2: Ying and Yaya

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"When you want to protect someone, you do everything just to keep them safe, even if it means shutting them out from reality."

Inside the girl's room, Yaya was seen lying on her bed while Ying was looking at the purplish dark galaxy on the glass walls. She doesn't really understand why the galaxy was so dark and mysterious. She had always thought that the universe is lighted by the Sun but Cuchi said that everything outside the Earth is dark because it is vast. Not long after that, Ying finally noticed Yaya's reflection on the glass.

They have settled for the night and both girls have wore their pajamas and both have let their hair down. Yaya now has a long wavy brown hair when she put out her pink hijab. She really looks beautiful. Not just beautiful, but she is also smart and caring. You can't find people like her. She's one of a kind. But Yaya's worried feature was still the same as last time. It makes Ying sad too, so she devised a plan to make her smile.

"Yo!" She cheerfully greeted her.

"Oh..." Yaya said when she noticed her.

Ying made an irritated look and crossed her arms. "I seriously can't believe that my one and only best friend had changed my name into Oh... From Ying." She pouted and made a jealous face.

Yaya hauled her self into a sitting position and somehow laughed, "Ying..."

Ying smiled at her in satisfaction when she saw Yaya was smiling truthfully. "You still think about him, don't you?"

Yaya's smile slowly changed into a sad smile. Again, Ying mentally had slapped her face.

"Boboiboy..." She said while looking on the bed covers which Ying was once judged to be real or alien-made. How can these aliens have something like from Earth? Were they having a trade from Earth secretly? Oh... Yes, she was talking to Yaya right?
Ying's eyebrows furrowed, "The bed cover's not Boboiboy." She was cracking a joke but as expected, Yaya did not laugh.

"Boboiboy..."she repeated, still looking on the bed covers.

"Uuh? Ha?" Why is Yaya like this?! "You're thinking of him right now?!" Ying almost screamed in awe. As if on her senses, Yaya was shock and then blushed but Ying pretended not to notice. "You should be sleeping right now, Yaya! Everyone's sleeping right now!"

Yaya panicked and her blush had deepen as she tried to reach for her blanket, " I, uhhh, sorry if I disturb you Ying! Ahh... Y-You should sleep well too tonight! Goodnight!" Yaya quickly lay down on the bed and covered her whole body with the blanket.

Ying, on the other hand, was laughing. But why do she feel as if something stings on her chest? She patted Yaya's head and said good night to her too. She put the lights off and went to her bed and also covered her face behind the blanket. Why does she feel instant drain right now? Why does she feel that she is sad? No. She can't be sad. Wait, what should she be sad about? What?

She's feeling sleepy. Perhaps sleeping this will be forgotten tomorrow. She put her glasses on the bed side table.

Yaya could hear approaching footsteps from two persons. One made a heavy and shaking footsteps while the other one is almost faint. They are probably Gopal and Fang, but why are they still up to this time? They should be sleeping right now. She turned her head to where Ying's bed was and called at her through the dark room, "Ying? Are you still awake?"

Ying tiredly opened her eyes and tried to adjust her sight to the dark. "Uh? Is anything the matter Yaya?"

"Can you hear footsteps?"

Ying's eyes squinted through the dark as she tried to focus, "I don't think I do. Why?"

"I think they're from Gopal and Fang." She said looking at the door.

"Eh? Really? You can hear footsteps? That's COOOL! Lets see if it's real!" Her energetic side ruled over her body and slapped away her sleepyhead.

Without a blink of an eye, she instantly and effortlessly ran towards the open door. No one was there but moments later, she saw Gopal and Fang approaching.

Both boys were surprised to see Ying with an awed face, "Whooah, Yaya! You're right! You're right! You're right! Come over here!"

When the boys arrived outside their room, they were much more surprised seeing Ying without her blue round rim glasses, her untied ruly hair and capless head; Yaya showing off her long wavy brown hair without her pink hijab. Gopal and Fang thought about how did they looked different from before.

Ying was jumping with joy as she hugged her friend, "You're so cool,Yaya!"

"Eh?" Gopal asked curiously.

"You see, Yaya just heared you coming right on this place so I just checked out if it was true, so it is true!" Ying explained, clearly energized by the small things.

"So?" Fang crossed his arms. Why is this girl so energetic? She reminds him of Boboiboy's other sides.

"Well, I think Yaya has uncovered one of her powers related to Gravity Manipulation!" She said proudly.

"Huh? But I'm always like this since I got my power. I just keep it at myself though. Hehe." Yaya replied in confusion.

Ying stopped from smiling, "Eh? Really?" Yaya nodded and the boys shook their heads in disapproval. "Ah, man! I just thought it was your first time, Yaya. I can't believe I cheered for the wrong time." She made a crying face which Yaya laughed.

"Don't worry. You're the first person to know it though." Yaya giggled and Ying hugged her childishly.

Gopal was irritated by the constant hugging of the girls. "You both look annoying when you hug and cry over nothing, you know."

This made Yaya and Ying's ears twirk up.

"What did you say, Gopaaaaaaal?!!!!" Yaya made a fist and a fiery atmosphere was felt above them.

"Oh. Ehehehe. I was just joking Yaya." Gopal moved backwards.
"Didn't expect I say it out loud though."

Ying dismissed the sudden atmosphere and calmed Yaya. She whispered to Gopal angrily, "I was supposed to make her feel happy, you idiot!"

Fang, realizing the problem: BOBOIBOY changed the topic, "Why are you still awake at this time?"

Ying whispered to him, "Actually, we were just sleeping until Yaya called me if I heared footsteps coming. She said they belong to the both of you so I checked. Don't speak about anything related to B!"

Fang's brows met, "B? Who is B?" Ying's face gave a warning look and then he knows what B means, "Oh..."

Yaya asked them, "How about you? What makes you stay up?"

"Laksamana Tarung had given us a new mission." Fang replied nonchalantly.

"Oh? Where could that be? I wonder how's Boboiboy."

Ying butted in, "Oh would you look at the time! We really need to sleep because we're going on a mission! Hahaha," she really doesn't understand why she laughed. She looked weird, did she?

"Hmm. By means us doesn't mean you two can go. I mean Gopal and I are going tomorrow. No girls allowed. You'll be slowing us down." Fang smirked.

Ying's irritated face replaced her energetic one, "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY, SPIKE-HEAD? WHEN YOU SAY IT YOU'RE JUST ALSO TALKING TO GOPAL!"

"Eh? Why am I in the topic? I am not like that!" Gopal defended himself.

Yaya stopped Ying before she could even grab Fang's cloth. As if on cue, Fang winked knowingly at Ying and made her stop from struggling on her friend's grasp. When Fang walked by the two girls, he ruffled on Ying's hair, "You both should sleep." That gesture send a message to Ying that he was helping her to make Yaya occupied with something else not just to Boboiboy.

"Ying, you should really control yourself." Yaya said worriedly.

Ying was still looking at Gopal and Fang's backs. She smiled how Gopal was himself obviously getting afraid and Fang being just as mysterious as he can be.

"... Ying?" Yaya's voice snapped her back to reality. She was already in the dark room because both girls never cared of turning the lights on.

Ying smiled as she thanked the Heaven for giving her awesome friends. She muttered, "Break a leg, you two."


Yey. I really didn't expect that this chapter would be longer than before.

Are you enjoying this? Well, let's see if you can still do as this story progresses. I'm not really good at writing romantic scenes. I'm not even sure if you got happy with what I did to Fang.

Drop down your comments. I'm curious of what you're thinking of this story.

Have a nice day. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

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