It's Back Again

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Angsty and fluff? Idk this involves the Squip still lurking around like in VimH so
TW: obvious swearing as the usual alright. Let's. Do. This.

Jeremy was curled up in a ball on his bed, actually getting a good sleep for once, when the all too familiar voice in his head started talking to him again.

"Jeremy. You know I'm still here. You didn't get rid of me you know?" As soothing as the voice tried to sound, the glitchiness still prvented it from sounding nice in any regards.

"...shut up..." Jeremy mumbled, clutching his stuffed Blinky plush tightly against his chest, trying to not open his eyes.

"You're still naive aren't you? You still think this is your body? You don't get this body back until I've completed my goal, you know that." Jeremy felt a cold hand grab his wrist but he refused to open his eyes. He didn't want to even look at anything except the black of his lids. "You know even if you can't see me you know I'm know I'm still in your head, and I'm never leaving."

"...go away..." Jeremy tossed his body the opposite way, but he knew he was still being watched.

"Pathetic how you stooped so low to break up with Christine and date the loser you call a friend. Shame really, you and Christine could've had a bright future together, had you not given her the Mountain Dew Red."

"That wasn't her...that was...I don't know but it wasn't her..." Jeremy's eyes were now barely opened, looking down at the markings on his arm. "And what I'd become...wasn't me..."

"Jeremy that was her. And that was you. You both had had no fears or insecurities holding you back so why did you shut me off? Everything could have been perfect, everybody loved you."

"Their love didn't matter to me...having everybody in the world love me wouldn't matter to long as he loves me...I'm okay..." Jeremy felt a shock go through his body and winced slightly.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you try and deactivate me. I should've just kept on your optic nerve blocking, maybe then Michael couldn't have helped you... that loser only put you back at square one."

"Michael isn't a freaking loser. Michael's the coolest person on the entire damn planet because he's nice to me, he cares about me, he forgive me for the shit you convinced me to do..."

"I didn't make you call him a loser now, did I?" That hit Jeremy hard, and tears started coming out of his eyes.

He reached for the bedside table and found his phone, glad the Squip couldn't fully control his body and stop him...still the tiny jolts of electricity being sent through his arms hurt.

He quickly went to his contacts and found Michael, pressing the call button and holding it against his ear. It's only 2 in the morning, Michael will be up...


Michael hadn't gotten any sleep. Mainly since he didn't take his sleeping medication, but something in him knew he needed to be awake, so he had chugged two things of Mountain Dew Red to keep himself from falling asleep.

He heard his phone vibrate and picked it up, smiling calmly at the picture of Jeremy that showed up as his contact.

"Hey Jere, how you doin?" Michael asked lazily, sitting up on his bed and stretching.

"M-Michael...the Squip's back...can... can you come over here?"

"Shit. I'm on my way Jeremy. Don't worry, shouldn't take too long. I love you, just don't let that thing control you okay?"

"Mmhm." Michael ended the call and grabbed his jacket, headphones, and wheelies.

He quietly went down the stairs and left the house calmly, clicking his heels and beginning to skate down the street.


Jeremy heard a knock at his window and turned to see Michael trying to climb in. He stood up and walked over to the window, flinching at the shocks still, and unlocked it, and Michael climbed in and hugged him tightly.

"What's it saying?" Michael whispered, and Jeremy cuddled close to his chest and he whimpered a bit.

"It k-keeps calling you a loser...and saying I shouldn't had broken up with called me said I shouldn't even be dating you just doesn't want us together..." Jeremy was sobbing quietly, and Michael picked him up and sat him on the bed.

"None of that is true. Well except the loser thing but I'm not as much of a loser as I was."

"M-Micha you aren't a loser at all..."

"Okay anyways, you aren't pathetic, you and Christine both had say in that break up, and if you'd kept optic nerve blocking would be ruling a zombie school, practically. Now c'mon, I've got a good way to block out the Squip." Michael took his headphones off and placed them on Jeremy's ears. "Just gimme a second...there. Is it working?" Michael had turned a song on from his playlist of songs that made him think of Jeremy, making sure the headphones worked.

"Y-Yeah. It's working just..." Jeremy yawned a rather long time and Michael giggled a bit at it. "Fine." (I just yawned omg I'm happy)

He placed his head on Michael's shoulder, and the taller male gently took his hoodie off, wrapping it around Jeremy's body, before moving his hand the brunette's waist.

Before Michael knew it, Jeremy had passed out on his shoulder. He removed the headphones from Jeremy's head and put them back around his neck.

He then proceeded to pick Jeremy up and lay him back down in bed.

"G'night Jerm. I'll be here when you wake up, I promise." He kissed Jeremy's forehead and held his hand gently, sitting on the chair next to bed and making sure he slept alright.

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