Lets Talk About You, The Readers

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You know, I keep telling all y'all about my life and what's happening with me. But what about you? Yes you, my beautiful, handsome, wonderful, amazing readers and followers. This is for y'all.😁
How's life going?

Anything interesting happen recently?

Are things going well for you?

Anything bad happen?

Anything good happen?

If you're in school, how's school going?

If you're working, how's work going?

Are any of y'all like me and looking for a job currently? If so, how's that going?

Any of you feeling pretty down and need a pick me up?

Has anything been bothering you that you want to rant or vent about?

Any important events coming up?

Do you need a (virtual) shoulder to cry on?

Do you need advice on anything? (and I mean anything.)

Do you just need someone to just be there for you right now?

I just want you guys to know that I am here for you, all of you. I want all y'all  to know that this is a safe place where you can talk without being judged and to be accepted. I am the most accepting, nonjudgmental person you'll ever meet. I never judge anyone harshly until they either do something bad to me or does something bad to anyone else unjustly. I'm here if y'all need anything, you can talk to me through comments or messaging me privately. I just want y'all to know I'm here.

Happy Christmahannukwanzadan everybody!Ja ne~ Significant_Otter

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