Next Gen Oc: Yann

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(If her crush is Iida)
Name: Yann Iida
Gender: MaleAge: 15
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Hero/Villan: Hero
Height: 5'10

Nationality: Japanese
School: UA
Class: 1-A
Distinguishing Features: Scar on his shoulder
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name: Quicken

Quirk: Engines
Weapons: none
Gadgets/Tech: none
Likes: Books, flirting, training
Dislikes: delinquents, rejection, other getting hurt
Habits: rubs his eyes when he's nervous
Fears: heights, scary things
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Romantic Interests: open
Allies: open
Rivals: open
Enemies: Villains
Physical Weaknesses: he gets tired easily
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Can't stand talking about home
Name of your quirk: Engines
Description: basically the same as Iida's quirk but his engines are in his arms
Strength: Very fast
Weaknesses: get tired easily and isn't that strong
What age did you obtain it: 6
How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): He woke up with engines in his arms. He cried while his mother tried to calm down and his father went on about it was gonna be fun ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parents: Sakura and Iida
Parents relationship: together, married (kinda falling apart)
Relationship with parents:
Iida- He's pretty close wish his dad and comes go him often
Sakura- He loves his mom and adores her

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