Geek Gods

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So guess who finally read the first Percy Jackson book!? And convinced MichaelMellisMyChild to listen to the musical. Me. That's who.
So, BMC Half-Blood story
I have a really angsty one for this AU but I'ma post it in a book for this AU.
TW: swearing
Can't wait for ur reactions at who Jeremy and Michael's parents are.

"I can't just go up to the son of Aphrodite and be like hey, I like you, you wanna date? Brooke! People would hate me even more. Everybody loves him." Michael sighed, laying on the grass and staring up at the clouds sadly.

"Michael he loves you, he obviously loves you." Brooke was chewing on a Mountain Dew can, her goat legs crossed as she leaned against a tree.

"But I'm...I'm the son of Hades, Brooke... how could he love me?" Michael was being very stubborn and Brooke sighed, trotting over and sitting next to him.

"Because. You might your father but you are you. When Jeremy looks at you he see Michael Mell, and he loves you. I've seen how pink his cheeks get when he sees you, and that's a thing for Aphrodite kids."

"I...guess...I just don't see how we would even be able to date...everybody at camp would hate me even more...because they all seem infatuated with Jeremy."

"Michael as your best Satyr friend, I'm telling you that Jeremy loves you back. I've known him long enough. He's been a camper since he was 8. I've been here my whole life. Let me just convince you he loves you."


"Go to the Demeter cabin. Ask Evan to grow a simple rose, then take that rose to Jeremy."

"It'll die."

"I wanna prove to you Jeremy doesn't care about that."

"F-Fine. I'll do it tomorrow..."

"Okay. Just make sure you do it. Jenna will know if you don't you know?"

"Mmhm. The queen of gossip and the Hermes Cabin."


The next day, Michael made his way to the Demeter cabin, knocking on the door and not being surprised that Evan opened it, seeing he was the oldest of the Demeter kids.

"Hey Evan can I ask a favor?"

"S-Sure. Seeing as we're sort of r-related. And because we-we're...uh... friends. We're friend right?"

"Mmhm. Anyways, I need you to make me some roses. I don't care the color, although I'd prefer them be pink and red but still."

"This is for J-Jeremy, isn't it?" Michael nodded and Evan smiled. "Knew it. I-I'll get on those roses. Be-Besides, I don't have anything to do today."

"I thought you had archery on Thursdays."

"Those a-arrows are made from my tree brethren Michael."

"Oh...okay." Strange.

Michael eventually received the roses, watching then die the moment they touched his hands, and he sighed.

He's going to give dead roses to the son of


Michael waited outside the Aphrodite cabin, and the door was opened not by Jeremy, but by one of this largest assholes Michael knew, Heather Chandler.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here f-for Jeremy."

"Of course you are. Heere! Your dead boyfriend is here!"

"I'm not dead!" That's when Jeremy gently nudged Heather out of the way and closing the door.

"Sorry a-about her...she's pissy..." Jeremy muttered, fiddling with his scarf nervously.

"Isn't she always pissy?"

" why'd you s-stop by so early?"

"I wanted to tell you something...but I need to tell you in private." Michael held his left hand out, the roses in the right, and hiding in his large pocket.

"Oh alright." Jeremy took Michael's hand and followed him to a quiet place of the woods where it was a lot darker, due to the massive amounts of trees and bushes surrounding them.

Michael felt himself blushing from the faint glow Jeremy seemingly emitted, trying to hide his face but failing.

"So... what did y-you wanna...tell me?"

"Look...Jeremy...I need to know you hate me? Or fear me...?" At all?"

"W-What? No." Jeremy looked at Michael in confusion, and a bit of sadness.

"Okay...okay then you won't feel weird when... when I tell you.. I love you. And it's not because you're an Aphrodite child either...I'm genuinely in love with you...cause you're nice to me...ME...a Hades kid...literally the child of Death itself...oh...I got you something..." Michael held the roses out, ignoring their dead appearance.

"M-Michael, I love them." Jeremy took the roses and gently tucked them above his ear, trying not to make them fall apart anymore than they already were.

"You don't care that they're... dead?"

"N-No...I think they're you." Jeremy smiled softly and Michael's face burned, the coldness he was so used to seeming to extinguish like a flame. "And...I've actually kinda fallen in l-love with you too..."


"Y-Yeah...ever since I laid eyes on y-you...I loved you..."

"Even if I'm a son of Hades?"

"I don't care about that...all I care about is you, Michael...nothing else..." Jeremy put his hand on Michael's cheek, the faint pink glow seeming to radiate on to his pale, dark skin.

"Gods, I love you so much Jeremy..."

"I l-love you too, Michael..."

"I'M SO PROUD OF YOU TWO!!" The boys looked up at the tree above them to see Brooke smiling down at them. "My best friends are growing up. I think I might cry." She slid down and hugged them tightly.

"Brooke are you okay?" Michael asked and she nodded, her goat ears gently bobbing with her head.

The three laughed at that and made their way back to camp, ready to face whatever tiny challenges came next.

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