were going to be allowed into human school.

Now these weren't your zombies like those from 'The Walking Dead' but they were still zombies. These zombies acted like normal people...but nobody knew that. Humans thought they were freaks.

Jeremy's family, well dad, was no different. All his life, Jeremy'd been told how horrible and dangerous zombies were but he was generally interested in them.


Michael jumped out of bed, bouncing around as he grabbed his hoodie and ran downstairs. He put it on while running, hugging his mothers happily and grabbing his lunch.

He ran out the door and began making his way to the barrier that kept zombies and humans separated and stopped when he heard running, and turned around to see Rich and Jenna, aka his only friends at the time, making their way towards him.

"I can't believe they're finally letting us get out there can you guys?" Michael asked excitedly and Rich nodded excitedly.

"I mean we could have just revolted a while ago and made them put us in school but you wanted to be peaceful." Jenna rolled her eyes and Michael chuckled a bit before watching the barrier open and he began running in the direction of the human high school. "That boy."


Jeremy walked inside the school slowly before being approached by a very peppy Asian girl. See, he'd never been to Middleborough until this year so he didn't know anything or anyone.

"Hi my name's Christine I'm part of the welcoming committee! What's your name?" She asked very quickly as she shook Jeremy's hand.

"J-Jeremy...Jeremy Heere."

"Jeremy here?" She asked confused and he laughed a bit.

"My last name is Heere. H-E-E-R-E. Weird I know." He ended up walking with her to class, since he got his schedule online, and was lucky they were in the same class.

When they sat down, she was rambling about some musical but he heard the girls next to him talking.

"I can't believe they're letting zombies near us! Those freaks don't belong here." The brunette was angrily texting and the blond didn't reply. "Brooke!"

"Sorry Chloe, y-you're right." The blonde, Brooke, mumbled and Jeremy turned back to Christine.

"H-Hey Christine?"

"Yeah Jeremy?"

"Umm...what's your opinion on the whole...Zombie integration thing?" Jeremy whispered and Christine smiled brighter.

"I'm honestly happy about it. Unknown to most I have a friend who is a zombie. Her name is Jenna I believe, she really wants to start a zombie uprising it's quite inspiring. One day I wanna write a play about zombies and humans and romance and- oh sorry I'm rambling again."

Jeremy smiled, at least he and Christine had one thing in common. They both were interested in zombies.


Michael sighed as he sat on some old, empty barrel and listened to the teacher(who is also the janitor)go on and on about some boring stuff when he raised his hand.

"Yes you, with the hoodie?"

"When do we leave the basement?" Michael asked, annoyance in his tone. He thought he'd get to talk to humans but no, he couldn't.

"You don't."

"But we're going to human school, we were told that."

"And you are. I'm a human, and you're at school, so stop asking questions and let me teach." Michael slumped down and threw his hood on, his dark green hair falling in his face a bit.

He looked back at the door and realized if he could distract the teacher enough, he could get out. He took a sheet of paper from one of the folders on his backpack and wrote a note on it. He passed it to Rich, who was on the floor chewing a pencil, and the younger boy read it and began to raise his hand.

While Rich began asking stupid questions to the teacher, Michael quietly snuck out of the classroom...err...basement.

He walked up the steps and accidentally bumped into somebody and fell down them again.

"Oh my God I'm s-sorry are you alright?" The other person asked and Michael looked up and stared in awe at the boy.

He was absolutely beautiful, his curly but not too curly brown hair perfectly framing his face, the way his freckles dotted his cheeks, and his sort of brown but sort of green eyes all mixed together and entranced Michael's heart.

"Are you alri-woah...you're a zombie?" He asked and Michael looked down and nodded. "You are...nothing like my dad said."

"What?" Michael hadn't expected that.

"You look so cool!! Take off your hood, I want to see what you actually look like."

"A-Alright." Michael pulled his hood down and the boy's eyes widened.

"Wow...no rotting flesh, no bloody teeth, you look like a normal teen, just with pale skin and green hair...and eye bags but that's it."

"You don't think I'm a...freak?" Michael asked and the boy smiled.

"Of course not. You aren't scary at all...in fact you're...quite cute."



"Oh my God a zombie got out!!" Michael and the boy turned to see the brunette from earlier, Chloe, staring in disgust. She ran away and pressed what looked like a fire alarm, but it was actually a Z-Alert.

"Follow me!" The boy grabbed Michael's arm and led him up the stairs. "Oh and put your hood on." Michael nodded, and the two began running until they were on the top floor.

The boy pressed a button and the ceiling opened up and a latter came down.

"Woah..." Michael stared in awe before he and the boy began climbing up the ladder. Once they reached the top, the ladder and ceiling close behind them.

"Nobody will find us up here."

"Why did you help me?" Michael was absolutely dumbfounded with this boy.

"I've always...I've always been interested in zombies...I've...always felt like there was more to you than...eating brains."

"We don't eat brains anymore. Not with these Z-bands anyways." Michael showed the boy a watch like band on his arm. "It stops us from craving brains and flash in general."

"Oh. Cool!!"

"Thanks I...don't really like it...it's itchy...it's actually painful...so tight." Michael looked down at his wrist and began scratching it aggressively.

"Why is it so tight?"

"Well they don't want us taking them off...they being the government."

"Why is the government so against you guys? You aren't that bad."

"To everybody...I'm a freak...my friends are freaks...and we're always gonna he freaks."

"No you aren't. I have an idea."

"What?" Michael's eyes were sparkling in curiosity.

"What if me and my new friend Christine come to school dresses in zombie chic!! We paint out faces white and hair green and we just...We just support you. I want to help you." The boy grabbed Michael's hand and smiled widely at him.

"What's your name?"


"Thank you...Jeremy. I'm Michael."

"Well Michael, I'll be the first human to zombie ambassador ever!!"


"Yeah!!" Jeremy hugged Michael out of nowhere and the zombie hugged back. "We're going to break all the rules this year."

"Yeah we are. Starting with no PDA at school." Michael smirked and Jeremy was about to ask what he meant before he felt cold lips on his.

They gently released and Jeremy just stared in awe before laughing and basically knocking Michael over into a hug.

They really were going to break all the rules.

I got bored at the ending of this? But in still proud of it. Might make a part 2. Also if you haven't watched Z-O-M-B-I-E-S you rlly should it's great especially if you love forbidden love and male cheerleaders(his name is Bucky and he is basically the male Heather Chandler)

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