Odyssey Pt 4

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I wanna do more chapters with this AU tbh I really like it.

Michael was hiding behind the back entrance of the main deck, breathing heavily as he heard Squip's minions crowding in.

He pulled a picture out of his pocket and smiled. He was gonna save Jeremy. He'd come so far that he couldn't give up now.

He gently kissed the photo and put it back in his pocket(which is very close to his heart may I say), looking down at the Live Wire in his hands.

He needed to be careful with the fire because he didn't wanna burn anybody he loved.

He looked back outside from the small window, Squip was sticking his hair back, standing at the end of the isle. Michael wanted to snap that jerk's neck.

A few seconds later and Michael seen Jeremy at the opposite end of the room and blushed, he was so beautiful. His tunic and torso piece were a beautifully pure white, the trimming was silver, and his cape was gold on the outside, to match his crown. His hair was neatly curled, and Michael could feel the familiar sensation of combing his hands through it.

But something struck him as off about his true love's appearance was his eyes. Normally a beautiful teal color, now neon blue, one that quite frankly blinded the onlooker. Not to mention his eyelids were half over his eyes, making him look tired.

Then Michael noticed the green gemstone and the golden necklace in which it was embedded...Jeremy didn't wear jewelry.

When he was almost next to Squip, Michael pulled out a white out and felt his body go invisible(kinda like the Boo Shroom). He slipped into the room, standing next to Jeremy calmly, finding the blush on his cheeks getting warmer by the second.

Keira was wedding them, begrudgingly it seemed, and Michael rolled his eyes as she cued for Squip to say his vows. Very cheesy to say the least.

What threw him off was when Jeremy said his vows. His voice sounded...more monotone, less like himself. Michael looked at Squip's suit and noticed a green jewel on his collar and his eyes widened.

That jewel matched Jeremy's necklace...meaning...Michael felt his heart shatter at the notion that Jeremy was under mind control.

"Does anybody object to this marriage?" Keira asked and Michael chugged a Red, revealing himself.

"I object!" He yelled and Squip grabbed Jeremy close to him, smiling evilly.

"Well you're too late Michael. Jeremy's MINE now, isn't that right Miah?" Squip asked sweetly and Jeremy cuddled into him.

"Of course Love." Michael balled his hands into fists, using the Live Wire to an advantage and summoning fire.

"Oh pitiful, pathetic Michael...it's almost over, don't you realize? As soon as we say the I Dos, Jeremy belongs to me. See this here necklace, its magic is permanent once we both say I do." Squip smiled and Michael got closer to them.

Michael looked at Jeremy's face, noticing the fear on it. He had to take the chance now to save his love.

"Jeremy...Jeremy you don't have to act scared...I'm not going to hurt you." Michael held his hand out, the fire gone from it.

Jeremy shook his head, holding Squip's hand tightly. Michael ignored the tears forming and got even closer.

"Jeremy please...come back with me." Michael's voice had went from loud to a whimper once his tears began falling. "Please don't marry Squip....Please please please..." Jeremy looked over at Squip, then back to Michael.

"Keira, I dos, now, hurry up!" Squip gritted at his right hand and she nodded quickly.

"Do you, King Squip, take Prince Jeremy Heere to be your husband until your games be over?" She asked hastily and Squip smiled.

"I do."

"And do you, Prince Jeremy Heere(of the Walnut Kingdom, jk, maybe), do you take King Squip to be your husband until your games be over?"

"I-" Before Jeremy could say 'i do' Michael ripped off the necklace as fast as possible, causing Squip's eyes to turn blue with anger.

"How DARE YOU RUIN MY PERFECT WEDDING!!" He yelled, walking back a bit to charge electricty through his conduction bracelets.

Jeremy had fallen over, and sat up gently, shaking his head and looking up at Michael and crying.

"Michael!!" He stood up and wrapped arms around him tightly.

"Jeremy, you're okay..." Michael whispered and the two stayed cuddled into each other before Michael heard electric buzzing. "We may need to leave."

"Right." Jeremy agreed and Michael picked him up and began running up the deck, trying to find where Rich was.

"Give me back my groom RIGHT NOW!" Squip was hot on their tail, electricity flying off his body like flames usually fell from Michael's hands.

"Michael, how are w-we getting home!?" Jeremy yelled and Michael heard Christine and Jake yelling, seeing them in Rich's Shroomship.

"That's how. Christine, take Jeremy, I'll handle Squip." Michael said, giving Jeremy to Christine and kissing him gently. "I'll stay safe for you okay?"

"Okay." Jeremy whispered as Christine helped him into the Shroomship.

"YO SQUIP!!" Michael yelled, hands burning as he looked up at his enemy, who was floating above him. "PREPARE TO TASTE FIRE!!" He shot a fire ball at the flag and watched it burn.

"You missed Michael!" What Squip didn't see was Michael chug an ice.

"You weren't what I was aiming for. But now you are." Michael had formed a large ball of ice and launched it at Squip, causing him to "short out" in pain.

Michael watched as fire surrounded the freezing Squip, and ran to the Shroomship, jumping inside and closing the entrance.

"Rich, we gotta book it, now." Rich quickly set the speed for turbo and headed back home.

Michael seen Jeremy over in the corner of the ship and crawled towards him, gently picking him up and sitting back down.

"M-Michael I'm sorry." He cried, wrapping arms around Michael tightly, causing the older male to hug back.

"It's alright love, it's fine. You did nothing wrong. You're safe now." Michael gently caressed Jeremy's cheek, causing the boy to plush furiously.

"I missed y-you." Jeremy mumbled and Michael kissed him with nothing but joy.

"I missed you too, my one and only." Jeremy smiled, staring into Michael's eyes calmly.

"I love you Michael."

"I love you too Jeremy and...that's why I waited to ask you this..." He let Jeremy stand up before standing up himself and taking a breath. "Prince Jeremy, I've been saving you for a while now, I don't even know how long, and I know that I'm not a prince or king but...I've given my life up for you, I would die for you, I'd do anything for you because I love you. You're my world and...I would like to know..." Michael got down on his knees and opened a box and looked up at Jeremy with sparkling eyes. "Would you do the honor of marrying me?"

Jeremy's hands were clasped over his mouth because he was speechless. His true love just proposed. He quickly wrapped arms around Michael and cried joyfully.

"Yes! Yes! Of course I'll marry you Michael!!"

"Wait, Michael, you're gonna be a Prince now." Christine told him and he shrugged.

"I don't care about that...as long as it's with Jeremy...I'll be alright." Michael's eyes were tear stained as he and Jeremy kissed again, holding it longer than the previous kiss.

When they released, they stared into each other's eyes.

"I love you Jeremy...more than anybody else...and I want to protect you for the rest of my game."

"I love you too Michael...and I will always love you, royalty or not."

Okay I'm like in love with this au

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