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Jeremy has braces and nobody can convince me otherwise alright, alright
Also they're in like...seventh grade, Michael is only out to Jeremy and his family.
TW: probably light swearing as usual Idek

Jeremy had not wanted to go to school. He hadn't wanted to do anything because his mouth was in so much pain it would keep him distracted from doing anything.

He didn't want to eat or drink anything, he just wanted to stay at home in bed and wait for his mouth to feel normal again.

But most importantly, he didn't want Michael to see his braces, he didn't want anybody to see but mostly Michael. He knew he wouldn't make fun of him. But he was still really insecure about them.

He didn't even brush his teeth that morning because he didn't want to look at them, he just threw on his clothes and missed the bus.

Looks like he was walking.

So he did, humming to himself to stop himself from singing out loud. And who rolled over to him in wheelies was none other than Michael, who had the same adorably wide grin on his face as usual.

"Did you miss the bus again Jeremy?" He asked, skating in front of Jeremy, but facing him. Jeremy nodded. "You alright?" Jeremy nodded again and sped walked in front of Michael, looking at his feet and keeping his mouth closed. "Okay buddy. If you say so." Michael held out the 'o' in 'okay' for a few seconds longer, as if he doubted Jeremy telling the truth.


Jeremy didn't talk at all that day, not even during attendance, he just raised his hand instead of saying "present" like he normally did.

And this worried Michael. Jeremy's silences were only this long if his mom had been present at the Heere household the day before...but his mom hadn't been there.

Michael tried to get Jeremy to talk all throughout the day, up until lunch, because Jeremy was going to eat. Michael would get him to talk then.

"Race ya to the cafeteria, slowpoke." Michael teased, clicking his heels together and skating down the hall. Usually that would get a laugh out of Jeremy but he still just remained quiet, and he walked slowly, not even bothering to catch up with Michael, who skated back and sighed. "The hell is wrong with you Jeremy? You're never this quiet."

Jeremy didn't even look at Michael, just continued walking.

"Did I do something wrong Jeremy? Are you...Are you mad at me or something?" Michael was getting worried about Jeremy's silence and attitude. He seemed pissed and Michael wanted to know why. "Did somebody hurt you? If they did I'ma beat the shit out of them."

"Michael..." Jeremy spoke softly as he continued down the hallway. " has nothing to do with didn't do anysing wrong." Why did Jeremy's 'thing' sound like a 'sing'?

"I'm just glad you can talk...but...why are you so upset? And you can tell me anything, I swear I won't judge you." Michael smiled and Jeremy looked over at him and didn't want to say anything more...but he knew Michael deserved to know.

" braces..." Jeremy muttered and Michael didn't hear him.

"Could ya speak up please buddy? I didn't catch that."

"I got braces Michael. I got ugly pieces of metal glued on to my teeth." Jeremy finally spoke at a normal volume and Michael grabbed his hand and pulled him off their path and to a hallway bathroom.

"Lemme see." Michael bounced up and down estaticly and Jeremy opened his mouth and pulled his lips just enough so Michael could see. "Oh my God they look awesome." Michael slapped Jeremy's back in a playful manner, smiling wide.

"No they aren't...they hurt and my mouth has some cuts inside and I can't eat properly...they only make me uglier than I was...what with all the acne and freckles."

"Well I think they make you look cool. They fit you. I mean, I have glasses, and look at the size of these things they're freaking huge." Michael chuckled and Jeremy laughed a bit.

"Michael your glasses fit you though. Extravagant, extra, aiming big, they're Michael shaped."

"And your braces are Jeremy shaped. They're gonna help get your teeth together, just like how you helped me get myself together. They help you, like you help me, and others. They look good on you, and only on you." Michael's smile was wide as he led Jeremy out of the bathroom, and the taller male was smiling himself now.

"T-Thanks Michael. You always k-know what to say, don't you?"

"Yep! Now let's go I'm starving and lunch will be over soon. I brought slushy so if you can't eat right now you can borrow that." Jeremy nodded, and Michael pulled the slushy out of the small pocket on the side of his bag, and Jeremy began slurping on it slowly.

Michael didn't tell Jeremy he looked absolutely adorable with braces, mainly because Jeremy was straight...or at least he claimed he was...but Michael didn't worry about it.

He just wanted to make his best friend and favorite person in the entire world smile...because that smile made him smile...that smile made him happy.

Jeremy's smile made him...himself...Jeremy made Michael who he was...without him, Michael would be one half of a whole person...because he needed Jeremy.

And these were the thoughts plaguing his mind as he sat by Jeremy at the end of their lunch table, talking like he didn't have a care in the world, when really, he cared so much that it hurt him.

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