What's your reaction to them being drunk and asleep on your couch?

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Aries: Hagakure
*accidently sits on her thinking wasn't there*

Taurus: Monoma
"I-..... WAKE UP!"

Gemini: Mina
"Damn it, not again!"

Cancer: Uraraka
"Okay! Who convinced you to drink!?"

Leo: Hatsume
"Those babies must've gotten the best of her"

Virgo: Todoroki
*grabs gun* "Imma fuckin' kill Endeavour"

Libra: Shinso
"Finally he got some damn sleep"

Scorpio: Kaminari
*drunk and passed out on the couch with him*

Saggitaroius: Midoriya
"Why did our only pure child do this?..... BAKUGO!"

Capricorn: Shoji
"How the hell am I going to get him off the couch!?.... oh well" *elbow drops*

Aquarius: Mineta
"I'm 90% sure you actually aren't asleep"

Pisces: Iida
"You have become the one thing you never wanted to be"

The capricorn one is based off of something my friend did to me.

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