Odyssey Pt 2

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Part 2!!

(To Squip and his little group of squips)

"Shane you said you'd distract them!?" Squip yelled, holding the shortest of the team up by his shirt collar.

"They took my bazooka boss, what was I supposed to do!?" He put Shane down and walked over to the only female present in the room.

"Keira." She looked up, readjusting her fingerless gloves and smiling.

"Yes sir?" She asked seriously and he smiled.

"As my most formidable henchmen, I'm going to send you after Michael and his team. Can you take them out for me?"

"Of course sir." She smiled, pulling a whip out from her belt and laughing a bit. "Just give me a ship and I'll be on my way." Squip gave her a blueish lavender airship, sending her on her way.

"Do any of you boys have the catering ready?" The three looked at each other and shook their heads. "Oh my GOD YOU THREE!! Winston how about you just...make the food, you're a good cook." Winston soluted, running off to the airship's kitchen quickly.

Squip chuckled, dismissing the other boys to their own tasks, and walking over to Jeremy slowly. He got down on his knees to be at the caged boy's eye level.

"What do you think of my plan thus far love?" He asked and Jeremy smacked his hand away.

"I hate it! I hate you!!" Jeremy yelled angrily, face burning red as possible.

"Oh Jeremy...you'll love me soon enough, you're just nervous about tje big day I bet." Squip moved his hand on to Jeremy's cheek and the younger male shook him off.

"Don't you dare try to touch me!!" He spat and Squip laughed at him.

"But I've seen your precious Michael do that to you before. You liked it then."

"But that's because it wasn't you!" Squip stood up and made his way to the door, smiling back at his soon to be groom.

"You'll change your mind. I guarantee it." With that the door closed and Jeremy felt his tears pour down his cheeks.

He pulled a picture gently out of his boots and held it in his hands, trying to avoid crying on it.

"Michael...I know you're out there...please hurry...I don't know how much longer I can live without you..." He whispered, looking back down at the picture.

It was him and Michael during the Star Festival, their first real date...it had been perfect. But now they were worlds apart it seemed...and that moment felt like it was forever away from him.

"I love you Michael...and I hope you're okay..." He cried as he held the picture next to his heart.


"Hey ith thith another airthhip Michael, or am I going crazy?" Rich asked and Michael, who was no longer asleep, looked at the monitor and nodded.

"We gotta get to that ship now." With that, Rich boosted their own ship's speed so they could reach the airship quickly.

Once in sight, Michael smiled. He knew the light purple color well. Keira, Squip's number one minion, always seated at his right hand.

Michael and Christine boarded, and before they did Michael looked back at his ship.

"Rich, you got any powers with you?"

"Mmhm!" He threw a bottle of Ice(mountain dew ice)at Michael, and Live Wire(mountain dew orange basically)at Christine.

The duo took drinks from the bottles and looked at each other. They were ready.

Christine felt something wrap around her foot and turned back to see Keira standing there, dead expression on her face.

She slung her whip and sent electricity down Christine's body, causing her to scream in pain.

"Chris!!" Michael yelled, trying to get the whip off her leg. He realized he could freeze it and did, punching it apart afterwards.

"Thanks." Christine muttered, taking in another sip of Live Wire and powering up her body once more.

"You think freezing my whip can stop me lover boy." Keira smiled, pulling out two more whips. "Cuz there's more where that came from!" She sent whips at both of them.

Michael fired ice at the two whips, causing them to land. Christine then burned them, turning the ice into water, causing the whips to shock back at Keira, who shook them away before they could.

She jumped up and landed behind Michael, spinning him around and grinning. They were sort of in a tango dance pose, except she now had an electrified dagger against his back.

"Boss has big plans for your prince Michael, plans not even you can stop." From behind Michael, Christine was forming a large ball of fire unseen to Keira.

"What's he gonna do to Jeremy? I swear if he hurts him-" Keira quickly cut him off with rousing laughter.

"Why would he hurt Jeremy!? He's in love with him. Besides...on the day of the royal wedding...well I won't say, but you won't wanna miss it." She was about to stab Michael's back but Christine hit her with the large fireball and smiled.

"That put a fiery end to this ship didn't it?" She giggled, grabbing Michael's hand and running to the Shroomship, all four crew members watching it burn.

Keira got off though in a little flying pod, probably cursing out Michael and Christine as she headed to report to Squip.

"Rich, can you set Keira's pod as a target. We'll follow her to Squip, and wherever Squip is, Jeremy is." Rich nodded, quickly inputting the energy signals from both the pod and Keira herself and turning to Jake, signalling him to press the big "Target" button.

They had a one way ticket to Jeremy...and they were going to bring him home...no matter what.

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