For A Different Time Pt 3

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Already halfway through Act 1!
TW: swearing

Once they got in the car, Jeremy ran his hand over the patch before pulling it out of his pocket.

"So, whaddya wanna tell me exactly?" Michael asked, turning the radio on and quietly playing one of his many Bob Marley CDs.

"Be aren't....on point."

"M-Michael... I'm... I'm bisexual." Jeremy showed him the patch and Michael stared at it before turning and smiling at Jeremy, his tooth gap visible yet again.

"Cool, glad you found yourself Jere...So...have you came out to your father yet?"

"No...I... you're the first person I've ever came out to."

"Tell him how long you've been closeted."

"I've...actually known since middle school...late sixth grade...when I got my anonymous c-crush." Jeremy was trying his best not to blush, and to his luck, the Squip was holding back the blood rush.

"Wow. That's...wait so is your crush a male?" Michael asked and Jeremy bit his lip.


"Y-Yes." The Squip smiled at how well Jeremy was managing with such a severe crush. Michael was already on his way towards their houses again, and Jeremy was sad to not spend the night with him.

"You should surprise him on Sunday and visit. His moms will be going out on a date so he won't have anything to do."


Michael dropped Jeremy off, and Jeremy waved as the PT Cruiser faded away.

"He's heading to Seven Eleven I bet." Jeremy smiled as he walked into the house, surprised his dad wasn't watching TV. He was probably in his room if Jeremy we're thinking honestly.

"Now we can discuss making romantic advances towards Michael. Let's do so in your room so you'll be obviously more comfortable." Jeremy proceeded up to his room, closing the door and plopping on the bed, sliding his converse off and removing his cardigan, tossing it to his computer chair.

The Squip was observing Jeremy's room, looking into his closet and quickly pulling out.

"Jeremy. Why do you have a dolphin suit? And a collection of Beanie Babies?" It asked, confusion obvious in its voice.

"Umm...M-My aunt, on my dad's side, f-got the Beanie babies. I...I commissioned the fursuit... b-because...I'ma furry..." Jeremy mumbled and the Squip chuckled. "What?"

"I thought it was worse. Alright, now let's talk about Michael." Jeremy nodded, patting the bed for the Squip to sit down. "I would tell you to be subtle, but it's obvious he likes you back so subtly doesn't need to exist. Of course don't be too obvious. Kind of a gently mix."

"B-But what if he says no w-when I finally ask him out?" Jeremy whispered and the Squip put its hand on his shoulder.

"Jeremy, he won't. There is less than a one percent chance he won't catch on. And if he doesn't, he still won't reject you. You have nothing to worry about. If anything, you should sleep on it. You have the weekend to think about it." It smiled and Jeremy nodded, taking his jeans off and crawling into bed.

The Squip turned the lights off for him, and sat in his computer chair gently.

"Sleep tight Slugger. You gotta day ahead of you tomorrow." The Squip spoke like a parent to a child as it pulled the cover up on the now passed out Jeremy.


Jeremy sat up and didn't see the Squip. Huh, was it not automatically activate when he woke up?

That's when he heard something and turned to see it in a bathroom, holding a holographic coffee cup and itd hair was in curlers. It was always wearing pink slippers.

"Go on and laugh Jeremy that's why I did this. Get you in a good mood. Today we're gonna get something for Michael, I don't know what yet, but you could probably figure out what to get him without me."

"Well there are some patches I know he had his eye on last time he went inside the shop. I guess that gives us an idea of w-what to buy." Jeremy began taking his shirt off, scanning his closet for a new shirt.

He found a black T-shirt that had a green hand making one of those rocker hand poses, in which the pointer and pinky are sticking up. It was a zombie hand, and simple read "zombie".

He grabbed his cardigan and smelled it, realizing how sweaty it was. He was cleaning that later. Luckily he had a gray cardigan as well. So he grabbed that, and proceeded afterwards to put his pants on.

He also shoved his cardigan on and got through with his morning routine quickly, running downstairs to grab breakfast.

"Where you goin' so early private?" He turned to see his dad pantsless and the Squip covered its eyes.

"O-Oh I'm...umm..."

"Going to the mall to just look around."

"I'm just gonna go look a-around the mall is all." Mr. Heere nodded and Jeremy simply made himself a jelly sandwich and decided to be crazy and walk to the mall, eating the sandwich on his way.

"Why does your dad not wear pants?" The Squip was wiping its tongue as if it had just tasted soap.

"I honestly can't say. Probably because he's stressed. Ever since mom left...not that she was ever at home to begin with, they weren't even married." Jeremy's expressions didn't change as he grabbed his earbuds, which he'd wrapped around his wrist loosley, and stuck then in his ears.

He quickly found a playlist of Nintendo music and began humming to it, the Squip observing him as he did.


They were almost there, and the silence of the Squip scared Jeremy. Was it okay?

"Oh I'm perfectly fine. Just trying to get some good read on your personality outside of the awkward stammering mess. Not that that's bad, I just know there's more to you."

"Oh, okay..." Jeremy zoned out as he seen a crumbled up piece of paper on the ground. He picked it up and began unfolding it and froze.

"Jeremy are you okay?"

"No shit...Of course I-I am, look!" He showed the paper to the Squip. It was an ad for the demo version if Apocolypse of the Damned 2 being released on that very day. "I know what I'm buying first."

"Makes sense. We can give it to Michael tomorrow." Jeremy practically squealed as he ran inside the mall, glad he'd grabbed his little less than 199 dollars left over from the previous day.

This plan was going to be perfect.

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