Chapter 2

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After Fang left, a lot of questions were asked.

"Commander, what is wrong with Fang these days?"

"Why is he so cold and distant to us?"

"Have we done something to my disciple of justice?"

"What really happened in Fang's solo mission?"

"Hey, comrades!" Koko Ci nervously said. "Chill for a minute—"

"Commander, where's my sandwich?"

"Shut it, Gopal!" The commander scolded. "Do I look like a waiter to you?!"

Then he took a deep breath. "I'll entertain your questions, but please one at a time. We are soldiers, not some busy customers pushing each other for the same menu!"

A minute later, Ying raised her hand. "Commander, what really happened in Fang's solo mission?"

The others nodded and faced their commander, all hoping for any specific answer.

Koko Ci and Tarung looked at each other, then looked back at the impatient humans.

"We'll tell you," the admiral said. "But not enough."

"What?" Ochobot exclaimed. "But why?"

"Don't we deserve to know the truth, admiral." Boboiboy chimed in.

"That's the problem," Koko Ci explained. "We only know half of the truth."

four months ago...

"Good news, Fang." Commander Koko Ci announced. " You are going to another solo mission."

Fang joyfully punched the air."Yes!! Finally..."

"Wow, that's awesome," Boboiboy congratulated.

"You're just jealous, aren't you?" Fang chuckled as he pushed back his glasses.

"I'm not!"

"Yes too."

"I'm not!"

"Yes too."


"Okay, okay," Yaya interrupted as she broke the two boys apart. "That's enough for today. Will you ever stop doing that everyday?"

"Sorry," they both muttered.

"So, where's your mission going to take?" Ying asked Fang.

Fang just shrugged. "I don't know. Only my brother knows, and he will only tell me face to face."

"Whoo, scary captain," Gopal complimented.

"Fang," Ochobot called. "Captain Kaizo is expecting you T minus 30 minutes."

"Gahhh!! I haven't even packed yet." Fang realized, then quickly looked at Ying. "Ying, could you—"

"On it!" Ying said as she grabbed Fang's hand and quickly zipped towards his quarters.

"Waaaahhhh!!..." Fang's screams echoed the hallway.

Boboiboy chuckled. "Awesome."


"You're not going to tell us, Captain," Admiral Tarung said.

"It's part of my promise between the Rajah of the Planet Menjaga." Captain Kaizo explained. "He is... a very fervent man and I don't want to keep him waiting."

Admiral nodded. "I have heard His Highness has one of the most advanced techs in the whole galaxy. Mind if you suggest him to us?"

"In another time," Kaizo simply said.


Both leader turned around and found two persons standing in front of them.

"We've made it, Fang." Ying cheerfully said, now holding a dark purple suitcase.

Fang gasped for air. "I knew. I could. Rely on you. Ying."

"Here," Ying hold out a tumbler. "Drink this."

"Thanks." Fang said, then he drank half of the contents. "Ahh... I owe you one."

Ying playfully punched his shoulder. "You better not forget that owe."

Captain Kaizo deeply cleared his throat. "Ahem."

Both Fang and Ying were startled and did the TAPOPS salute on both leaders.

"At ease," Admiral Tarung dismissed it with a wave of his paws.

"Umm..." Fang handed back the tumbler. "You should be with BBB and the others."

Ying placed her hands on her hips. "You don't want a farewell party. And seriously, 'BBB!' Are you gay for Boboiboy?"

Fang scoofed. "What a joke? Now back to your quarters. And don't tell Boboiboy I called him 'BBB'."

"Fine, but just in case..." Ying clasped his left shoulder and leaned towards his ear.

"Come back in one piece, Spike Head."

Before Fang could react, the yellow lance corporal quickly ran away.

"Well, we'll be off then," the legendary rebel announced, then held out his hand. "It was a pleasure to meet you again."

Tarung took his hand and shook it. "Same here, Captain."

"Oh, I almost forgot," the red tiger took out a note pad and a pen. "May I ask: what is the name of this solo mission?"

Captain Kaizo, being suspicious, raised one of his eyebrows.

"Just in case Commander Koko Ci asks," the admiral quickly added. "A solo mission isn't enough to convince that little squeekling."

Kaizo thought for a moment. "I am forbidden to disclose any information about the mission. However," he looked back at Admiral Tarung. "I may be able to give it a name."

"What is it?"

"Operation 5862."

present day

"And then, after four months," Commander Koko Ci continued. "Fang came back looking different than before."

"Both the commander and I tried to find more details about this Operation 5862 by asking Captain Kaizo again." Admiral Tarung added. " But..."

"But what?" Gopal asked.

The admiral glared everyone in the eye and said, "Captain Kaizo said that the mission hasn't ended yet."

"So the mission is on hold?" Boboiboy wondered aloud. "Could it be something did gone wrong during the mission?"

Bellbot nodded. "It's possible, but why send Fang back here at TAPOPS when the job isn't finished?"

"Maybe it is because of his behavior," Yaya guessed. "Maybe something happened during the mission that greatly affected Fang so much. And Captain Kaizo sends him back so that he can relieve his... stress."

"That's a good guess, Yaya," Gopal said. "But we don't know what 'greatly affected him'."

"Well, whatever it is, Fang must've been worried about that," Boboiboy shifted his cap a little. "And he wants to make it right as soon as possible."

Ochobot tilted his head. "What really bugs me is the mission's name: Operation 5862. Why did Captain Kaizo called it that way? Could it be—"

"Hep! Hep! Hep! That's enough for detective work!" Papa Zola rudely interrupted while clapping his hands. "Let's go now and finish our OWN mission."

"But—" Boboiboy and his friends started.

"No buts, disciples of justice!" Papa Zola scolded, then he pushed all of his members out of the room. "We have some JUSTICE JOB to do!!"

Papa Zola looked back and grabbed Ochobot and Cattus by their hand and neck.

"And you're coming with us," he added. "Now, TO OUR SPACESHIP OF JUSTICE!!"

And, just like that, the teacher of justice zapped onwards while towing his disciples with him.

Commander Koko Ci sighed. "Ugh! I better find a better substitution for him."


Still at TAPOPS Headquarters

Like an obedient wolf, Fang walked towards Hangar 2 where his captain awaits him.

There were signs of fatigue on his face, but Fang wasn't bothered by this. His senses were on high red alert, more sharper than the senses of a greyhound. Fang could literally see and hear everything:

His stomping boots,

The sound of every AC vents,

The whirring of an unknown machine,

The complains of his friends upstairs,

Papa Zola's triumph screams, and...

His stalker's soft footsteps.

The shadow user instictively stopped and looked behind. "Why are you following me, Captain Kaizo?"

At first nothing stirred in the shadows, but then a tall person appeared and faced Fang.

"I had to make a quick stop," Kaizo coldly replied. "Do you want to know what is it?"

"I don't care," Fang said, words more coated with deadly venom.

His brother flinched with fear, but regained his usual posture afterwards as if nothing happened.

"I'll tell you the details of Operation 5862 once we are on board," Captain Kaizo said, hoping to change the subject.

"Good," Fang muttered, then he turned and walked away.

Fang, you're as deadly as I am, Captain Kaizo nervously thought as he followed his little brother cautiously. I hope it doesn't lasts longer.

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