Its chasing...uh...something

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In 8th grade we had to make a painting on a cabinet door for the Texas Art Education Association Junior VASE (*whew* gotta catch my breath after that title) competition. Well my friend and I decided to make a joint piece. It was going to be my painting of a mannequin chasing his painting of a mannequin. We painted it and it looked great...but we found out that we couldn't submit a joint piece, they had to be separate. To make it even better, we had to come up with a story for our pieces as well! He had it easy since his was a mannequin running away from something while looking over its shoulder. He created this whole amazing elaborate story that his painting perfectly portrayed. I, on the other hand, hand this painting of a mannequin that, well, as you can see yourself, looks like it's in the middle of jumping someone. So I somehow pulled together this story of how my mannequin was like me chasing my dreams (which was represented by the mannequins shadow), it was also about something like you don't have to be in a group to be happy. And I absolutely LOVED when the guy who I had to tell about my paintings message asked me what the clouds, the clouds shadows, and the mountains represented. Do any of y'all actually read these? I bs those answers so hard I impressed myself. He was all like "So what do true mountains represent, hmmm?🧓🏻" and I was all like "Well homie they be the barriers that prevent me from moving forward in life ya know? but as you can see with the mannequin bros shadow, the shadow is reaching toward the mountains to overcome them so that the mannequin bro, me, can pass by them yo😎" and he was all "I see. But what about the clouds and their shadows, hmmmmmmmmm?🧓🏻" and I was like "the cloudy bro dogs are the obstacles and stuff that try to stop ya home dog from pushing past those narly mountains and their shadows are tring to distract me from my goalio of get mast the nearly mountains ya hear😎" or something like that. idk this was so long ago.

I'm cringing so hard at the last couple sentences of the story😓 never again will I do something so cringy....

Who am I kidding? I'll probably do something clingy again tomorrow.

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