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In this universe, there had always been two types of races. Normal humans, which were as basic as basic got...and creatures with magic unattainable to these humans...supposedly.

They never really fought each other, and sense the two races learned different set skills, having multiple schools worked out in favor of both races.

That was until the creatures(formally known as Magicals)found ways to suppress their powers and live amongst humans normally.

And some of these Magicals fell in love with humans, and they got married, and eventually had a child.

These children were much different than their parents. They shared features of both Magicals and humans, their skin bring a normal human color, but their features being more a kin to the Magical parent.

This led to them being called hybrids, creatures who can't suppress their powers like their Magical parents. And many of the Magical parents who helped to have these kids didn't want them, and so most hybrids grow up without Magical parents.

And since hybrids are very few, they were forced into human schools, because Magical schools saw them as a disgrace. The human schools weren't much better though.

Most hybrids were bullied for being freaks, some almost killed due to the nature of their powers. The humans didn't care, hardly any Magicals cared at all for hybrids, abd parents never found out, so the treatment never stopped.

Hybrids are still treated like this in present day, and that's where our story begins. With a young dragon hybrid named Michael Mell.


"Mahal wake up! It's your first day going to public school and you'll look bad if you're late!" Maganda Mell, one of the few Magicals who stayed with their hybrid offspring, was trying to wake her son up, but he wasn't leaving the room. "Michael Mell, you need to get dressed for school!" She knocked on the door louder but he was still asleep. "He stayed up playing video games all night again..Michael, if you don't wake up I'm going to ground you from all your video games for a month."

Inside his room, Michael quickly sat up at the threat to lose the only means of happiness in his life. He pushed off his heat rock and flew over to his closet, grabbing his custom made hoodie and zipping both the front zipper and the zippers for the wings.

He grabbed jeans and wheelies, sliding them on as fast as possible, picking up his backpack, and finally his glasses, before plopping in front of the door and opening it.

"Knew that would get you up." Maganda smiled at him, ruffling his almost black hair and giggling a bit. "C'mon Mahal, smile, you're going to public school. This is a big day for you."

"I know Mama...I'm just tired." He wiped his eyes, having to fix his glasses again and headed to the bathroom.

"Well you shouldn't have stayed up playing Apocolypse of the Damned all night."

"I know Mama...and I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry Mahal, just try to go to bed at a reasonable hour. You already have sleep deprivation, you're only going to make it worse."

"Okay Mama." Michael mumbled as he put toothpaste on his custom made brush and began brushing at his sharp teeth, loving the cold feeling the toothpaste left in his typically dry and hot mouth.

He went to leave but heard a knock at the door.

"Don't think you're leaving without shining your horns." Maganda called from the other side and Michael grabbed a rag and wet it, gently rubbing it over his dark red horns.

"I finished. Can I leave now?"

"Yes you are permitted to leave the bathroom." The door opened and he chuckled at his mom's random humor. "Your lunch is downstairs. I packed your favorite."

"Negimaki??" Michael's tail began to point up and his wings immediately stopped dragging.

"Yes. Also your favorite drink."

"Crystal Pepsi!?"


"W-Where did you...nevermind! Thank you Mama!!" He hugged her tightly, his tail wralling around her foot.

"You're welcome Mahal. Now you better head off if you don't wanna be late."

"Wait, you're not taking me?"

"I have work."


"Relax Mahal, it'll be fine. And remember, Mahal Kita." She kissed his forehead and he smiled a bit more than he had been at the contact.

"Mahal din Kita Mama." He began flying again, not too high up, but enough so the only thing touching the floor was his tail.

He flew downstairs and grabbed his lunch box and waved goodbye to his mother before leaving.

He took in a heavy breath as he headed off towards the human middle school he knew he would be attending.

Middleborough Middle.


The moment he walked through the doors he felt all eyes on him, and in the worst way possible.

He threw his hood up and pulled his wings around himself, avoiding any and all eye contact. This was an omen of things to come. That much was obvious.


His day went by with everybody glancing at him strangely, since his first two classes didn't have hybrids. Which made him start to think maybe there weren't as many hybrids as he had hoped there would be.

When the lunch bell finally rang, he began walking towards the cafeteria, but stopped when he heard whimpering coming from around the back corner.

He followed the sound and when he got around the corner, he seen a few pretty intimidating looking boys probably older than himself crowding around something...or somebody.

Michael then noticed the strange transparent bowl with wheels flipped upside down, and how water was everywhere on the floor.

"The poor wittle mermaid can't even protect himself. Pathetic really." One of the boys laughed, kicking at the creature they were looking at.

Wait...mermaid...that meant...Michael felt his face heating up in rage knowing that these kids were beating up another hybrid.

"Hey!" He yelled and the three boys looked at him and began laughing.

"Look at that, the fish freak has a freak friend!" Another one of them said and Michael let out a rather intense growl for somebody, especially a hybrid, of his age. "Oh shit." He kept getting closer until the three boys ran off.

He calmed down and then looked down at the little merman who'd been victim to that abuse. He was practically dying. He was clearly dehydrated, and he was twitching every so often, his tail splashing around slight.

All Michael could do was pick him up after flipping his bowl around, and then rushing him to a bathroom and using his wings to get water into the brunette.

"C'mon live, please..." Michael mumbled to himself as the kid began coughing before throwing his goggles on and submerging his entire body in the bowl.

He looked up and see Michael, grateful surprise on his face for the person who saved him.

"You alright?" Michael asked, getting down on his knees so they were eye level. The boy nodded a bit, emerging from the bowl of water and looking down.

"I mean...I am now...b-but only cause you way..."


"I'm not the only h-hybrid here." The merboy seemed more shocked than anything about the entire situation, and Michael just nodded, not knowing what to say. "I-I didn't expect there to be other hybrids h-here. This school is pretty b-bad when it comes to their treatment."

"Well I was starting to lose hope I'd ever meet another hybrid so looks like we were both wrong..." There was an awkward silence before Michael held his hand out. "Name's Michael Mell." The boy used one of his hands to high-five Michael's, then waited for Michael to upside down high-five him. "What?"

"You're supposed t-to high-five while our elbows are touching." Michael nodded and did just that, getting smile from the boy. "I-I'm...I'm J-Jeremy Heere."

"Wait, your last name is here?"

"Heere. H-E-E-R-E. It's weird I know. Just like me..."

"Hey it's not weird. It's just different. And you aren't weird, hell, being half fish must be awesome. At least you don't have wings to worry about."

"No but I don't exactly have legs. Luckily m-my dad made t-this transporting wheel b-bowl."

"Well I think that's pretty neat. Now I've been meaning to eat so we should probably get going."

"O-Okay Michael." Jeremy smiled as Michael flew around behind him and began pushing them both towards the smell of food.

Looks like Michael's first day hadn't sucked as bad as anticipated.

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