Not My Michael Pt 3

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TW: swearing...duh
Back to the canon Michael

“Wow. Your universe is weird.” Michael muttered and Jeremy rolled his eyes and laughed a bit.

“Says you. I mean, in your universe you act like me. That's weird. Like, I'm so used to a soft, awkward, and pretty timid Michael and you are the exact opposite. Like you're loud, optimistic, outgoing. You're literally me.” Jeremy was blushing at the thought of his Michael.

The two were currently playing Apocalypse of the Damned, level 9 as both of them had been stuck on it since...well the didn't know.

“So if I'm here, where is your Michael?” Michael questioned and Jeremy’s eyes seemed to get bigger at not knowing where his boyfriend was. “You don't know do you?”

“No...I would there's no way he's in your universe...but...where else would he be?”

“That's really smart think we could call him?”

“I...guess?” Jeremy pulled his phone out and looked at his Michael's contact. “If he's in your you think it will pick up?”

“I mean he has an all knowing computer in his head I'm sure this could work.” Michael's logic made no sense but he had some hope this would work.

“Okay. I'm gonna call him.” Jeremy pressed the contact and put it on speaker, biting his dark red nails in anticipation.


“Michael!?” Jeremy was starting to cry from hearing his Michael's quiet voice.


“Yeah. Yeah it's me...oh my God where are you?”

“I-I'm in some other u-universe...there's another you here. Say hi to my Jeremy, other J-Jeremy.”

“Umm...Hey.” Michael grabbed Jeremy's phone and was blushing when he heard the voice.

“Jere holy shit is that you?”


“Yeah... God I miss you...I miss you so much.”

“Where a-are you Michael? I've been so worried a-about you!”

“I'm in that other Michael's universe. It's so weird, you're wearing a hoodie here. Like my goodness it's strange.”

“Oh w-wow that is weird.”

“Hey can I have my phone back?” Jeremy muttered and Michael sighed.

“Okay just...bye Jeremy. I love you, I'll try and get back home okay?”

“Okay. Love you t-too Michael.” Michael handed the phone back to Jeremy, who took it off speaker and began rambling to his Michael, smiling and crying through his words.

Michael got why, if he woke up and his Jeremy was magically in another universe without his knowing he'd be freaking out too. He went back to playing the game, Jeremy still on his mind as he tried conceiving a way to get home.

Jeremy ended the call and sighed.

“So, do they know how this happened?”

“No. My Michael is just as confused as you are. Which makes sense...I mean, this is confusing.”

“You don't think...the you know what has anything to do with you? My Jeremy said it mentioned it could see different timelines.”

“Ya know I wouldn't be surprised if that's….wait...both of them have Squips….SHIT...if they try to reactivate, we aren't gonna be there to save them... shit...Michael can't go through that again...we have got to get you two back to your proper universes.” Jeremy was pacing now, which Michael knew must've transferred to him from himself...if he was the original anyways, he didn't know anymore. For all he knew, this could be the original that's ridiculous.

“You're right...fuck...okay okay...we need to talk to...oh right it's Jake who gave him the Squip….we gotta ask your Jake if it's possible for the Squip to do this.”

“Okay. Here, wear this.”

“A cardigan?”

“Gotta make you look like my Michael. You don't need to talk much, he's pretty quiet. Now grab some jeans and shoes we gotta go.”

Michael did everything Jeremy said and felt very uneasy in the cardigan and stripes. At least the stripes were rainbow.

“Okay you ready, cause we're goin’.” Jeremy grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs and outside.

“A Volkswagen Beetle...okay you have the worst taste in cars ever.”

“What do you drive?”

“PT Cruiser.”

“Ew. Jeremy mumbled as he opened the car and let Michael inside.

This would be an interesting day.


“Okay Jake and Rich usually hang at the mall so they're probably- there!” Jeremy spotted them and dragged Michael over to them, frantic in his movements. “Jake! I need to talk to you about know what.”

“The Thquip?” Michael stared at Jake in shock as he spoke. Why did he have a lisp?

“Yeah. Theoretically...since a Squip can see into other timelines, do you think it's possible it could swap somebody without a Squip from another timeline or universe with somebody with a Squip? Theoretically of course, this hasn't actually happened.”

“Umm...I honethly don't know. If that didn't happen why are you even athking?”


“I'm not you Michael!” Michael had gotten frustrated with lying about being from this universe, he hadn't even said anything but he hated it. “This scenario actually happened. I've swapped lives with your Michael. He's with my Jeremy, in my universe, and I don't want to be here “

“Oh shit…” Rich mumbled and Jake looked at Jeremy with a worried expression.

“That ithn’t good. Michael without you ith probably the motht dangerouth thought I've ever had.”

“Well his Jeremy has a Squip so... we're even more screwed…”

“THHIT!” Jake yelled and nearby a women covered her son's ears and continued walking. “Okay, fuck...we thhould probably talk about thith thhomewhere elthe.”

“That's smart. We can head to my place, since this Michael probably doesn't wanna explain to his parents that he's not their son.” Jeremy muttered, slurping on the slushy he'd bought on the way inside, letting Michael have it for a second to slurp it as well.

“Maketh thenthe. We can drive ourthelveth over there.”

“Okay good. Michael c'mon, we're gonna find a way to get you home.” With that, Michael was being dragged back out of the mall.

“Why the hell does Jake have a lisp?”

“Just cause.”

“My Jake doesn't have a lisp. Rich does.”

"...okay...that's weird

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