Shota Aizawa x Pregnant! Wife! Reader

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When (Y/n) woke up, she looked to her side and saw a note where her husband was supposed to be. Before she read it, slight frustration filled her, as well as some coldness as her tail swished and wrapped itself around her body.

She picked up the note, and her eyes scanned across the familiar writing.
'Sorry, I had to go to UA early because of Present Mic. I promise I'll give you lots of cuddles tonight as an apology'

Anger now filled (Y/n). It was anger at both Present Mic and her husband. Present Mic, because he forced her husband to go to work early and her husband because he didn't wake her up to tell her. She got up, groaning a little from the large bump on her stomach (she was nine months along, and expecting any day now), which held two babies in it, one girl and one boy.

Standing up, she went straight to her closet, picked out a casual outfit, consisting of a black and white striped shirt, peach cardigan and black pants. She walked up to her bedroom door and opened it, then walked down the corridor, and to her bathroom. When in there, (Y/n) picked up a hair tie, tying her hair into twin tails, then wrapping a ribbon into a small bow around both.

Quickly, she walked up to her front door, took the spare key, unlocked the door and exited the house. (Y/n), after doing so, locked the door and began her walk to the school where her husband worked at.

* * * * *

In classroom 1-A, Shota was teaching math to the class. Mid-lesson, Midnight opened the door and looked into the room.
"Aizawa! (Y/n)'s here and she looks pretty pissed,"

Whispers began throughout the class. Questions, such as, 'Who's (Y/n)?' Or 'Why is she so angry?' Or 'What did Aizawa-Sensei do?'.

Before any of those questions could be answered, though, Midnight turned her head to the side and then looked back at Shota.
"Good luck," She told him, before running off. After Midnight left, a (h/c) haired girl, with a large raise in her stomach, came into the classroom and began to repeatedly give light hits to Shota's arm.
"You left the bed this morning! It was cold when I woke up!" She whined, her tail swishing and ears moving around from the noises in the room.
"I wrote that I'd apologize with cuddles, didn't I?" Shota whispered, although the class heard him anyway. Some snickered, some stared, shocked that their strict teacher would do something so cute.
"But I want cuddles now!" The woman whined.

Tenya Iida then raised his hand.
"Excuse me, Sensei, but who is this person?"

(Y/n) turned towards Tenya, stared at him for a second, then began to sniff the air.
"Hey! You have the same scent as Tensei!" She exclaimed, a bright smile on her face. Everybody began to sweat a little. 'How did she go from being angry, to as happy as a little kid?'
"He is my brother, miss,"
"He's told me so much about you! Tenya Iida, right?"
"Yes, ma'am!"
"No need for formalities. Call me (Y/n)!" She chirped happily. "And you smell a lot like Enji!" (Y/n) directed her speech towards Shoto. Shoto grumbled something under his breath as his scent changed. "Why do you smell like you're angry?"
"(N/n), please stop pestering my students," Shota told her. She whined and pouted, then walked up next to him. "Will you wait for me at home?"
"Mmm, no! I wanna stay with you!"
"(Y/n), you can't," Shota told her. (Y/n)'s eyes began to fill with tears as she gave Shota a pleading look, gwr ears against her head.
"Pllleeeaaassseee," She begged, knowing Shota couldn't reject her face. Shota sighed in defeat.
"Ugh, fine,"
"YAY!" She cheered, then crawled into Shota's cocoon. "
"Uh, (Y/n)?" Shota questioned.
"If you won't cuddle me, then I want something with your scent," She stated, then closed her eyes and began falling asleep, unconsciously snuggling into the sleeping bag, the top of the cocoon twitching as her ears moved.
"Fair enough... I guess," Shota muttered to himself, then turned to his class, which was staring expectantly. "What?"

* * * * *

The next day, (Y/n) visited again.
"Hello!" She chirped happily, entering the class with Shota.
"Hello, (Y/n)!" The class greeted the pregnant woman.

In the middle of the lesson, (Y/n) began to feel pains.
"Ow. Ow,"
"(Y/n)?!" Shota panicked a little, watching as she held her stomach. (Y/n) could feel her underwear get a little wet.
"Shota. Ow! My water just broke!"
"No! I'm just fucking faking! Of course my damn water broke, dumbass!" (Y/n) spat angrily.
"We need to go to the hospital now!" Shota exclaimed, helping his pregnant wife stand up. He allowed her to hold on to his hand, whcoh she gripped tightly as the class heard a crack from his hand. "Somebody go to the faculty office and explain the situation! Someone will fill in for me!" Shota instructed the class as the two quickly left to go to the hospital.
"Mother of God, Shota! This hurts like a bitch!"
"I know, sweetheart. Remember, we're going to have twin babies after this,"

Once the duo made it to the hospital and (Y/n) had dilated 10 centimetres, she was wheeled into delivery. As Shota was waiting outside the delivery room, he saw Present Mic and his class running down the corridor whilst he paced around, stressed.
"Mic. Why the hell is my class here?" Shota growled.
"We wanted to come and visit (Y/n)," Ochako explained. "How is she?" Then shortly after heard her screaming.
"SHOTA AIZAWA. I WILL FUCKING HUNT YOU DOWN AND CUT YOUR DICK OFF!" She screamed, her screams of pain following.
"Nevermind..." Ochako muttered.
"You okay?" Present Mic asked the pacing Shota Aizawa. Shota either didn't hear him or ignored him
"Sensei?" Izuku asked. "Present Mic? What's wrong with Sensei? We've never seen him like this,"
"Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Please be okay," Shota muttered to himselfpacing around.

After about forty more minutes, there was silence. A nurse came out but, before she could say anything, Shota ran up to her and bombarded her with questions.
"Is she okay? Are the twins okay? Why is ot so quiet?"
"Sir, Mrs.Aizawa is inside. She's fine. The twins are sleeping," The nurse explained. "You're welcome to come inside,"

Shota wasted no time in running in. Once inside, he saw his wife sweaty and smiling, along with two babies in her arms. Both of them began to cry.
"Shota. Look,"
"They're so beautiful," Shota muttered, sitting next to his wife and taking the baby girl from her arms. "What do you think we should call them?"
"I was thinking Emi or Miho for the girl, and Taishi or Yōhei for the boy," (Y/n) smiled. "I'm leaving which one up to you,"

Shota smiled, kissing the woman that lay on the bed, completely forgetting that his class was watching.
"She looks like an Emi, and he looks like a Yōhei," Shota said.
"He looks like you,"
"Sir? Your wife needs to rest now," The nurse from earlier spoke, taking the boy from (Y/n)'s arms.
"Of course,"
"Shota? Will you be there when I wake up?"
"Of course," Shota gave (Y/n) a quick peck on the lips.
"I love you,"
"I love you too,"


If you have any requests, I will obey. Anything is fine (yaoi, lemons, fluff, angst, etc)

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