Cut My Hair

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I have a new headcanon. Next chapter is gonna be special cause it's the finale.
Also this is a more Jeremy centered chapter, bc I'm on a Jere HC high rn
TW: angst, swearing, there is a small mention of past self harm

(This first sequence is flashback, so the Squip has normal fonted dialogue)

"Cut it."

"W-What?" Jeremy asked in confusion and the Squip sighed, poofing his hair up as if what he was saying was obvious.

"This...mop on your head. Cut it."

"W-Why...I like my hair..."

"Jeremy, if you don't cut it, I will." Jeremy crossed his arms and refused to touch the scissors. He wasn't going to just sit back and cut his hair. "Fine. Accessing, arm muscles."

Jeremy watched as he lost all control of his arms, and watched as the Squip trimmed off the entire bottom of his hair, which went all the way to the bottom of his neck.

"There. Now we need to make it less curly. I'm sure there's a straightener here somewhere." There was. Jeremy's mom had left it, and the Squip found it.

He took Jeremy's arms and after it warmed up, ran the straightener through his curls. Seeing his hair lay down softly on his head kind of upset Jeremy.

When finished, he went to touch it but was shocked.

"I don't see how this is g-gonna help me get Christine to like me..."

"Guys with neater hair are found much more respectable and attractive. Your long hair was quite the mess. Besides look at you, you look much better now." Jeremy looked over at the Squip then back at the mirror and sighed.

"I...guess so... I actually thought my h-hair was the one nice thing about me."

"Jeremy look at yourself. You already look 15 percent more attractive. Just with a little hair trim. Now, I want you to comb hairgel through it. Make it shine."

"Bu-" Jeremy's vocal chords were shut off and he nodded, doing as told.

And he'd been doing that since he lost the Squip. Even a few weeks after that hellish month ended. Even now that he was dating Michael.

He played with his slowly reforming curls and sighed, chopping them off and throwing them away.

"Jere? You okay? Cause you're takin' awful long in the bathroom." The scissors fell to the floor and Jeremy knew that he'd have to tell Michael eventually. "Jeremy what just fell? It sounded like metal, your aren't cutting yourself again are you!?"

"N-No..." Jeremy replied and he seen the door knob jiggling. He unlocked it and Michael looked down at the scissors then to Jeremy.

"Did you cut your hair?" He asked and Jeremy nodded sadly. "Why?"

"Cause if you have s-shorter hair y-you get more respect and you're more a-attractive..." Jeremy'd forced himself to believe that and Michael grabbed his hands and held them tightly.

"Who told you that?"

"D-Do you even need to ask anymore...?"

"It was the Squip wasn't it?" Michael asked and Jeremy nodded. "Why do you still believe that thing?"

"It's hard to b-break month long habits..."

"You've been doing this for a month?" Michael didn't know why he was shocked. He knew Jeremy had had the Squip for at least a month. He sort of lost track of time after that amount of time passed, and he should've realized the Squip had changed Jeremy's appearance.

"Y-Yeah...first time wasn't my consent t-though...the Squip took over my b-body and did this, he also straightened it...and...and made me gel it. I even asked him why I h-had to do it when my hair was the o-one good thing about my opinion anyways...."

"Jeremy, you don't have to keep cutting your hair if you don't want to. You can grow it out again."

"But I-I wouldn't be as attractive and you would l-le-" Michael covered Jeremy's mouth and looked him dead in the eyes.

"No I wouldn't. You know I would never leave you. You could be the dirtiest and ugliest person in the world, but as long as you're you, I'll never leave and I'll always love you. And if I'm being honest, I love your curls. And you clearly liked them. So grow them back if you want to. I'll still think you're beautiful." Michael felt Jeremy kiss his hands and he pulled them away quickly to try and hide his blush.

"Y-You mean it?"

"Yeah. I would never lie to you Jeremy. You know I wouldn't." Michael kissed Jeremy's forehead, and the shorter male turned a rather dark crimson color upon contact.

"Okay...I-I think I'm gonna let it grow back now...."


Jeremy closed the bathroom door and looked down at the scissors he'd picked up so many times before, and sat them in the cabinet underneath the sink.

He looked into the mirror and looked at the sheet of notebook paper, and took out his pen and wrote "love yourself" on one of the lines. Which were all also filled with "love yourself."

He smiled, pulling back and running a hand through his bangs, which bounced up a bit when he finished.

He hadn't seen his natural curly hair in so long, and smiled wider upon seeing it. He'd missed it, a lot. It had always been the one thing he liked about himself, maybe because he liked it when people rubbed their hands through it to calm him, or maybe because he had a thing for curly hair. He didn't know.

But he was glad Michael had convinced him to let it grow back. Because it was his actual hair, and not that fake hair he'd had when he had the Squip.

This was Jeremy's hair.

And he was never gonna cut it again.

This one isn't anything special but I like it.


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