Kicked Out

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Based on an actual conversation I just had about three minutes ago. Except my family isn't abusive about it like Rich's mum or Michael's dad.

TW: Homophobia, misgendering, swearing, oh Jeremy is the trans one that is misgendered by Rich's family just saying.

Rich loved looking at yearbooks. At least now that he was happy with himself. He found himself looking through Middleborough Middle yearbooks and found a picture that looked...familiar.

"Hmm...Jamie Heere...oh wait...oh thhith. Jeremy'th tranth?" Rich mumbled to himself as he shut the book and his it in his backpack.

Rich was inviting all the guys of the Squip Squad to his house. His mom was going to kill him when she seen there was a gay couple in her house, especially with one being trans.

See, Rich's mom believe trans people were only trans because they wanted to be gay. She believed all gay guys wore makeup and heels and frilly clothes. She believed all lesbians, or "gay women" as she didn't know the official term called them, had short hair and wore guy clothes.

She believed there was no in between. You couldn't be straight and gay. You had to be one or the other...and Rich was bi...and he was still closeted about it.

The doorbell rang and Rich ran to go get it, a smile quickly spreading on his face as he seen probably the only friends he hadn't been lying to keep around.

"Are your friends here Rich?" His mom yelled and Rich replied with a lazy "yes."

He lead them to the large kitchen where they seen a short, light brown headed lady making dinner.

"Mom, thethe are my friendth." Rich hated calling Jake just a friend because they were more. They had been secretly dating since junior year.

Rich's mother turned around and she began looking at Jeremy...weirdly.

Jeremy remembered he wasn't wearing his binder, just Michael's baggy clothes, and he began internally screaming.

"Sweetie I thought you said you were inviting just guys." Ms. Goranski said and Rich nodded.

"They are. Thith is Michael, Jeremy, and Jake." Rich hoped his mom's homophobia would lay down but it didn't.

"Rich sweetie this one's a girl." She pointed to Jeremy, who felt his face turn red.

"M-Ma'am I'm a b-boy." Jeremy stammered out and she kept staring at him, and he felt her eyes peering into his soul.

"No you aren't. You aren't one of those transexual or whatever they're called are you?"

"Umm miss it's transgender." Michael said and she gave him a glare.

"How do you know?" She asked and Rich felt his face heating up. She's gonna find out. I'm gonna lose my only friends...oh shit oh sweet shit... Rich began breathing heavily and Jake noticed.

"Because I just do and I also know you don't have a write to misgender my boyfriend." Michael wrapped his arms around Jeremy and the younger male fell into it.

"Your what?" She was getting furious and cut her voice at him.

"My boyfriend. JEREMIAH Heere." Michael could deal with homophobes being jerks to him but you make fun of Jeremy and you're dead meat.

"You... you're gay." She mumbled and Michael proudly pointed to the patch on his hoodie and stuck his tongue out, not noticing Rich trying to tell him to stop.

Ms. Goranski seen.

"Richard did you know about this?" She asked and Rich couldn't talk. His breath was starting to speed up and he couldn't comprehend anything.

Jake walked over to him and began to rub circular motions right below Rich's neck. Rich's breath slowed a bit. Jake started whispering...something to him, and without thinking, kissed him softly, and Rich fell into it.

"My own son is a fucking homosexual." Ms. Goranski grabbed Rich's arm, right where the Squip marks were, and pulled him away from Jake.

"No he's bisexual." Jake corrected and she gave him the look of death itself.

"Such a thing doesn't exist. I can't believe three queers contaminated my son. Hell, one of them doesn't even have a penis and claims she's a male. Oh I'm sorry a transgender, that's what you said right!?" She glared at Jeremy and Michael, and Jeremy began crying. He wrapped his arms around Michael and let him gently brush his hair with his soft, caramel fingers.

Rich didn't speak at all. He was too busy crying over what was going on.

"I can't believe you three. Disgracing the pure bodies your Lord gave you. You probably fuck males right? You're the gay one. You only say you're male so you can be with him, and I don't even know what you are!" She pointed to Jake, who moved her hand down.

"I'm pansexual Ms. Goranski, which means I don't give two shits about gender. And I'm dating your son. And if you wanna be a good parent, you'll let him be himself." Jake's hands were in fists as he walked closer to her, his tall stance towering her easily.

"You can't just not love any specific gender. There's only two genders anyways. Male. Female. There are no nonbinaries or transgenders or any of that shit. You're a guy. You're a guy, and the scrawny one's a girl. I bet your parents are sick at what they've raised." Ms. Goranski quietly but harshly whispered, her grip on Rich's scars tightening.

"My moms are gay " Michael laughed out, smiling at the thought of his mothers.

"My parents left." Jake was blunt, not even realizing he was crying.

"My dad doesn't c-care. He's bi too." Jeremy mumbled into Michael's warm chest and Rich's mom just froze.

"All of you out. Now. Even you." She pointed to Rich and he froze.

"I'm your thon!" He yelled and she slapped his arm, making him wince.

"Not anymore. You're not the same boy I gave birth to 17 years ago. Get some of your things and leave." She pointed upstairs and Rich ran up crying, packing up his posters, movies, clothes, and most of all, the bisexual pride flag Jake bought him, and the giant Jack Skellington plush Jake bought him for Christmas.

He headed downstairs and walked out, not even saying goodbye to his mother as he slammed the door.

Jake was waiting for him outside. They all were. He ran over and hugged Jake tightly, tears pouring from his blue eyes down his freckled cheeks.

"Hey calm down Rich, calm down. You don't need that bitch. She was never a good mom if she actually believed that shit." Jake whispered and Rich looked up and smiled.

"Thankth guyth. You finally got me outta that hellhole but...where do I go now? Jake is homelethth." Rich mumbled and Jeremy realized he had an extra bedroom.

"I-If you want you can s-stay at my place. My dad won't mind a few more men in the house...i-it'll make wearing boxer shorts l-less... uncomfortable." Jeremy mumbled and Rich's eyes seemed to glow.

"Really?" He asked and Jeremy nodded.

"I-I'll call him in the car. Michael can drive us there." Jeremy motioned for the backseat. Rich quickly hugged Jeremy and opened the door, thanking him happily.

Michael drove them by Jeremy's house, kissing his boyfriend softly and letting them get out, before driving back home.

"Hey Dad, we have a f-few guests staying for a few weeks. U-Until they can g-get a house." Jeremy said loudly and the second Mr. Heere seen the boys he knew who they were.

Jeremy talked all about his friends to his dad so he could easily tell who was who. He let them stay, they took the old room that belonged to Jeremy's mother before she left.

So now Rich and Jake lived with the Heeres and it was much more peaceful than living in secrecy for another year.

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