5a: Disrespectful and Punishment

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They still couldn't believe that the T. A. P. O. P. S station today is... dull.

Last night, Commander Kokochi and Admiral Tarung had an urgent meeting somewhere they never opened up. The teenagers had tried to ask tricky questions but the serious Admiral had dismissed them quickly leaving them confused. But at the same time, they looked at the bright side! If there is no Admiral Tarung and Commander Kokoci around...

This means parteeeeeeh!

With no serious geezers lurking around the station, they can have any time they want to sleep late and wake up late, like any Earth kids would do on Saturdays. They can have snacks everytime their hungry mouths could do, goofing around, lazing around, and be normal.

Even for one day, they hope they would have enough rest.

The girls spent their time reading and studying in the station's library. Gopal and Boboiboy, on the other hand have been successful of waking up past seven o'clock in the morning. Fang was well, looking out for the station's safety.

As Gopal and Boboiboy lazily went to the kitchen to eat their breakfast, Fang, Yaya, and Ying approached to them with irritated faces.

Boboiboy greeted them, "Good morning guys! Let's have a breakfast!" He was enjoying his alien foods which he now got used to eat.

Gopal was eating his breakfast which were changed into familiar Earth-like delicacies. "Hey, what's wrong? Early in the morning you three have an irritated look. What?"

Fang crossed his arm as as he tssked, "Well, because of the two of you, we are all charged to wash the laundry."

Boboiboy's right brow arched in a questioning look, "Because of us?"

"Aiy! If only you have waken up seven in the morning when Admiral had called, he wouldn't suspect more. Aish!" Ying also crossed her arms, her irritated voice was clearly shown.

"Then why didn't you wake us up?" Gopal defended and continued to eat.

"We did... And we tried everything we could- Ying stopped the time as Fang and I tried to get off your lazy feet from the bed but you were both hopeless." Yaya recalled. "Admiral was really mad and Commander Kokoci promised to give you both a good beating."

Boboiboy and Gopal's eyes went wide. Boboiboy tried to chuckle but it ended up as a nervous chuckle, "Ahehe. Sorry, guys. Please forgive us."

"Hmp. We would, if only those geezers gave you both the laundry without our presence." Ying started nagging. "Why can't you both be responsible, huh? Gosh."

"You finish that and meet us in the laundry area after fifteen minutes." Fang ordered as he left.

Well, nobody thought that this dull day could be tiring.

When Boboiboy and Gopal had finished their breakfast, they ran to the laundry station. They looked around the busy room as Ying dashed around to prepare the dirty clothes.

She complained, "Eek! These are smelly clothes!"

"Quit complaining about that and continue on your work." Fang said crossing his arms.

Ying shot him a glare, "It's easy for you to say that, Spike-head when you are the one who's bossing us today. Aiish! I can't believe this! This is not fair!"

Fang gave her a teasing smile, "Oh really, Ying? You want me to tell that to Admiral? Them being unfair?"

Her glare was stopped and just rolled her eyes as she collected some of the filthy clothes and put them in the basket. She noticed Boboiboy and Gopal and gave them a glare too, "Oy! Don't just stand there!"

The newly arrived boys gave her a sly smile and Boboiboy split himself into three- Leaf, Earth, and Lightning.

When Ying was finished on putting the clothes on the big washing machine, Yaya arrived holding a basket full of detergents. "I'm sorry, I'm late. I tried to find where these detergents were put."

"It's okay, Yaya! We just also arrived. Hehe." Boboiboy Leaf replied in a playful tone.

Boboiboy Lightning helped Earth in classifying the other laundry. Gopal noticed that Fang was laid back so he went to Ying to ask her why.

She replied in great annoyance, mostly irritated about these boys, "Can't you see? The Admiral had put him in charge in all of us here."

"Oh, does that also mean that he should not have to work?" Gopal asked.

"Aish! Don't talk to me!"

Fang noticed Ying and Gopal talking and he called them both, "Don't slack off!"

"Sorry, sorry! We were not! Ying and I just have something we discussed about." Gopal replied in a nervous tone.

"And what is that?"

"A Spike-head like you doesn't have to know." Ying replied giving him a glare again. "Don't talk to people who are busy while you are just watching. Why not give us a hand?"

Fang didn't like her reply, "Don't give me that kind of reply. You must know how to respect me as the one who is in-charge."

"And what if I won't? You also have to give us a hand. As far as I heard, 'we', the five of us are charged to wash the laundry." She put her hands on her hips.

Yaya tried to calm her down, "Ying... Fang is right. Please respect him."

But Ying isn't the one who is going to back down yet before she could reply back, Ochobot entered the room and announced, "Guys, Admiral Tarung is on the line."

This made them surprised and straightened their backs as they saw him on the screen.

"So... Tell me how is going on in there, Private Fang?" Tarung was in his down to earth mode. He was holding a mug with a smile on his face.

"The simulation was good, Admiral," he reported but his eyes went to the yellow clad girl, "Until Ying disrespected my rules."

Ying can clearly read on his tone that he wants her to be punished. She heard Tarung in a surprised voice, "Disrespect? But how can a cheerful girl disrespect you, Private Fang? Hmm... Perhaps you made Ying mad again." He laughed suddenly but his current mode was replaced by his opposite side.

When Ying saw his skin color changed from white to orange, she began to shiver.

With an angry face, he looked at Ying in a furious expression, "What is this disrespeftful I heard just now, Ying?"

Everyone got nervous and Ying stuttered, "I-I was irritated at how Fang got bossy, Admiral..."

"You were whaaaat?!" He screamed on the screen. "You got irritated with just that? Tell me, do you also feel irritated when I also boss around you? Tell me the truth!"

"I-I, uh... I-" stuttered, clearly embarrassed of the attention she had.

Tarung cut off her explaination, "It makes sense. If you can't give Fang respect, you can't also give me respect. Listen all of you, I want all of you to scrub ALL of the edges here in the station. Let's see how you all can develop your respect to that."

Gopal suddenly objected, "But Admiral... It was only Ying, why us?" Boboiboy Earth nudged him in a serious face.

"Excuse me sir!" Ying surprised the crowd with her tone. It was like an adrenaline rush. "Please let me scrub all of the places here on the station! I-I am really sorry for what I have done! But please! Don't give more work to my friends! It's my fault."

The Admiral was not impressed with her saying something like that, "You really are disrespectful, Ying." He said silently and that made her face blush in embarrassment.

"I was just-" she stopped when she saw him became silent. She rubbed her right arm."I'm sorry,Admiral."

With heavy silence and Ying wanting to disappear in the crowd, the humanoid alien sighed, "Very well Ying... Scrub the whole station without a single mess before we get back on midnight, or you all shall face some worse consequences." With that, the screen dimmed and Ochobot was also silent.

Before Yaya could ran to Ying, the embarrassed thirteen year old girl dashed around getting some detergents, some brushes, and two pails. She left the room with a blink of an eye, never uttered a word.

"Ying..." Yaya called out in a very worried look but Boboiboy Earth stopped her.

"Let's let her have some time..." With that, Boboiboy Leaf and Lightning went back as one Boboiboy.

The four teens and Ochobot were covered with heavy silence as Yaya glanced at Fang and then to the door.

Fang said, "Let's go back on washing the laundry."

Boboiboy was surprised. He thought they were done, so he summoned Leaf and Lightning again.

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