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So this girl that goes to my school decides that it would be a great idea to SET A DOOR ON FIRE! AND NOT JUST ANY DOOR! NO SHE HAS TO SET THE DOOR TO THE SPECIAL ED CLASSROOM ON FIRE!!! I AM SO JUST ARRRRSGHDOEGEKBSDJKDND DONE!!! I KNOW A LOT OF THE KIDS IN THERE BECAUSE THEY COME TO THE ATTENDANCE OFFICE A LOT DURING THE PERIOD THAT IM A STUDENT AID AND THEY ARE SO SWEET AND NICE😇 I STILL CANT BELIEVE THAT SOMEONE EOULD DO THAT WHILE THEY WERE INSIDE THE ROOM! THEY DONT HAVE ANY OTHER WAY OUT OF THE ROOM EITHER! NO OTHER DOORS OR WINDOWS SO THEY GAD TO LEAVR THE ROOM THROUGH THE FIRE! Luckily they are all safe, the teacher only has a mildly burnt hand from grabbing the buring door knob, BUT STILL! I'm done with the people at my school. AND TO MAKE IT WORSE PEOPLE WERE MAKING FUN OF IT TOO! Please excuse my language, but the total assholes where saying shit like "it would have been better if they had died, less tax dollars wasted on them" like what the actual HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF I PUT YOU IN A BURNING ROOM AND YOU GOT MENTALLY SCARRED BY IT HUH?!?! 😡

Sorry about any language or if I offended anyone, but when people do stuff like that to people who don't deserve that kind of treatment, it gets me mad.

This is the fire before it got bigger. Luckily they were able to put it out quickly. There was no fire drill but the entire hall way there was evacuated and the S Building (our science building) connects to that hallway so it was evacuated as well. I wasn't evacuated since the class I was in was opposite to this hallway and there is the clinic and counselor rooms between us.

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