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"Good bye

What am I to you?"

-Pretender; Official Hige-dandism

Her head lean weakly on the cool surface of her window. Puffy red eyes fixated on the droplets, racing and crashing into each other. Why does it have to be raining during a sad scene? Her lips parted exhaling a heavy sigh.

Though she's not complaining with the drizzle hitting on her rooftop, it help her thoughts to die down.

Everything's feels so quick. That incident feels so fresh, she can still remembers vividly the scene from last week, unveiling before her eyes.

A week. Of crying herself to sleep.

Replaying, replaying, like a cassette tape playing in the back of her head. But what's there for her to blame?

She work hard, training to make that special cake for him. Even failing at it every single time, she didn't give up. She promised herself to do better when starting back from scratch. For his sake. For him to smile at her. To prove him her effort.

Until she able to make one. Edible too, maybe a little bland for her taste bud.  All her hard work she had done paid off.

'How naive'

Wearing a dress that goes along with the colour of her hijab, She threw on a brown jacket and the cap he picked specially for her on their first date. Making sure she looks amazing in front of him, since its their special day. A sweet smile on her coral tinted lips. She can't wait any longer to meet him.

Safely placing the creation she made in a white box, she stepped out from her house. Bounce in her every steps.

His hands snaking to her hips

Their lips biting

Tongues fighting 

Too intoxicated, to even noticed the crack of the open door and the sound of the box crushing down to the floor.

In that split second, his brain cells connecting once again to tell him; He messed up.


Never she ever expected to witness such a heinous scene, starring by the love of her life and her best friend.

She could have pulled her hair, kicking her out from that house. She could have just hurt him, dislocating his jaw with her slap. She could have screamed, giving the chance for her legs to sunk to the ground and breaking down right then and there.

But she didn't. She has her dignity to hold on.

Tears brimming her eyes, as she ran.Somewhere, anywhere far from them.

It was her fault though, for trusting too much.

The bang on her door pulled her back to face the reality. Loud voices exclaiming from the outside, begging to be heard in the drowning noise of the rain.

"Yaya! Please open up!" he crowed. "Let me... talk about this... I knew you're in there."

Hearing his voice is enough to make her feel so helpless. She can feel herself about to break again, the limp in her throat make its hard for her to breathe.

The banging reduce with a soft pat on the door.

"Yaya, please...let me see you."

The knob turned and hastily, the door opened. Revealing the girl that once had always smiled so sweetly at him with her loving brown eyes, is now a mess. A mess that he created. His heart shattered upon the realisation.

"I..." he mumbled, "I'm sorry."

"I-I was wrong... I'm sorry Yaya, I can be better...I'll make it up to you. Please give me a chance--"

"I give you and you took it for granted." Her voice stings, her red eyes glaring back at the drunch young man. "I deserve better Boboiboy. And that means, somebody else. Not you."

How can he thought that she will be so forgiving?

When she trusted him the most, giving him and pouring him her love. Only to be given back with a joke not worth to laugh at, holding another girl and being the slave of lust, when she herself never been touched before. How can she forget all that? What's worst? It's Ying, her best friend!

"You think I never know? You cancelling our dates, to meet her? I was a fool to trust both of you!" Yaya bellowed. "Congratulations, for succeeding to make a fool out of me. I don't want to know more what else you two did. I can't be more surprised!" She spat, her hands clapping as each sarcasm give her the reaction she wanted to see out of him. Tasting his own doom.


Yaya was quick to push him away from his attempt to embrace her, both of them drenched in the rain. Tears rolling down both of their cold cheeks, but of course neither knew that.

Her throat burns and her breathing heavy, from holding back the intention to scream right at his face. She mustered on the words that could pain him. Taunting him like how his actions taunted hers.

"Let's pretend, like we never meet in the first place."

"The truth is you never deserved me."

I'm conflicted to end with which one so, ya.
have some BoYa❤

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