Chapter 4: Part 1

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Captain Kaizo's Spaceship;
Somewhere in Space,
30 minutes away from Planet Volcania

Captain Kaizo, Private Fang,
Lieutenant Lahap

Geez, everthing's so quiet, Lahap thought as he stirred the ship to their destination: that volcanic planet.

Of all the years working with Kaizo, Lahap has never felt severe uneasiness with the odd company he had. Usually that only comes to his captain, who was entitled the most-feared Legendary Space Rebel, and also one of the top analysts in the entire galaxy. His little brother, well... clearly the opposite. But right now, things have altered ever since the start of that solo mission 4 months ago. Fang's being so cold and arrogant like the captain. Only it's twice more than his because Fang's getting cynical every minute. He is like a ticking time bomb, just waiting for the worst moment to explode. His intelligence might surpass Captain Kaizo's and the rest of TAPOPS.

The lieutenant looked back at Fang, who was leaning against the wall considering that there are only two seats and both are already taken. His red eyes were still on that stupid, freaking! $#!¥!!! tablet, as if there was no more tomorrow for him.

Hmm, Lahap thought. He's probably stalking that girl again. Probably still reckoning of the wrong he has done for her. If his meaty memory serves right, the cute girl's name was—

"Is there a problem, Lahap?" Fang interrupted, his head now facing at the lieutenant.

Lahap blinked. "No, sir. Nothing to worry."

Then he turned back and focused on his driving. Wait, why did I called him 'sir' when that twig didn't gave me any respect of calling me 'Lieutenant'?"

A little while later, a tiny hot red planet was seen from a distance and Lahap alerted Captain Kaizo, who was meditating with his hands pressed together and eyes closed.

"Captain, we're aproaching Planet Volcania, T minus 25 minutes."

"Alright," the captain said as he stood up from his passenger seat. "Suit up, team. Bring what you have to bring." And he swiftly left the cockpit, assumingly Kaizo went to his quarters for something.

The purple alien (or was it pink?) carefully looked back at Fang. "Aren't you gonna get something in the armory? This is obviously a mission, not an amusement park."

Fang scowled. "I'm not a child to know what's a mission, Lahap. And to answer your question, no. I already have myself as a weapon for others."

Lieutenant Lahap sighed as he switched the ship into Autopilot Mode, and likewise went outside.


Lahap turned around and found the boy's fiery red eyes glaring back at him.

"Whatever you're getting at the armory room," he said coldly. "Fetch back also my Perforation glasses. I would like to use two powers in this mission. Do you understand?"

Lahap stiffly nodded and quickly reached towards a bulky octagon-shaped vault.

"That stupid runt," he lividly muttered as he put his right eye at the door's retinal scanner. "Think he could enslave me."

The sensor beeped from red to navy blue and the doors parted, like a camera lens zooming away. Lahap entered the vault and was greeted with a lot of hi-tech weapons, all color-coded by its design and its value. Near him was a navy blue console, which contains all the info about Kaizo's spaceship.

"C4 bomb. The new version," the lieutenant announced, then bitterly added, "And also, Perforation glasses."

"Processing," the room said and immediately four black orbs sprang out of nowhere and searched the whole shelf.

While waiting, Lahap searched at the console for the ship's live-in CCTVs and pressed three cameras overlooking the central cockpit. From there he could see that Fang was still busy with his tablet. Other than his quick darting eyes, his body didn't dared to move an inch from his place. He didn't bothered to sit down on the two vacant seats for a break, or even got his favorite red carrot donut on their secret refrigerator.

"C4 bomb 2.0, now ready," the room said as the four orbs carried a big metal cylinder with a sling attached to it.

"Stupid runt," Lahap repeated while taking his weapon and slinging it over his shoulder. "I'll show him..."

"So you're still thinking of her?"

Lahap looked back at the console screen and saw his captain a few feet away from Fang, testing his Energetic Blade by swinging it back and forth.

Fang paused for a second as if he remembered something, then went back to his tablet.

This is going to be interesting, Lahap thought as he watched closely.

When Fang didn't responded, Kaizo sighed and put his sword back to his belt. "You know, Fang, you can always speak it aloud. Anytime."

"I'm not talking about it." his brother rudely said without taking his eyes off his tablet. "Thank you for the concern, though."

"Hmph! This is a matter that I need to be concerned," Kaizo pointed out. "You, all of the sudden, changing your unique moods into aggressive ones. And that irritates everyone around you."

"It's just like I said, thank you for your concern and don't talk about my mentality. I'm fine. Period."

"No, you're not!" Kaizo slightly raised his voice, then added. "I have told our parents about your cynical attitude."

That's a lie, Lahap smugly thought. Kaizo, you can fool anyone but not me.

"What?!" Fang believably exclaimed, slamming his tablet on his lap. "You told Mama and Baba about me?"

*Mama and Baba are the Chinese words of Mother and Father. I figured Chinese culture was an inspiration for the humanoid brothers.*

Captain Kaizo nodded. "It also part of my concern to look after you, Pang, and also to report all our daily activities to them."

Fang furiously faced his captain. "First of all, don't call me that foolish nickname—"

"Which you've preferred to it since birth." Kaizo simply explained.

"—Second, you shouldn't be concerned about me because this is who I am—"

"But you're not the same as before." Kaizo interrupted. "You're not in one piece."

Fang sharply inhaled for a minute, then continued. "—And third, why bother telling this to them? It's not worth telling that to our parents."

"It IS worth telling," Kaizo once again raised his voice. "That this scared little boy is going mental just because of an almost failed mission 4 weeks ago!"

"Don't you dare call me—!"

"Oh, I can. Because of that boy who loved and cared for the team's most important Principal—"

Fang suddenly banged the metal wall hard. "How many times do I have to constantly tell you that SHE has a name?"

Kaizo tried to say something witty but Fang shushed him quickly.

"We are not calling her 'The Principal' or 'The Subject.' I don't even care if that power sphere decided to possess her and make her his own. No, SHE HAS A NAME, AND HER NAME IS—?!"

TE, NE, NA, NA...
(you know in grocery stores, malls, airport, etc. staffs use the speaker to play four notes from the chime before announcing something, yeah that's the tune)

"Calling the attention of Team Kaizo," the autopilot computer monotonously said. "Please proceed to the exit now, to enter Planet Volcania."

TE, NE, NA, NA...

"Tsk! I don't ever recall that we agreed to this stupid earthling announcement," Captain Kaizo wondered aloud as he approached the cockpit and changed the autopilot settings.

Lahap cringed. Whoops... I forgot to change that. He really had the worst memories in Earth years ago. I should thank the girl who stole his heart.

*eeekkk.. that, um, she's not my mystery girl. you'll find out when I release my 2nd book of this.*

"And where the hell is Lieutenant Lahap? He should be here by now?"

"He's probably in the armory room, getting my Perforation glasses," Fang explained, now back to his dull self and scanning his tablet.

"What?!" Now it was Kaizo's turn to shout out in surprise and anger. "You ordered him to get your glasses?"

Fang nodded. "Why, is there a proble—?"

"First rule: We don't order any of our members to be our own slaves," the captain outrageously scolded as he unsheathed his Energetic Blade and pointed at his brother.

Oh, not this again, Lahap thought. Not in the middle of a mission.

"Perforation glasses now ready," the room said, four orbs now holding a  rectangular case.

Quickly the lieutenant grabbed the case and ran outside, leaving the room to automatically close the vault.

If those two plan to start a petty fight here, their very mission will be jeopardized. Captain Kaizo and Fang always fought like beasts since last week, and they might draw too much attention to their enemies. Being with them is a really bad omen,  or that's what Lahap's greedy mind thinks.

When he got into the cockpit, he could already feel death surrounding the whole room. Kaizo and Fang were just about to clash with each other. Kaizo with his blade ready, and Fang twirling his hands (about to conjure some of his vicious shadow powers). Both were glaring at each other, waiting who will make the first move.

"I'm back!" Lahap called, trying to break the dark tension.

And it worked. The brothers quickly lowered their guard and were back to their cold demeanor.

"Good," Kaizo said, then cleared his throat. "Right on schedule."

Fang nodded in agreement. "Did you get it?"

"Didn't have to be told twice," Lahap threw the Perforation glasses to him.

Fang caught it one-handed without looking away from his tablet. "And, Lahap, never call me a stupid runt. I can hear you, you know."

Lahap, although scared in the inside, just rolled his eyes and went beside his captain. Since Fang was with them, Lahap decided to communicate to his captain by thinking. Even though they don't have any telepathy powers, both of them were expertly good at reading minds. Besides it concerns with the new disturbance.

Your brother's getting crazier and crazier, he furiously thought. Punish him already, Captain.

Kaizo shook his head. Give him more time, Lahap. He's new to this stage.

But, boss, it's itching my nerves.

Lahap, watch your thoughts. He might—.

Ugghh! I don't care. That stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid runt—.

"I told you: Don't call me a stupid runt," Fang loudly said, then he set down his tablet and started walking towards his team.

Lahap flinched. He can read us?

Kaizo nervously fiddled his TAPOPS badge. Remember: he is on high alert.

           don't be reckless again.

And so all three of them went to the exit, and discussed again their plan to infiltrate the organization in Planet Volcania.

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