💖🤍Sato Rikido- A late night bake💖🤍

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I do not own the art

This boy does NOT get enough love! I thought I would write for him first as I have not seen a lot of other writings with him.

You tossed and turned on your bed. No matter how you lay on the disheveled sheets,  you could not seem to get comfortable.

Giving up, you sat up and placed your feet onto the cold floor. You figured you might as well get a glass of water if you couldn't sleep. It might help for all you knew. As you neared the common area of the Heights Alliance, you heard slight banging coming from the kitchen.

Curiosity took over all feeling of panic that may have developed had it not been for your sleep deprived state. You quietly crept towards to kitchen door.

You pushed the door open slightly. Just enough for you to peak your head in to see who or what was there. You caught a glimpse of the brown spiky hair of your classmate and friend, Sato Rikido.

Ok he was more than a friend to you. You had always had an interest on him, even if you'd never admit it. The way he talked to you always made your heart race, your face turn red, and fill your stomach with butterflies. You tried so hard to digest those butterflies but they always came back. You tried to convince yourself that he would not be interested in you. That he was too focused on becoming a pro hero. So you tried to suppress your feelings for him during every interaction you had with him.

It was only now when you were able to catch the scent of something sweet.

You knocked softly on the door you were currently peeking out of, hoping not to alarm the sugar rush hero. It wasn't long before you heard a loud thud and a soft grunt of pain.

"Sato are you alright?" You asked, clearly concerned as you rushed over to the location of the noise.

"Yeah I'm ok (Y/N). Just hit my head on the bottom of the counter. I was trying to get the mixing bowl out of the cabinet but you startled me before I could grab it." He chuckled in response, rubbing his head.

He looked up at you from the floor. "What are you doing up this late? I figured everyone would be asleep by now."

You offered Sato your hand, which he gratefully grabbed onto and lifted himself up from sitting on the kitchen floor. You blushed slightly at the feeling of his hand in yours but you quickly brushed it off.

"Couldn't sleep. I decided to get a glass of water and that's when I found you." You stated, looking up at your towering friend. You weren't short but you weren't overly tall either. This made Sato look like a giant next to you.

"What are you still doing awake?" You questioned in return

"I couldn't sleep either. Baking often helps me on restless nights so I came down to bake a little. Want to join me?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

You nodded quickly. You had always wanted to learn how to bake and now you get to! With the one and only Sato no less! He chuckled softly before grabbing a large mixing bowl. You grabbed a spare apron from by the door, placing your head through the neck tie and tying the string around your waist.

"So. What exactly were you planning on baking tonight?" You leaned onto the counter top as Sato laid out the ingredients he needed.

"I was thinking about making tiramisu. Not much baking is put into it but it's a classic and I think our classmates would like it."

You nod. "What can I do to help?" You asked eagerly. Sato smiled and handed you a saucepan.

"what you need to do is separate the egg yolks from the whites. Once you are done with that, put the yolks in the pan and whisk some sugar in with it." He handed you six eggs as you nodded again and began to crack the eggs open, careful not to break the yolks or get the shell into the mix. You mixed the sugar in with the yolks and mixed until they were well blended. "Alright! now what do I do?" You clapped your hands together. Sato looked up from the bowl he was mixing cream and vanilla in. The mixture was beginning to form small peaks.

"Perfect! Just put that on the stove and put it on medium heat. You will need to stir it the entire time until it starts boiling. After it starts, let it boil for a minute and then remove it from the stovetop to cool off a little."

You did as he asked of you and before long, he came and took the pan from the stove. "From here, we just wrap this up and refrigerate it from mmm... about an hour." He stated, wrapping the pan with a clear plastic wrap. He put the mixture in the fridge and turned to you. He then looked at the time.


"Ok so that should be ready by midnight. This fridge is colder than most for some reason so it should be done faster. Do you think you will be able to stay awake that long?" He asked seeing you laying your head on the countertop.

"Absolutely!" You snapped up. You were determined to spend this time with Sato.

He laughed softly. "You don't have to work yourself too hard (Y/L/N). If you're feeling tired, I don't want to be the one keeping you awake just because I would like your help."

"Nope! I'm helping you!" You slapped your cheeks, trying to knock yourself awake. "How about we just talk in the meantime? It'll help keep me up and g-get to know you better." You stuttered slightly, blush raising to your cheeks.

"I'd be down for that." Rikido smiled gently.

You two talked about just about everything. The conversation consisted of what you learned during training, what you thought of your classmates, who you thought would win in a fight against each other, and all things in between until the timer on Sato's phone went off.

"Alright! Onto the next few steps to the recipe." He grinned, standing up from the ground. He offered you a hand up, as you did to him before. You smiled back and took his hand, lifting yourself up. His hand lingered in yours for a few seconds and you could have sworn you felt his thumb brush slightly along the back of your hand. "Right!" He exclaimed before turning quickly and walking to the fridge.

He placed the cold pan back onto the countertop and whisked mascarpone in with the mixture. "Can you go grab coffee from the counter over there? I made it before you came in." He pointed over to the counter behind him.

"Of course!" You cheered, doing what he asked you to.

When you returned, Sato was cutting small sponge cakes in half and laying them to the side. "Awesome! Can you dip these cakes into the coffee?" He asked, grabbing an additional pan from a nearby cabinet. Once you soaked a cake, Rikido would lay it in the pan until the entire bottom of the pan was covered.

He then took the egg mixture and spread half of it all over the layer. He then handed you the whipped cream before motioning for you to spread it over the mix. You smiled brightly before getting to work.

You repeated the process of laying down the cakes, spreading out the egg mixture, and spreading the whipped cream.

"Now for the final step!" Sato cheered grabbing the cocoa powder from the cabinet over the refrigerator. He then grabbed a strainer from by the sink. "Do you want to do this part?" He asked looking down to you, a kind and gentle smile on his face. You nodded happily, causing Rikido to laugh quietly.

You sifted the brown powder through the kitchenware, messily covering the "baked" good.

After completely covering the treat, you looked up at Sato happily and you heart nearly jumped out of your chest. Sato was looking so proud of you.

He was looking at you like were were the only person in the world. His hands suddenly were on yours as he continued to look into your eyes. His gentle onix eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips.

"Sato-san? W-what is it?" You asked, your face redder than it has ever been.

"(Y/L/N)-chan..." he whispered. Your breath caught in your throat upon hearing the nickname.

"This has been the best night of my life. You have turned my otherwise lonely night into one that I will always hold dear in my heart. Thank you for that." He commented, brushing your hair out of your face.

"I know this may seem out of the blue but... I really like you (Y/L/N). You make me so happy and I have never had a bad day with you around. I have been questioning these feelings for sometime but after tonight, I know for a fact that I am in love with you (Y/F/N)."

Silence filled the room as you stood in front of your classmate, heart racing, face red, and mouth hung open slightly.

"Y-you don't have to say anything. You don't have to like me either! I just thought it was time to get that off of my chest. Sorry if I made things awk-" Sato began to ramble until you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him down.

Your lips met his and time had seemed to stop around you. You broke away from the kiss and looked back into his eyes. His face was just as red as yours and a shocked look plastered onto his features.

You giggled softly. "I like you too, Rikido. I never thought you would like me back so I never said anything."

You two shared one more kiss before placing the tiramisu in the fridge for the night, deciding it was a good time to go to bed.

You were about to leave the kitchen area before turning around, facing your new boyfriend.

"Hey Riki."

"Hm?" he hummed in response, putting dishes into the sink.

"I'll tira-miss you."

A laugh sounded behind you as you walked out with a smile on your face.


Word count: 1716

First one shot done!! I feel like this was trash X3 I'm super tired and have no comprehension on what sounds good or not right now so please let me know what you all felt about this one. I've never written a one shot before either so that just adds to the trashiness. Hope you enjoyed it anyways XP

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