Couple Swap: Body

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Fluff and angst
TW: mention of the Squip's abuse, swearing, slight dysphoria.

Jeremy rolled around in bed, eyes still closed as he tried to wrap an arm around Michael, but he ended up wrapping an arm around a pillow.

"M-Mikey?" He slurred, trying to open his eyes. Before he did, he heard tired counting. "Mikey?" He sat up abd seen Michael on the floor, trying to lift himself up with his arms. "Are you doing push ups?"

"Y-Y-Yeah..." Michael mumbled, taking in a breath before continuing. "T-Twenty...four....t-twent-ty f-five..."

"Michael stop." Jeremy got out of the bed and Michael fell on to the floor in exhaustion as Jeremy went over to him. "Why are you doing this?"

"B-Because I'm f-fat..." Michael whispered and Jeremy felt his heart break a bit and helped Michael sit up, letting him rest on his chest.

"You aren't fat Michael."

"Yes I am...I'm ugly and I'm fat and I'm not attractive in any way possible and-"

"No. Stop. You are beautiful. And you aren't fat, you aren't ugly, and in no way, shape, or form are you not attractive. You're a beautiful person Michael, who told you you weren't?"

" Squip..." Michael said under his breath and Jeremy held him in his arms tighter, combing his hand through the messy hair Michael seemed to pull off so well.

"Well it's wrong."

"Is it though? I mean...I was a loser for how long?"

"That doesn't matter. You're my adorkable boyfriend and I don't care that your a little chubby and a lot nerdy, I love you no matter what. And I love how you look, your look is your look, the Michael Heere look, and nobody can tell you otherwise. So get off the floor and back on the bed, I'm getting ice cream."

"Jeremy I-"

"Nope. I don't wanna hear you beat yourself up. Get back in the bed Micha." Jeremy practically dragged Michael to the bed before kissing him. "Now, I'll be right back, you want chocolate or vanilla?"

"Both." Michael smiled softly and Jeremy nodded, running down the steps, his father getting on to him quickly.

Eventually, Jeremy came back up with a tub of vanilla-chocolate mix and sat next to Michael.

"You wanna watch a movie, I have unlimited movie access."

"Y-Yeah...what do you wanna watch?"

"You have to ask?" Jeremy teased and Michael fake groaned before laughing a bit.

"You have watched The Matrix so many times Jeremy I swear."

"Hey. Hey it's good."

"You only watch it for Keanu Reeves and that's about it."

"Keanu Reeves is a good looking man Michael. Especially for a 53 year old." Jeremy protested, cleaning his glasses and looking down.

"You aren't wrong. But he's not Jeremiah Mell." Michael put a hand on Jeremy's waist and pulled him closer.

"Thanks Mikey..." Jeremy whispered softly, and Michael mumbled back a simple 'you're welcome.'

They started the movie, Jeremy saying literally every line, which Michael wasn't surprised about, considering Jeremy had seen practically every Keanu Reeves film at the point more than once.

"Jeremy are we gonna watch this or are you gonna keep talking over the film?"

"Shush Micha, Keanu Reeves is talking." Jeremy covered Michael's mouth and the slightly taller male sighed. "Okay he's done."

"You have problems Jeremy."

"Says you. I mean, you're obsessed with eighties music."

"Yes I am but it's good." Pause. "Jere your phone is going off." Jeremy grabbed his phone and seen that the group chat was going off.

Oh boy.

FlamingPancake: guys it's Friday the fucking Thirteenth! But I can't celebrate!!

GamerBi: why not exactly?

TinyButMighty: his Michael Myers mask was burnt in the fire Jeremy. And my brother won't let me have his Jason mask.

GamerBi: okay?


GamerBi: what

TinyButMighty: you'll tell us anyways


FlamingPancake: we care why...?

LovingThatRolanGirl: because Jefferson is in Hamilton duh

ICameAsSoonasIHeard: exactly. Tell em Jenna

LovingThatRolanGirl: of course Chrissy.

Jeremy seen Michael grab his own phone and pull into the chat.

VSauceMichaelHeere: what did I miss?

LovingThatRolanGirl: WHAT DID I MISS?

ICameAsSoonasIHeard: WHAT DID I MISS?

LovingThatRolanGirl: Virginia my home sweet home I wanna give u a kiss

GamerBi: I'm leaving. I'm ignoring both my love lives

LovingThatRolanGirl: what

VSauceMichaelHeere: I'm the first. The second is Keanu Reeves films

GamerBi: they're good. Also where r Chloe and Brooke?

ICameAsSoonasIHeard: probably making out...wait they just updated Instagram... they're on a date. They're seeing Love, Simon

VSauceMichaelHeere: I wanna see that so bad!!

GamerBi: same. Tell them no spoiling

GamerBi: I don't want spoiled gay when I see it

VSauceMichaelHeere: same. Literally same

FlamingPancake: GUYS OMG MY MASK WASN'T BURNED. IT'S IN MY CLOSET!! I must've saved it.

ICameAsSoonasIHeard: I'm gonna go blast Hamilton with Jenna now

LovingThatRolanGirl: and I'm gonna listen to the blasted music with Chrissy

FlamingPancake: okay. But remember, it's Friday the 13th.

GamerBi: it's not that bad Jake. Especially when 13 is your fav number.


VSauceMichaelHeere: shut up Jake. That meme is dead

TinyButMighty: well Jake lost out on memes for two years. So let him have this.

FlamingPancake: I fucking KNEW IT

GamerBi: I need to go now, I have an actual life to return to

TinyButMighty: you mean Michael and Keanu Reeves?


TinyButMighty: Jeremy x a younger Keanu Reeves. It's canon.

FlamingPancake: but Jeremy x Michael. My own personal Meremy Hell

TinyButMighty: it's gay if it's an all male three way

VSauceMichaelHeere: I'm going to go now too. Jeremy wants to watch the movie. Also we have ice cream

TinyButMighty: fair, right Jake?

FlamingPancake: yeah ok. Rich u wanna binge the Friday the 13th movies

TinyButMighty: hell yes I do. Make fun of stupid people who can't survive in them

TinyButMighty: also good bi gay and fellow bi.

Michael and Jeremy put their phones down and looked at each other awkwardly.

"Do you really t-think I'm sexy?" Michael asked timidly and Jeremy covered his face and nodded. "How?"

"I I don't know why...but I just do. You're very attractive just don't realize it."

"Thanks do you wanna watch the movie?"

"Yes. Yes I do. Keanu Reeves is calling my name and I want to watch him. I am compelled."

"Strange boy. But I love you."

"And I love you too you little geek."

"Hey you got it right."

"Of course." The two snuggled closer and only kept getting closer, feeding each other ice cream and blocking off the outside world to enjoy their own bubble of love.


That night, before Michael went to bed, he looked at himself in the mirror, sighing and smiling.

"If somebody like Jeremy thinks your body isn't shouldn't either." He put his pajama shirt on and walked into Jeremy's room, getting into bed and cuddling with his small, adorable boyfriend, who was already sleeping. "I love you Jeremy..." He kissed Jeremy softly, smiles on both their faces. "And thank you..."

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