Rainbow Road

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I played some Mario Kart and just imagined the Boyfs doing so.
This is probably post Squip in the case that the boyfs got together two weeks after the play so basically my normal hc
TW: swearing and fluff. Just in case you're allergic to cuteness.

Oh and enjoy some nostalgia if you've ever played Mario kart bc the music.

"Dammit." Jeremy mumbled and Michael laughed a bit as he watched the shorter male continuously die. "Michael why is MK Wii's Rainbow Road so hard?" Jeremy whined and Michael shrugged.

"I dunno what you're talking about. I think Rainbow Road is easy. No matter which game you're playing." Michael spoke with a smirk on his face abd Jeremy's eyes narrowed.

"Really now?" He paused the game and turned around, Michael nodded firmly in response. "Fine. You and me, Rainbow Road, versus. Starting with Super Mario Kart."

"You're on Heere."

The two sat up Michael's SNES and put the game in.

"You ready?" Jeremy asked and Michael chuckled.

"Yeah. I should be asking if you're ready to get your butt wooped."

"More like you but whatever. Wait so do we get something if we win or..."

"Yeah. You do what I want or I have to do what you want. So if I win... we're gonna skip school and chill at the arcade, the mall, and you're gonna drink Crystal Pepsi whether you want to or not."

"Fine. If I win...umm...I don't know what I'll...oh I know. You're going to a furry convention with me and Brooke."

"Dammit Jeremy." Michael pushed his boyfriend gently and the two laughed before entering the character select screen.

As usual, Michael selected Mario, and Jeremy selected Luigi. And thus the race began.

"This is h-harder than I remember!!" Jeremy yelled, falling off the sharp turn in which he had been driving, and Michael laughed. "What!?"

"You know about the new Mario tennis game right? Mario Tennis Aces."


"You know how you said this was hard?"

"Yeah?" Jeremy was very confused at this point.

"Two words. Luigi's Mushroom." Michael smiled and Jeremy groaned as he respawned.

"I hate you."

"No you don't you love me."

"You're right, now back to the race!" Jeremy was trailing behind Michael, but was knocked off the road by a shell. "MICHAEL!!"


"Why do you do this!?"


An hour later and they're on the Wii. So far their scoreboard looked like this:

Michael's Wins: SMK, MK64
Jeremy's Wins: MKDD, MKDS

"Okay Heere, we're tied. We still gotta play Mario Kart 7 and 8. And Wii. No doubt I'll win that one."

"You're getting cocky Micha."

"Oh I am cocky...especially near you."

"MICHAEL SHUT UP!!" Jeremy covered his blushing face with his hands and Michael gently patted his back and laughed.


"Okay let's just...turn on the Wii."


"THIS TURN IS IMPOSSIBLE!!" Jeremy yelled, running off the road for what felt like the hundredth time, and Michael laughed as he passed him.

"You gotta slowly press the two button Jer. You can't just drive it, there's no wall." Michael drove through the launch star and Jeremy followed the advice and was right behind him.

"Thanks for the advice." Jeremy launched apast Michael using three mushrooms and screamed. "I WIN!"

"Jeremy. That was lap two." Jeremy had stopped holding the two button and Michael drove apast him.

"DAMN YOU!!" Jeremy sat down and was once again holding the two button. He wanted to win this. He had to win this.

(To the end of the level)

Jeremy's tongue was sticking out as he pressed the d-pad and launched a red shell at Michael, knocking him off guard. He then drove apast him and threw another shell behind him to ensure Michael lost.

Michael did lose that round, and Jeremy got up and began dancing happily.

"Okay so let's see...you've won Double Dash, DS, and now Wii. You're in the lead but we still got 7 and 8 left."

"Okay fine but I'm probably gonna kick your ass in one of those."

"Oh did I mention that MK8 has three Rainbow Roads?"


"Yep. And I kicked your ass on the two that aren't the MK8 version of Rainbow Road. Face it Jeremy, the gay is with me in this. I'm gonna win." Michael smiled and Jeremy rolled his eyes and grabbed a 3DS and Michael grabbed his own.

"Fine. But you're going DOWN in 7."

"I'd like to see. You. Try." And with that they were playing the next Rainbow Road.


"I admit it, I deserved to lose that." Jeremy mumbled and Michael fist pumped the air before getting Jeremy's Wii U set up.

"Okay so we're gonna play all three versions. And I'm glad this isn't MK8 Deluxe because of the autopilot and the antenna and all that cheating shit." Michael had just got the game on, grabbing his pro controller and plopping on the bean bag with a cocky smile on his face.

"Hey I like that stuff...makes my hands less sore after playing."

"Your hands are already cramping!?"


"That is pathetic."

"Shut up."

"Okay fine the game's ready. Three races. Winner take all."

With that, the two were playing the newest Rainbow Road in the newest Mario Kart, violently murdering each other to pass the finish line.

After the first lap, Jeremy had been pushed to 8th place, but he didn't let the stop him from trying to win.

He began manuevering past the other computers, red shells in hand, and when he caught up with Michael, he launched them, back to back to back, and drove towards the end, only to be hit by a blue shell and Michael passed him.

"DAMMIT!!" Jeremy yelled and Michael fell backwards laughing. "I WAS SO CLOSE! We're tied again though...that's good..." Michael sat up and looked at his pouty boyfriend.

"C'mon Jeremy, it's not like it's the end of the world."

"But I never win Mario Kart. Ever!!" Jeremy yelled and Michael schooched closer and took the controller out of Jeremy's hand, kissing his soft lips gently.

"Fine. How's about we call it a tie, and we do both the things we wanna do? That sound nice?" Michael put the controller on the ground and Jeremy wrapped arms on his shoulders and smiled.

"That sounds very nice Micha." He booped Michael before kissing him, and the two didn't hear Mr. Heere open the door and see their romantic geek time.

He just sat the pizza on the bed and left the boys(Boyfs)to their moment, the victory music for MK8 still playing in the background.

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