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Soooooo where do I even start. Hmmmm. Let's touch on last years mess and then go to this years mess! Yeah! That's a plan!

Part 1 - "Morgan"
So this guy I dated last year for like two months was apparently a girl the whole time and never told me. Like that's kind important to know in a relationship! He was gender fluid and gay but never told me and his reasons for being gender fluid were completely sexist. He said that if he felt like he was depressed, oppressed, anxious, sad, just everything was going bad, then he was a woman because that's how women always feel therefore he liked women. But when he was happy, free, empowered, just everything was going good in life for him, he was a man because that's how men always feel therefore he liked men. Real talk though. I have nothing against anyone in the lgbtq+ community, in fact a majority of my closest friends are apart of it. But if you are going to chose reasons like that for being gender fluid and gay, I'm gonna judge you, and I'm gonna judge you harshly. One of my closest friends is gender fluid and that's because they felt as though they are two people of different genders trapped in one body. He's just an asshole looking for attention.
And to think I thought he was a good guy too. He was also kind and caring and chivalrous and just an all around gentleman until you look under that facade at the asshole he really is.

To make this simple. Here's a little time line.

Before dating: told me he just got over this girl he had dated for 6 months long distance (was actually still dating her)
Right as we started dating: we passed notes to each other in the hallway since he didn't have a phone. He gave me a note like all the others we would pass ("who would win, Mecca Godzilla or giant mutant kangaroo" and the likes on the note) but this time in had a folded section at the bottom that said "these questions are a bit risqué, you don't have to answer them if you don't want to :)" I'm like 🤨😒 cuz I don't do that kinda thing. First question: was I your first kiss? Ok not that bad. Second question: what do you look for in the perfect guy? Still an ok question. THIRD QUESTION: DO YOU MASTURBATE? WE A WEEK INTO DATING! YOU DONT ASK THAT KINDA STUFF TILL YOU AT LEAST 9-10 MONTHS IN OR EVEN BETTER, A YEAR OR OVER! BETTER YET, DONT ASK AT ALL BECAUSE THATS SOMEONES OWN PERSONAL BUSINESS! first of all, no, BUT YOU STILL SHOULDNT ASK THAT KINDA STUFF!
Valentine's Day: he gets me a big bear and a panda key chain (also first year that I actually had a valentine). I make him a candy necklace. Unbeknownst to me, he's hitting on my friend hardcore and she doesn't know that we are dating because I have her in one class and we don't talk a lot about relationships because she had just got out of one and I didn't want to make her feel bad or uncomfortable. She's is uncomfortable with him and tells me about it, but never mentioned his name. I start to talk to her about Morgan but never mention his name.
Senior trip (less than a week after Valentine's Day): Morgan is a junior and only two months younger than me (but hella taller) and wasn't supposed to be in the auditorium with the seniors after the trip but he snuck in. Corners my friend and gives her a letter proclaiming his love for her. She still uncomfortable.
A week after that: he stops me in the Hall and stays that he's breaking up with me because he's still trying to get over someone (aka the girl he had just "gotten over" before we started dating) and will come back to me when he can. He said that he "liked the idea of us" but doesn't know if he can "continue with us". Then seals it off with a big hug cuz he knew I liked big hugs. I immediately think something's fishy cuz there is no warning, no change in attitude up till this point, nothing. Tell my friends. We try to figure this out.
Three days later: after some expert detective work, my best friend and I find out that the reason he left me is a fourth girl he was interested in. But she knew me better and he wasn't gonna risk it.
The next day in the Library: I'm finishing up a report for government during my attendance aid period and he walks in and sits right next to me, takes my computer keyboard and types "I still love you. I promise I'll come back to you when I can - I'm just getting over some stuff right now." BITCH I KNOW YOU LIE! THE DOOR!👉🚪
The next week during sign up for AP Exams: The friend he had (and still was at that point) hitting on and I are setting up our first AP scantron together and talking about recent relationship stuff. She tells me about this guy nonstop hitting on her for the past month and a half and I tell her about my breakup. We notice some weird similarities between the guys and she says "Wait. Are you talking about Morgan? DID YOU JUST BREAKUP WITH MORGAN???" "Yes" "OMG HES THE ONE WHOS BEEN HITTING ON ME! THAT MEANS HES BEEN HITTING ON ME EVEN WHILE YALL WERE DATING!!!" We are furious at this point. He's gonna get it. Word gets to all our friends. We even got 2 teachers that him and I had in common on my side cuz that's just a douchebag move to truly to cheat on three (or technically four) girls at once. I break off all contact with him because you can't come back from that. We also find out about the "gender fluidity" about this time.
Side note: during the time we dated, his hair progressively got greasier and his face got worse and worse acne because he stopped washing his face and hair and I was about to tell him he needs to wash both of we dated any longer. He also tried to hit on my sister (an incoming sophomore in color guard) during band camp in the summer and she responded by saying "you know, ____ really liked you." "Really?" "Yeah, but then you screwed up." I love her so much😍😂

oof. That's a lot. I think I'll write about the new guy here in college in the next chapter.

Ja ne~

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