7c: Boys' Point of View

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A very heavy atmosphere remained still above the boy's parameter, not because of the sudden turn of events, but because of what the T. A. P. O. P. S admiral said.

After they have reported that they have failed to protect the girls, they did not expect that the calm demeanor of Tarung would only make them feel worse.

With a calm smile he said, "Oh, that's a pity."

"Admiral, what should we do now? I mean, we're caught between searching the unknown power sphera or should we save the girls." Boboiboy started.

"You should have known the obvious answer, boys. Find the power sphera." He winked at them.

Admiral Tarung was on his down to earth mode because Papa Zola said that it had been past eight in the evening. That would supposed to be a good news, but it's weird that the three boys wanted a very nice and long scolding from his beast mode.

They have failed to protect the girls.

The girls' safety was also in their hands but they got separated now, not sure of what is happening to them.

Hearing Admiral's calm and confident answer, Boboiboy felt annoyed and Gopal and Fang noticed this foreign expression, "But Admiral... We haven't have any idea on what the power sphera looks like. Ying and Yaya now are separated with us with Yaya wounded. How- how can we even have to find that sphera if they are not around with us!"

Gopal found his best friend shaking with anger. He saw in his brown eyes the fire that symbolizes his deep annoyance and anger. He feared that Fire will take over and ran wild.

Gopal had to calm him down, "B-Boboiboy... Please. Calm down a litt-"

His intuition was right. Boboiboy Fire faced him with a flaming red face, "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN, GOPAL! WE SHOULD BE LOOKING FOR THEM RIGHT NOW! ABANDON THE SEARCH OF THAT POWER SPHERA!"

Gopal flinched from his sudden outburst and controlled his tears. Luckily, Fang covered him and punched Fire on the face, hard.

Fire's eyes flamed even more, "YOU DARE ON HITTING ME, YOU-!"

"STOP IT, BOBOIBOY!" Fang countered back. His red eyes gave him a sympathetic but hard look. This made Fire stop for a moment. "You're underestimating the girls. They can fend off for their selves, Ying said so. I am asking you to believe in them because I am. Don't forget that those two girls are the smartest, do you forgot about that?"

Gopal have to bite his left pinky. Man, what if these two would fight against each other?

Fang continued, "I'm sure the girls want us to do this, find the power sphera."

"B-" Fire was cut off.

"But that doesn't mean we will abandon them. They are smart enough to find a way out."

Fire look at him for a few seconds and was breathing hard to control his temper and closed his eyes for a moment. Fang was right. He underestimated them. He should believe in them.

Laksamana's voice rang through them again on Fang's watch. "Yep, yep. Besides, we have received a call from Ying lately before you did. It was a short call because of a signal blocking. She said about this incident. She suspected that the moss's have to do with the separation. Her speculation matches on Captain Kaizo's speculation."

"Speculation?" Fang raised his left brow.

"The unknown power sphera is probably around the area where the moss's are. The invincible wall indicates that that's where the power sphera is hiding. Captain Kaizo forgot to tell you that the unknown power sphera uses invincible barriers but shows itself. It's part of its smart trick."

All the boys' brows furrowed and remained silent.

Tarung gave them a sigh. "That cave you are in is mysterious and no matter how hard we try to help you with back up data, everything's just limited. I hope you understand that. Rescue that power sphera."

It's weird, but inside a cave is supposed to look dark. However, being here is different. The cave itself seemed to have a life of it's own. It has it's own time or so it would be and they thought that it's night time already.

As they settled for the night, the flowers from a distant were singing the same melody again. A creepy, quite, and sad melody was back.

Gopal fought back his fears because he can't run and hide behind Boboiboy's back for now because Gopal felt bad on what he did. Sure, he understood that he was upset but... It's a little awkward, you know.

He glanced back to where Boboiboy was and found him looking straight into the open fields. With the camp fire they made, this helped him recognize that his features were back again to the Boboiboy he once knew. Still, he found that there was a worried look on it.

Gopal ate his chocolate balls on a stick and munch sorrowfully, the sad background melody matching his mood. Man, how can the world so sad today?

He diverted his gaze to his back and saw Fang standing and looking at the darkness infront of him. He looked cool for he had crossed his arms. Gopal wondered if that guy ever worried about Yaya and Ying like what he and Boboiboy are feeling. Oh, yeah. Probably that he is but he can't tell.

Gopal felt someone beside him and sat on his green sleeping mat. He recognized the orange cap boy from his peripheral view but pretended he was never there.

Boboiboy started, "Gopal... I'm sorry for what I did lately. I lose control. I'm sorry that I yelled at your face."

There. That's what he wanted to hear lately. He wanted to ignore him but oh! He can't resist his teary eyes shining because of the flame. He then remembered Fire, but this time, his eyes were sad and sorry.

He finally faced him, "I understand. I may have felt "slightly" offended by your outburst but naaah. It's okay, Boboiboy." He then gave him a smile and offered him his food.

Boboiboy gave him a toothy smile and they both laugh at their own selves. "Ew. I never thought that you would be this sweet, best friend."

Gopal laugh, "Hahaha. You're also ew because you gave me a teary eye. You looked weird."

"Hey, you two. It's not time to fool around. We have to get some rest so that we can continue the mission." Fang seriously said and he laid his body on his blanket.

Boboiboy gave him a look, "We're just trying to keep ourselves lighten up a bit, Fang. We can think clearly when we feel comfortable, I guess."

Fang grunted as a reply and knowing Fang being himself, Gopal and Boboiboy had to shrug to each other.

"Good night, Boboiboy." Gopal beamed as he finished his chocolate balls.

Boboiboy smile, "Gosh. Someday you won't have any teeth to be proud of, Gopal."

"Hey. Since I was a kid, I have been eating chocolates and so far, my teeth are still healthy."

The orange cap boy gave him a smug look, "Good night, Gopal." And he went back to his place to lay down. He glanced pass the camp fire and watched Fang's back, "Good night, Fang."

The boy did not respond, so Boboiboy closed his eyes.

He dreamed that someone was waking him up, tapping his cheeks softly, but he only gave that someone a lazy grunt.

"Boboiboy... Hey... Boboiboy?" The voice was familiar. Low but sweet and calm. Something that could make him feel... Feel at peace.

The voice wakes him up again, "Boboiboy? My lap is getting numb."

He opened his eyes lazily and above him, he saw a blurry face that seemed to beam at him. He knew she was familiar but he can't just make out her face.

When he noticed that his head was laying on a soft lap, he quickly rise and sat, murmuring embarrassed excuses to the blurry female. "Oh no! I'm sorry! I'm very sorry!" He scratched his head under his orange cap but it wasn't there. "My cap? Where's my cap?"

"It's here, Boboiboy." She showed him his favorite orange cap. "I'm sorry that I took it off without your permission." The low voice that he used to know seemed to sound sad.

"Oh! No, i- it's nothing to worry! It's okay!" He waved his hands nervously in front of him, afraid if the girl would tear up in any minute.

The blurry girl just sat there, probably looking at him. He just couldn't make out her face. That familiar blurry face... That familiar voice... Who was she?

He reached out to her blurry face and felt that something covering around her head. He closed his eyes. Even if he can't see and familiarize her face, why does something inside him feels that he knows her?

He felt the wind passing by at them, his hair dancing to where the light breeze pass and helping his stomping heart to calm down.

"B- Boboiboy?" She seemed to sound nervous and worried.

"Shhhh..." Still his closed eyes never opened, afraid that when he do open them, he might see who that girl is. But to be honest, he felt happy touching her face. It was an impulse to touch it whenever he gets closer to her.


His heart stomped a little loudly this time.

"Dey, Boboiboy!"

Oh. That's weird. She now sounded like Gopal.

"Get into your senses, you idiot!" The girl slapped him hard on his cheek.

Why does it feels so real? The pain is sipping inside his right cheek.

"If you won't wake up right now, I'll use my Shadow Tiger to scratch your ugly face until you wake up looking hideous! Shit."

Oh. Now the voice sounded like Fang.





"HEY! HEY! AW! HEY! GET OFF!" Boboiboy protected his self by shielding his two arms infront of him. He stood up flaring with embarrassment, "Why you! Can't you see I'm sleeping peacefully here?!"

Gopal rushed to his side, "Oh no! You almost got a bad scratch, Boboiboy."

He tried to breathe. Why, these two have destroyed his sleep, and his dream with that blurry female! Geez! But hey, it's good that they did because he thinks that it was a nightmare. That girl made his heart stomping in his dreams, probably want him to be killed.

"What's wrong with you, by the way?" Fang asked, dismissing his Shadow Tiger with a satisfied smile.

Boboiboy gave him an annoyed look, "Me? I was not! Why would a person who is asleep disturbs his fellow sleeping comrades, by the way?"

"Because that sleeping person is having a bad dream! You threw your hat on my face! I almost die in suffocation, you idiot!" Fang replied, his annoyance matching his.

Hearing that, Boboiboy gave him a 'really' look which he just want to punch many times, "I did?"

Fang huffed in annoyance and crossed his arms. He was having this good dream. A dream that he is the most famous in the whole universe, surpassing his own big brother Kaizo and Boboiboy's fame. It was doing well, every women in the galaxy admires him. He felt very happy but there were girls, who were both familiar, appeared in his dream and landed a punch on his head. One had turn his left ear and the other girl strangled him. They grimly said, "Die you, Fame whore!" That was when he realized that Boboiboy's cap covered his nose and mouth, blocking his breathing. "Tsssss."

He glanced at his watch and saw that it's around three. Too early.

"Gopal, try calling Ying or Yaya's watch. Just ring it, see if the signal is back." He instructed.

"O-okay." He dialed Ying's code and it rang.

Boboiboy went to Fang's place and get his cap which lay near the camp fire, "Sheesh. Be careful with this cap. This is my favorite."

"Then don't throw that to people when you have a bad dream. Tss." Fang replied.

A bad dream? It was more on like a sweet one. He remembered his dream a while ago and felt that his blood went into his face.

Gopal reported, "Both of them are not answering my calls."

Fang walked near to the already dead hearth. "What a pain." He dialed on his watch, Boboiboy also did the same.

"Whoa! Hey, I'm getting something at Yaya's watch." Boboiboy announced.

Kriiik. Tsch. Tsch.


"Hello? Yaya?" He called.

"And this day the light will shy away, leaving the darkness to watch us wither away."

"What's that? Something like a creepy song?" Gopal shuddered. "Why is Yaya not talking. The song is creepy and the choir sounded like horror voices. Boboiboy," Gopal started to freak out, "What is happening now with Yaya and Ying?"

Fang walk near them, "Weird. But Ying had left a message. It says that we have 57 hours to move around the dark. Flowers are asleep but still sing a lonely lullaby. Meet us at the West, around 800 miles. Yaya is starting to become like them."

"Starting to become like them?" Gopal and Boboiboy repeated, "What's that mean?"

Gopal's watch ring and Yaya's code was seen, " Hello? Yaya?"

"GOPAL! TELL THE OTHERS THAT ******* YAYA! ARGH! WEAK SIGNAL! *******" Ying's nervous voice reported.

"Ying?! Hello?!" Gopal called with a worried voice.

Boboiboy's watch rang again with Yaya's code, "THE POWER SPHERA IS IN HERE! HURRY BEFORE YAYA WILL ALSO WITHER AWAY LIKE THEM!" Ying's voice crack and the boys can sense that she is crying.

"Wait, Ying! What do you mean that Yaya will wither away?" Boboiboy's worried voice replied.

Ying's crack voice seemed to calm down, "Please... I can't handle watching her like this." And off the signal again.

They didn't receive a call or a message from her for the rest of the journey.

To be continued...

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