Oc: Ren

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First name: Ren
Last name: Nobuyuki
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Hero/Villan: Hero
Height: 6'2

Nationality: American
School: U.A.
Distinguishing Features: Pierced ears, scars on his arms from fights
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name: Young Winter
Costume: Not my drawing

Quirk: Snow
Weapons: Dagger with ice fused in it
Gadgets/Tech: none
Likes: Coldness, winter, reading
Dislikes: Fire, people who bullies her sister, and people who ask too many questions
Habits: Likes to mess with people, messes with his buttons on his jacket when he gets nervous, locks himself his room when's he's mad
Fears: Water, Quiet, and being alone
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Family: Yuko Nobuyuki (little sister, 10 years old)
Romantic Interests: Kirishma
Allies: Todoroki
Rivals: Iida (He's very a neutral guy so he doesn't like to have allies and/or rivals if he has a choice)
Enemies: The Villains
Physical Weaknesses: His very unbalanced and can fall down easily with a swift kick, can't dodge that well
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Talking about his family, being shut out from everyone
Name of your quirk: Snow making (got it from his mom)
Description: Can make snow and snow clouds. When he's really mad he can create blizzards
Strength: His blizzard attacked
Weaknesses: Can't control that much so he constantly making snowflakes during class on accident, when he's over emotional he can't control his powers at all so he locks him in his room to keep everyone safe
What age did you obtain it: 11 years old
How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): He was reading to his little sister and he got sad because she asking about their parents. It snowed in her room which shocked him and his sister
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Backstory: His parents were heroes and they went missing when he was 9 years old, his sister was 3 years old. He has taken care of himself and his sister since then. He thought it was best to try out for A.U. so he could find a way to keep his sister safe. They let him in. His sister goes school near U.A but stay's in his dorm room at night. He stay's on floor 4 next to Bakugo's room.Extra information: Everyone knows that his sister stay with him but never really asked why she did and if someone did Ren would tell them it's none of their business.

His sister:

Her Quirk: Nightmares (got it from her dad)
Description: She can give people nightmares
Weakness: She can feel their emotions and pain while she's doing it, she only has nightmares, and can't hid her horn, claws, and red eye

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