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So if you've read the Boyf one shot book you know about the zombie AU j recently posted. Well. This goes alone with that. It's after Jeremy ran away with Michael.
Oh yeah
TW: swearing, blood, typical apocolypse stuff

"We aren't just letting him run off with a zombie Chris. I'm going to find him and being his scrawny lol ass back here." Jake put his bag on and looked at Christine softly. "We'll come back."

"You better, I doubt we can survive on our own without both you and Rich, considering you kill most the zombies." Brooke yelled from her tent.

"If we wanna find Jere we better leave now. Becauthe Michael hath probably tried eating him be now." Rich tugged at Jake's shirt and the taller male nodded.

"We have our phones if you need to contact us." Jake hugged Christine tightly. "We will come back."

"Good luck out there guys. Please bring Jeremy back."

"We will." Rich stuck out his tongue happily and gave a thumbs up. Christine waved goodbye to them as they left to begin their search.

"I bet ten dollars he's already dead." Jake nudged Rich's arm and the shorter male laughed.


"We don't even have that much." The two were silently laughing before they heard something. Rich pulled out his gun as quick as possible, and Jake pulled out his chainsaw.

They looked around and eventually zombies began coming towards them.

"I go left, you right." Jake commanded and Rich nodded.

There was so much blood it was quite the sight. Two teenage males slaughtering the undead together, covered in blood, and didn't even seen phased.

Rich went to shoot another zombie but it got his hand. He tried shaking it off but it did no good.

"J-Jake!!" Rich yelled in fear and Jake turned around to see what happened. He decapitated the last two zombies and ran over to Rich, chainsawing the zombie in two.

"Rich, babe, dude, just calm down, show me what it did." Jake sat down, letting Rich on his leg. Rich was shaking, breathing heavily too. He showed Jake his hand and the taller male seen it had spread to almost the elbow.

"W-What do we do Jake? I don't wanna die! Or hurt you!" Rich was crying and Jake held him tightly, but it hit him.

"Rich, this is gonna hurt but I need you to hold out your arm." Jake grabbed his chainsaw gently without Rich seeing.


"I know a way to stop it but you have to trust me." Jake looked Rich dead in the eyes, green interlocking with blue. "Can you do that?"

"Mm-Mmhm." Rich gently nodded, biting his lip as he stood up and held his arm out.

"Oh and...close your eyes, you don't wanna see this." Jake mumbled and Rich did just that.

Jake cranked up the chainsaw, and with a bit of regret, he brought it down on Rich's arm, right under the shoulder, causing the younger male to scream in pain.

The arm fell off, blood and veins everywhere, even some bone was visible.

Jake quickly brought his bag in front of him and grabbed the small first aid kit every member of the squad was equipped with.

"Rich I'm sorry I just...I couldn't lose you. Not again." Jake gently began wiping blood off the younger male's armless shoulder, and Rich refused to open his eyes.

"Y-You could've told me you were gonna cut my damn arm off Jake!" Rich cried out and Jake nodded.

"I know...I just...well I didn't wanna scare you or anything because I knew you wouldn't let me do it." Jake reassured him as he began wrapping bandages around the stub.

"Never do that again." Rich mumbled as he felt Jake wrap his arms around him.

"I won't. Unless another zombie tries to kill you because you ARE surviving this thing. I'm not letting you die." Jake looked down at his short boyfriend and thought what it would be like if he died.

Probably depressing, and Jake would probably lose his will to fight. Yes he still would have the girls and Jeremy, if they found him alive, left but.. no Rich would be like a dog without its favorite chew toy.

"Well if a zombie doeth that to you I'm chainthawing you limb off ath well." Rich mumbled, trying to sound annoyed through his tears and failing.

"Okay now c'mon. It's getting dark and we need to set up a place to rest for the night." Jake grabbed his back and wrapped it back on his back, put the chainsaw in one hand, and held Rich's hand with the other. "We'll make a small fire and camp out for the night. I'm sure this won't take too long. How far could Jeremy and a zombie get?" Jake laughed out and Rich laughed alongside him.

They made the fire and found a small tree to lean against. Jake leaned directly on it, Rich leaned into Jake's chest, snuggling close to it.

Jake looked down at the now sleeping Rich and gently kissed his head.

"I'm sorry about the arm thing...I hope you know I did that to save you." Jake muttered under his breath, throwing a small log into the fire. "Sleep tight Rich...I love ya." Jake leaned farther back on the tree and closed his eyes.

Night one of Jeremy rescue mission was...half successful.

Night two better be different.

Okay so I don't write a lot or read a lot of RichJake so like... this is the best I could do. I'ma probably go back and forth from this book and the Boyf book for the zombie stories. Might make an apocalypse one shot book called More than Survive when I finished it.

Btw Jeremy is still alive, Michael hasn't killed him because he's still mentally stable...somewhat.

Yeah oh btw Rich wears Jake's jacket, Jake has bandages all over his arm. Mostly from getting scratched by prickly bushes in the forest, that and zombies. Obviously.

Oh yeah and yes, Jake and Christine are close, they're kind of the leaders of the whole squad after Michael left and Jeremy gave up his position.

Heads up for Badass Christine y'all

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