For A Different Time Pt 5

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This is the longest ongoing oneshot in this book! At least for now...the ending isn't gonna be a one or two part chapter huehue
TW: swearing as per the usual let's get on with this

Jeremy rubbed his eyes with the bottoms of his palms and blinked, trying to wake himself up.

"Rise and shine Slugger, today's the day you're giving Michael his presents, you don't wanna be tired do you?" Jeremy turned to see the Squip spinning in his computer chair a bit, still in the casual pajama clothes it had been in the day before.

"Oh s-shit it is Sunday isn't it? I...I didn't even wash my cardigan..."

"No worries. I did."

"B-But how?"

"For one I can hack into inferior technology such as the washing machine. As for how, I used a lot of energy while you were asleep to force a temporarily physical form until it was washed." The Squip smiled, standing and snapping to change it's clothes. Not once being satisfied with the results until he snapped into a blue t-shirt and black jacket, with blue boots and skinny jeans.

"O-O...Okay...did that h-hurt you? Using all t-that energy anyways?" Jeremy asked, standing and stretching as he headed towards the bathroom to shower.

"No not particularly, as I can't feel physical pain. I'm a computer remember?"

"Oh right...sorry it's hard to remember that because y-you don't act all...beepy boopy. No o-offense." Jeremy took off his shirt and looked at himself in the mirror. He'd use the acne treatment once out of the shower. "C-Could you...umm...not be active while I do this?"

"Of course." The Squip clapped its hands and it vanished, making Jeremy much more comfortable to shower.

***(This timeskip is very short so leoskriver, this shall be a bb time skip)

Jeremy had gotten out of the shower and was using a towel to dry his hair off.

"You can come b-back now." Jeremy whispered and the Squip remanifested, glad to see Jeremy in a towel and not naked.

"And you look like a female who just took a steam bath."

"Yeah yeah joke about my feminosity will you?"

"C'mon we gotta get you dressed so you can start today early." Jeremy nodded, using the hair towel to dry his face before applying acne treatments. "Jeremy relax it's not that bad." Jeremy glance at the Squip and it said nothing more about his acne.

He got ready quickly, his shirt now being pink, dark blue, teal, orange, and black stripes, his pants just being jeans, and he grabbed his blue cardigan and converse as well as the bag from the mall.

He was ready.


Jeremy knocked on Michael's door, glancing at the Squip, who wasn't speaking yet again.

Michael answered the door and practically smothered Jeremy into a hug.

"Hug him back." Jeremy did as told and found that Michael wasn't planning on letting go. So he let himself stay there for a little while longer. "When you're about to let go act as if you remembered something you forgot, and mention the presents." Jeremy nodded and finally let go.

"I...I got you some presents yesterday...I...umm...there's no occ-occassion" Jeremy, who was now a sweating and blushing mess, handed the bag over tk Michael, glad he had both heart patches in his pocket.

Michael pulled out the pins first and examined them quickly.

"Dude. This is hella awesome, woah. The hell is that..." Michael grabbed the Filipino flag patch and looked at it with wide eyes. "It is. I can't believe you remembered!"

"W-Why wouldn't I. I am your best friend am I not?"

"Well obviously. What else you got in here...?" Michael reached back in the bag, pulling out the AotD patch and practically squealing. Jeremy found himself blushing at how adorable his reactions were. "Okay these are amazing."

"T-There's something e-else in there." Michael looked back into the bag and pulled out the demo. He held it in his hands as if it were extremely fragile, before quickly enwrapping Jeremy into another hug.

"Dude this is so fucking awesome!! How did you get this!?"

"They w-were giving them away a-at the mall yesterday. I got lucky and was f-first in line."

"Shit that's amazing!! Thank you so much Jeremy!! We have to go play this as soon as we get your patch on your cardigan. Lemme guess, you want it on the sleeve?" Jeremy nodded, removing the cardigan and handing it to Michael. "I have some leftover Tinola on the kitchen table. I'll go iron this on, you can eat and get the game set up."

"O-Of course." The two went inside and Michael headed upstairs, the ironing board being in his room because of how much he used it.

Jeremy headed to the kitchen and seen the leftovers and as soon as he got everything prepared for this to be perfect, he began consuming the Tinola with joy.


Once finished, Jeremy made his way to the basement, ready to set the game up.


"Yeah Squip?"

"The heart patches...where are they? Because they aren't on your person!"

"What!?" Jeremy frantically pulled his pockets out and froze in fear when he realized Michael had his cardigan. "Shit!! Michael has them!!"

"That isn't good. Jeremy you need to get upstairs now!" Jeremy nodded, running back up the stairs and making his way to Michael's room. If Michael seen those hearts, everything would be over.

Everything they'd ever done...Jeremy was going to fuck up his friendship for a silly crush.

"Jeremy don't say that you aren't gonna fuck up anything!"

"Yes I am!! Michael's gonna think I'm a loser because I love him...and I wouldn't have gotten those damn gifts had it not been for you!!"

"Jeremy I am trying to help you! You're the one who bought them!"

"You told me to buy him gifts!!"

"And you told me you loved him! That's why!!"

"That's because I DO LOVE HIM!!" Jeremy froze as he screamed that and Michael stared at him from the other end of the hallway, holding the heart patches in his hand. "Michael...shit you weren't supposed to hear that..."

"Jeremy, who are you t-talking to? And about?"

"Michael I...fuck, fuck...dammit...ugh...I' me out here will you?" Jeremy whispered to the Squip, who was hugging itself sadly on his left. "Now isn't the time for you to fuck up."

"What did I fuck up?" Michael asked and Jeremy walked over to him.

"Michael...I wasn't talking t-to you I..." Jeremy glanced over at the Squip and sighed. "I was talking to the Squip."

"It worked!?"

"Yeah...and the heart patches...I..."

"You were saying you loved somebody...were you talking about your crush?"




"Tell me who. Please."

"I..." Jeremy swallowed a bit, grabbing one of the heart patches and holding it against his heart. "It's...I...can't tell you... I'm sorry..." Jeremy pulled away and turned his back to Michael, who grabbed his wrist and Jeremy turned back.

Michael was crying, and Jeremy felt a lump forming in his throat. Michael's face was so heartbroken, and Jeremy's voice wavered as he handed Michael the patch.

"G-Give this to somebody you love M-Michael...cause a-apparently I don't h-have the courage to..." Jeremy turned his back again and made his way out the door, the Squip following behind him sadly...and Michael watching him with tears streaming down his cheeks.

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