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"Hey (m/n) come over here!" It was lunch time. And he always had at least six lunch tables call him over, but he always ignored them and walked to the usual table he sits at.

(M/n)  plopped his tray down taking a seat beside Bakugou and Midoriya.

Midoriya sneezed, and rubbed his eyes.

"Oh wow.. there's a really strong Omega smell. Who's Omega at this table?"

No one said anything.

(M/n) shuffles in his seat. Putting his baseball cap over his eyes. He leaned against the wall; since your table was so close (to the wall that is).

Bakugou let out a muffled groan.

"Oh my god. Who the fuck is letting their smell everywhere. It's so sweet and strong, us Alphas can't take it."

Bakugou grabbed (M/n) and Todorokis wrist dragging them behind him.

"C'mon. Where about to fucking see who the fuck is a major Omega." He was not fucking around.

Bakugou sniffed again. "The smell is still so god damn strong!" He was now pissed, because the smell leaned his hormones off the chart.

Todoroki took a deep breath.

"..whoever it is, is close..."

'Fuck...shit... abort the fucking mission!"

(M/n) began the quietly panic in his head.

Bakugou let go of their wrist and asked every table who was an Omega. Bakugou never found what Omega was letting the scent off.

He looked at Todoroki, and suddenly lifting him up by the front of his shirt.

"Maybe it's you, you half and half bastard!"

Todoroki sighed, "We we're tested remember? I'm an Alpha."

Bakugou let Todoroki go, then looked at (M/n) who was leaning against the wall like a badass.

Baseball hat giving him a slight downcast, black shirt, messy hair, silver dog tag, navy blue skinny jeans, and a pair of black vans.

"Maybe it's this fucker."

Todoroki sighed, taking in (M/n)s appearance as well.

"Bakugou, that's irrational."

Oh but was it really?

(M/n) stood at 5'9, extremely well built, sharp features, his go-to; I don't give a fuck look. Large hands— no fucking way— welp *cough*.

Yes fucking way.

"There's no way an Omega is built like that, Bakugou, you're shorter than him." The said male scoffed.

"Not by fucking much."

(M/n) stared at Bakugou, as Todoroki continued.


Bakugou glared at them.

"I don't fucking think so."

He was pissed.

"Smarter..." Todoroki stopped the list on how the possibilities of (M/n) being an omega was slightly impossible; because everything Bakugou was (M/n) was better.

(M/n) let out a deep sigh, "Whatever you say Bakugou." His smooth manly voice purred out.

Bakugou sped walked to the secret Omega.

"You wanna bet you fucking hypocrite?!"

Bakugou's alpha was prepared, and it secretly scared the shit out of the calm male he was approaching.

(M/n)'s Omega quickly let out distress signals.

Bakugou stopped half way.

"What the fuc—"

"Hey (M/n)! Come over here!" A very noticeable broccoli called to the taller male.

Hell, even Midoriya was an Alpha.

He looked at the two, and gave a peace sign.



(M/n) softly let his bag hit the ground. He sighed, and looked around the empty house. He waited..

And waited.

He shut the door, and stood there until he heard tiny shuffling. A small head showed itself around the corner.

"W-Welcome back brother."

The stoic male gave a ghost smile.

"Hello Sal, how was your day?"

Her tiny feet patted on the floor as she held her tiny stuffed bear their parents gave her before they passed. (M/n) walked toward the coach and sat down.

Sal stood in front of the male, giving him and gentle hug.

"Okay.. the kids at my school are nice, I forgot my lunch here, and they shared their food. I have some friends..."

A deep inhale was audible as the brother held his little sister.


They didn't speak until later that night. When (M/n) made dinner.


(M/n) was the first to speak up.


(M/n) felt the tips of his mouth give a twitch.

"You look a lot like her.. you know that..?"

The sound of metal hitting metal echoed. Sal looked up, chewing her food silently as her brother leaned against the fridge. The fork that had left her hands stayed in the position it landed in, she changed the subject.

"When do you have to work bubba?"

Knowing his question was brushed off for a reason he looked at his watch, watching (no pun intended) as it ticked with anticipation.

"Next week.."

She nodded, feeling tense. "Goodnight (n/n)... see you tomorrow." (M/n) nodded, calling out to her—

"I love you Sally."

She stopped, and turned her head over her shoulder to look at him.

"I love you too bubba."

And like that she shut the door.

(M/n) fidgeted. And began to clean up his sisters half eaten plate. Sighing he merely sat down where his sister was. And stayed there in silence, until he had he urge to go for a ride.

He locked the doors, and walked outside; heading towards the garage. Lifting it he stepped in looking for a specific transportation board.

He grabbed his skate board, shut the garage, and began to ride.

(M/n) sighed, his Omega shuttered sensing an Alpha near by. A very familiar Alpha. But there wasn't just one. No, there were three.

Continuing to skate he subconsciously followed the growing smell.

Blond hair; red eyes. Red and White hair; heterochromia blue and gray eyes. Green hair; green eyes. (M/n)s Omega was aroused, aroused by being near so many strong Alphas.

But he kept it concealed and pretended not to see them, skating around them like a pro.

"Hey (M/n)!" He leaned back, tilting his board up. He flipped it up catching it with one hand.


"Wanna hang with us? We are heading over to Denki's for a sleepover. You don't know how hard he was trying to invite you over, he just couldn't find where you lived to send you an invitation."

"Then why didn't he just ask me in person?"

Midoriya sweat dropped, whilst rubbing the back of his neck.

"A—Ah.. well.. you are very popular. And he always sends a card."

(M/n) shrugging, bored eyes meeting another pair wearing the same emotion; Todoroki.

"I've got nothing better to do..."

"Cmon! It'll be fun."

Midoriya grabbed his free hand, and (M/n)s Omega let out strong comforted smells, to let the Alpha know he felt safe. Midoriya pulled him, secretly giving Bakugou and Todoroki a look.

Once they had made it to Denkis house everyone was thrilled.

"The party has just begun!"

"Let's play the Alpha and Omega game. Rules are, depending on what group you belong in; alpha or omega; An alpha will ask an omega would you rather, and the omega will have to choose one, but whatever you choose you have to do."

(M/n)s stomach dropped. "Abort this fucking missionnnnnnn...."

Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Iida, Kirishima, Sero, Denki (of course), Asui, Momo, Uraraka, (M/n), Ashido, and Jiro.

"No no no no no....not today."

"I think i'll sit this one out guys—"

"Nope! C'mon (N/n)!" Ashido cheered. Mentally having a panic attack (M/n) began releasing distress signals. And every single mother fucking Alpha was automatically protective.

"Is everyone okay? Every Omega?"

(M/n) just began to panic more.

"Shit... fuck... damn... shittttt...."

He began to breath quietly; but very uneven.

"Okay.. please calm down.." Iida asked politely.

"Anyways.... everyone get in there groups!" Everyone separated.

6 Alphas.. 5 omegas..

"Awe man there's no an even number of Omegas."

Oh but there was, (M/n) just wasn't in the group yet. He was awkwardly standing in the middle of he two groups that were sitting. Denki patted beside him.

"C'mon (N/n)!"

(M/n) took a deep breath.

He looked at Bakugou, who was looking at him with a knowing looking.

"I can't sit by you Denki."

Denki frowned.

"Why not?"

(M/n) let out distress signals.

"..because i'm an omega.."

It was a whisper. And no one heard it.

"Huh? What did you say?"

(M/n) have a weak chuckle. And slowly turned on his heel. And quietly sat in the middle of the Omegas.




Bakugou and Todoroki finally understood why (M/n) smelt the way he did.


(M/n) walked around, ignoring all the new stares he got. Last week wasn't the best, the news had some how traveled around the school, and because of how much it was the daily talk, it ended up becoming public; like on the news public.

The female Alphas talked to him more, and the girls and guys that were obsessed with him before now treat him like a puppy.

'I'm not weak. I don't need to be treated like glass, and if somehow I am glass; i'm bullet proof.'

(M/n) repeated the thought over, and over, and over again. (btw i just made that shit up, #deep).

Alphas from class 1B started touching him. Not too much, but an occasional hand to the lower back or thigh. And he hated it, his little sister hasn't talked to him.

Shoving his hands in his pocket he continued making his way out the door. He say was over, and it was time to worry at home alone.. again.

He neared his way around the back of the school. Five forces shoved him against the wall.

Needless to say, he didn't return home without a scratch. He did effortless beat the living shit out of the upper class man guys, but the fight was unfair.

(M/n) had many deep cuts, a limp. Bruises that were evident along his face, a busted lip. His hands ached, but he made his way to his home. He was fired, from his job, because it consisted of real men.

The bill would soon come, and (M/n) didn't know if he could afford it.

He opened the door, wincing as his accidentally hit his cut up arm on the door frame. He laid his bag down by the door. He turned, shutting the door, locking it, and slowly slid down.

He heard little feet. His head was pounding, and his body was aching.

"Sorry Sal... I'll make dinner in a second."

A tiny sigh was heard, and the feet got closer.


The first word his sister has spoken to him in a week.

(M/n) looked up, feeling the not exactly dried wound  drip down blood.

"Sorry sis.. dinner will be ready soon."


She walked towards the closet setting down her teddy bear in the process. She grabbed the first aid kit, and began cleaning up 'bubba's' wounds.

"Don't let them hurt you. I love you (N/n)."

(M/n) smiled and winced through the pain.

"I love you too Sal."

She giggled.

"I didn't think you submitted (M/n)..." She purred. (M/n) got rid of the smile, and replaced it with half frown.

"Sal, you are thirteen. Your head needs to be in la-la land, not the gutter."

She shrugged and continued fixing his defeated face.

(M/n)s large hands grabbed her tiny ones, stopping her from cleaning the worst deep cut.

"Thank you Sal."

He stood, not bothering to hide the shudder that followed.

"But I have to make us dinner now."

Sal frowned.

"I have something to tell you."

(M/n) stopped and looked at her.

"I'm an Alpha."

(M/n) raised a brow, no way was his little sister, with her tiny body, feminine features— an alpha.

But then again. No way was (M/n) an Omega.

Six pack, extremely masculine, sharp features, tall.

But he sure as hell was.

"We were tested today."

(M/n) nodded slowly, fidgeting. "Okay.." Sal got off her knee and stood tall walking towards (M/n).

"Meaning I make the decisions..."

The said male scoffed. "Sal.. that's not how it works."

Sal grinned, "I, make the decisions.." Her soft spoken voice was raised and defined. And the Omega frowned deeply.

"No Sal. Head to bed."

Sal giggled.

"Okay okay. I won't make the decisions today."

(M/n) chuckled.

And Sal was holding her stomach with a pink hue from laughing so hard.

"But maybe some day."

(M/n) gave a soft glare.

"Sorry Sal. No way."

He fixed his go to baseball cap.

"Anyways, I have plans tonight. Head to bed."


Thank you for reading the first chapter, this one basically just laid out the bio of this book.

please comment and ⭐️

love you guys

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