Same Wingperson Pt 3

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TW: swearing as expected bc it's BMC.
I have no clue how many parts this is gonna have lol

"Tho why did Chrith call uth all to the theater on a Thaturday again?" Rich mumbled, annoyed he and Jake weren't having a makeout session right now

"I honestly have no clue. Like, she literally didn't say anything." Jenna was scrolling through the texts the group chat had from the day prior and sighed. "I wish she'd of told us."

"If I'd known we were gonna wait this long I would've brought more froyo." Brooke whined, and Chloe handed her an unopened thing of Froyo.

"I wasn't gonna eat it anyways."

"Thank you Chloe." Brooke smiled as she opened it and dug into it.

"Yo is it me or is it weird that Jeremy and Michael haven't showed up?" Jake pointed out and as if on cue, everybody's favorite oblivious pair of boys showed up. "Nevermind."

The two were hardly talking, which everybody noticed, but what they noticed even more was how Jeremy was slowly trying to intertwined his fingers with Michael's.

"Jake, get your phone out." Rich mumbled, staring at the pair of soon to be interlocking hands and grinning from ear to ear.

Jake snapped the photo and gave the phone to Rich, who closed his eyes and held the phone close to his heart.

"I'm gonna cherithh thith photo forever." He whispered before they heard a scooter, and turned to see Christine. "When did thhe get a thcooter?"

"Hey guys, sorry I'm so late, I was printing off copies of the script." She scratched her neck awkwardly as she gave each person a script, smiling to herself as she knew where this was going.

"Did you write a play?" Michael asked and Christine nodded.

"I also made costumes. They're labelled with your names, they're in this box, there's bathrooms in the school so once we go inside you can change."

"How are w-we gonna get inside?"

"Simple Jeremy, as president of the drama department, I'm allowed permission to the theater and auditorium anytime I need it."

"You're the only member of the drama department Christine." Michael muttered and she gave him the face of 'you do not want to mess with me okay'.

She unlocked the doors and watched as everybody grabbed their outfits and went to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, they were all out and Michael was looking rather annoyed.

"Michael what's wrong?" Christine asked him and he sighed.

"Baby blue headband. I thought I told you guys I only like sky blue and deep blue, no baby blue." Michael mumbled and Christine pulled out a second head from her pocket and gave it to him. "Ooh purple, sweet."

"I mean, I t-thought the baby blue looked nice." Jeremy whispered, and Michael flushed red when he heard that.

"On second thought, keep the purple headband Chris." She nodded, smiling as she noticed the two were slowly but surely realizing how in love they were.

Once she'd packed all her friends into the auditorium, she grabbed a megaphone to make sure they'd listen.

"Okay, so half of you are extras. Just putting that in there now. The only characters that matter are Michael, Jeremy, Rich, and Brooke's characters." She began, watching as they all looked at the script to see who was who. "This is a love story, and I guess it's cliche but who cares. So of you're all looking at the script then you'll see the basic plot."

"Christine, I don't m-mean to judge but umm...the descriptions of this sounds like our everyday lives with romance." Jeremy mumbled and Christine nodded.

"Alright, so Michael, you're playing George, who's really in love with his best friend, Will, who's also in love with him, but your both oblivious. Jeremy you're Will. Rich and Brooke are going to be playing George and Will's not so oblivious friends who try to set them up on a date. You guys got that?"

They all nodded, Jeremy and Michael blushing furiously during the whole explanation.

"Alright, act one scene one, you guys have the scripts so I feel like I don't need to explain this." Christine felt a whirl of joy over herself as her friends began acting. While most of then sucked, which she didn't tell them, Jeremy and Michael's acting didn't even feel like acting.

It felt real.

Which is exactly what Christine had wanted to capture.


"Okay this is the big reveal scene guys. Everything has been pretty bad up until this for the characters. But this is gonna make up for everything." She smiled, grabbing the megaphone. "ACTION!" She yelled and the light shines on Michael and Jeremy, who were inches apart, holding hands and blushing.

"Just, tell me already. You've been acting weird lately and I wanna know why." Jeremy began, bringing his hand up to Michael's cheek and sighing. "I won't judge you. I'd never judge you. You're my best friend George...just tell me...please." Christine was watching the scene with anticipation, trying to stop her bouncing legs and failing.

"That's just it. We're best friends. Nothing more...I'll never be more than that will I?" Michael turned around, his back now facing Jeremy as he walked away, the light following him(oh btw Jake and Rich are in the control booth now).

"Look, I know you're upset, but I need to know...please." Jeremy's voice cracked and Michael turned around and went back to Jeremy, looking down at him with heartbreak in his eyes.

"Will...I...I love you okay. I have for...I don't even know how long now and it hurts that you never noticed...I've tried to tell you countless times...but..." Michael threw the script off the stage and grabbed Jeremy's hands tightly in his own, "You like her...she made you happy and I didn't want my stupid jealousy to get in the way of that. I wanted to be the person you wanted to hug and say I love you to. But it wasn't me. And I felt selfish for trying to even...even think that you'd love me...because I can't make you anywhere near that happy....and it hurts me. I cry every night thinking about how I'll never be yours...I just...wish I could be..." Michael finished, actually crying. Jeremy threw his script down as well and got closer to Michael, caressing his cheek gently.

"You know...a while ago I would've denied it...but I love you too...and you're the only person who's ever made me happy...and maybe if hadn't if pulled the shit I did...things would've been better. Maybe if I'd of realized you loved me...then I wouldn't have almost screwed up everything we'd built together...but my stupid crush got in the way of everything...I hurt you...I hurt you so much...and I wanted to stop but I didn't know how...yet you still came back for me...and I know...I know when I blacked out you kissed me...and that was the moment I realized how stupid I'd been...I was nothing but a jerk to you and I left you but you still loved me and I love you now but I get if you don't wanna date me because of how terrible of a person I am...I know I am...I'm awful...ugly...I can't even keep up a fake cool guy persona for a week without almost destroying everything and I just...I-" Michael cut Jeremy off by kissing him.

Jeremy's face burned redder than ever as he let his hand slide down and quickly wrap around Michael's shoulder.

Michael pulled Jeremy in by the waists, and they stood there, the kiss taking any self control they had and throwing it out there window.

When they released, their foreheads were touching, and they were staring into each other's eyes with passion.

"I love you Jeremy...I should've told you sooner...." Michael whispered, and Jeremy blushed.

"I....I love you too Michael...I just wish I hadn't have been so stupid..." Jeremy mumbled, and Michael noticed he was crying and gently wiped away his tears.

"You aren't stupid just made mistakes...but I forgive you..." Michael smiled and Jeremy quickly began snuggling into him.

"End scene!!" Christine yelled and the two boys realized everybody had seen that. "That was fucking BEAUTIFUL!" Christine covered her mouth the minute she said that.

"Oh wow, Boyf Riendth made Chrithtine curthe. That ith the pure power of the thhip!" Rich yelled from the control booth...and everybody could hear him.

"Wait a second. Christine was this just a setup to get me and Jeremy together?" Michael asked and she nodded. " didn't tell him about you dressing up as him did you?"


"W-Wair, Christine dressed up as me too?"

"What do you mean too?"

"She d-dressed up like you to help me practice telling you how I f-feel."

"Oh my God she did that for me too!" They both turned to Christine, who crossed her arms and smiled.

"Who's the best wing person, Christine's the best wing person!" She sang, and the boys laughed a bit.

"Thanks Chris." Michael waved as he walked Jeremy out of the school. "So you wanna go on a date?"

"Depends on where to?"



(Back inside)

"You have costumes of Michael and Jeremy?" Brooke asked and Christine nodded. "Why?"

"For situations like this."

"I bet she has costumes of all of us." Jake laughed, getting a punch from Rich.

"I bet thhe hath cothtumeth of all of uth and every muthical character thhe ith obtheththed with!" Rich yelled at him and Christine giggled. "I wath right?"


"Jake give me money."

"How bout I give you a kiss instead?" Jake picked Rich up and the two were kissing before everybody knew it.


As Christine was riding home she smiled calmly, humming to herself.

"Today was great." She spoke softly, "because you helped two of your friends realized they were in love. And you got to write your own play. was back to the Hamilton." She began rapping five seconds after saying that.

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