7g: Stop Looking, You'll Fall

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"It's always not my intention to fall for you. Perhaps I overlooked at how much a beauty you can be."

Warning: FaYa alert! I advised you to just read it anyway. Man, don't hate me for doing this. Let's just be realistic. Sari_Ying for ya my man!

The room was cold and almost silent. And looking out for the resting Yaya on the bed seems to help him remember some things back to the past.

This was her third day on bed, and seeing her once dark green colored skin turned back into the usual tan one, is a positive sign. She is healing, but she hasn't opened her eyes yet.

Sitting with his left leg on his right, he look around the cold room for a new sight. But no matter how much he looked around, his crimson eyes always landed to the sleeping girl. She was weak and recovering, but despite with her sleeping feature, she still look kind.

Fang sighed. "What am I even thinking," and then he blinked.

With that single blink, he remembered the first time his friends showed him love, even with his arrogant attitude. But aside from Boboiboy, Yaya was also the one who believes in him. Someone who also did not judged him when he betrayed them. The one who also gives a nod of acknowledgement and encouragement. Like man, who would never fall for that--

Fall?  Like crushing on a girl, and she was the first one.

Again, Fang slapped his forehead silently, "Hold it together,"

So he ended up deciding to stand up and opened the door. He closed the door behind slowly and went to the next room. He opened it and entered.

He scratched his head, "Why did they have to let me babysit these girls?" He sighed and went close to the other girl who was also lying.

Unlike Yaya, who actually recovered for a short time, Ying, even in their three days of unconsciousness, still looked beat up. The dark circles under her eyes are still noticeable. Her once cheerful look seemed to be distant.

Fang checked her breathing on one of the apparatus which stood beside the bed. He eyed it carefully and read the digital numbers. "Hmm. It's better than the last time I checked."

He moved away from the apparatus and went to the table where the fresh injections and some bottles of medicine are seen. He checked his watch, "It's time to torture this, Shrimp." He laughed silently.

Because Shielda was not around to do the errands, she instructed him on how much dosage he could extract and inject to Ying.

Fang prepared the injection and went to her limp figure. Silently, he injected it on her right shoulder. In a blink of an eye, he noticed Ying grimacing. He laughed, "Hey, Shrimp. Wake up before I will decide to overdose you with this. Haha ha."

He waited for her to open her eyes or another small jolts on her finger, or another twitch, but Ying didn't reacted. Seeing this, Fang smiled happily. "Ohhh. It's so unusual to see her so beat up."

Could anyone be meaner than him? Well, teasing her seems to be fun tho, but she is also one of his best friends. He also hated to see her with this unusual state. He was not used to the silence he is having right now.

Without these two girls, the team is also just an empty and incomplete string. Sure, she is annoying, loud, and active like Boboiboy and Gopal but she is also one who gives life and spirit to their friendship.

He put away the used injection in the trash bin, "We are all waiting for the both of you, so be better, Shrimp." He walked away and went back to Yaya's room.

When he went back to Yaya's room, he ran next to her when he saw her opened eyes. "Y-Yaya!" He called to catch her attention. "How are you feeling right now?"

Yaya's opened eyes seemed to be fixed on the ceiling, but never replied. He went close to the computerized apparatus on her side and studied it, "I see. You're still unconscious-"

"Ying..." She whispered in a hoarse voice.

Fang smiled at her, "Don't worry. She's fine. You need to go back from sleeping. You shall meet her soon."

She blinked slowly, her eyes darting around. She moved her hands close to Fang's and squeezed it, "Ying..."

"D- Don't worry, Yaya! I am here!" He said, feeling that her grip loosened, he saw her closed her eyes again.

After about a moment, he contacted Ochobot and told him about Yaya.

"Okay, Fang. I'll be there right away!" Ochobot replied in a hurry tone.

Within desperating minutes , he arrived and went to Yaya. Checking her heartbeat on the apparatus, his mechanical eyes furrowed in full focus. "She's recovering faster than we've expected. Her heartbeat is now on it's normal rate, also to her breathing. The wound on her finger is completely healed." He blinked.

Fang sighed and closed his eyes. Man, hearing those good news makes him feel tired.

"But..." Ochobot continued, "I'm worried about Ying's recovery. She might be conscious on the next few days. Before you called, I was in her room, checking her." He flew next to Fang, "I heard that Commander Kukuci, Admiral Tarung and Shielda were discussing about Ying's recovery. They hypotized that Ying must have used her Time Manipulation Power to Yaya to slow the time of the infection."

Fang's sleepy attention seemed to be awakened, "What?"

Ochobot continued, "Probably this is her first time on using that, resulting to her having an indirect healing ability. Shielda proposed that Ying must have almost gone to her energy limit, that's why she looks beat up."

"Healing ability... Ying?" Fang repeated, surprised.

"Yes. It's not quite possible for her to do that, knowing that her power can control time, she can also heal. But I'm afraid it requires great energy for that." Ochobot explained.

The room went silent, but Fang broke it by sighing heavily. Dang, he's so tired but all of this news seems to want him awake.

Ochobot started to move away, dismissing himself, "I've scanned her power watch. It looked wear out, and I saw that there are slight differences from before. I'll have Commander Kukuci and Admiral Tarung to know this, and then I could scan this again."

"But Fang, you also have to take a break. Commander Kukuci wished you to have your lunch. How about let's go together? I heard Papa Zola and Cattus are coming too."

Fang looked back to Yaya's sleeping figure and then nodded to Ochobot. When they left the room, Fang asked, "How's Boboiboy and Gopal's mission went?"

"Oh!" Ochobot seemed to light up, "Boboiboy and Gopal are now tracking down that Power Sphera. Gopal reported that they are currently turning the tables. Luckily, with Fire and Lightning's personalities, they have found a way on how to immobilized the Power Sphera."

"What? Immobilized? They're hurting the Power Sphera, Ochobot,"

"Yes. But Admiral Tarung himself had commanded to immobilize it. Still... I think there is something behind why the Power Sphera is acting like that." Ochobot worriedly thought.



Gopal called as he tiredly ran close to Boboiboy, yet he failed.

With Fire loosing his temper, sending a lot of fireballs around the once lone cave, Gopal wanted to faint.

Lightning, with his fast speed, continued to send some lightning bolts down to Fire.

"You loner brat, come down right here!" Challenged Fire.

"I don't supposed to pick a fight to someone like you, but you're asking for it." He summoned his lightning sword and advanced close to Fire.

Fire gave him a devious smirk, "Heh. You're full of yourself, Loner. TAKE THIS! FIRE BALL ATTACK!"

With a loud crash, Gopal hid behind the big rock which luckily Earth prepared. Deciding to look out, he peek out and his eyes welcomed the dusts entering on it. "Ahuhuhuhu. I hate this kind of plan. Ahuhuhuhu." He rubbed his two eyes and then focused on the show in front of him.

When the smoke cleared, Gopal can clearly now show what the horror was.

With Earth, Lightning, and Fire coming back as one tired Boboiboy, Gopal saw some three or four big and hairy caterpillars looking down at his friend.

Gopal wided his eyes and he was too shock to move, "Just what are they?!"


After the dinner, Fang went back on looking out from the girls. With him, constantly checking for the girls' condition, he ended up sleeping quietly back to Yaya's room.

His bobbling sleepy head stops mid-air for each moment and then he snores as he sat quietly.

But the loud vibration of the spaceship woke him up in an instant. "What was that?" He asked to himself.

Seconds later, Papa Zola's voice was heard to the speakers on each rooms and places of the station, "Ahehehehe. Sorry for the earlier incident everyone. It was just that me and my Cat of Justice were having a little quarrel. Ahehehehehe. Sorry everyone, again."

He rolled his eyes, as he imagined Commander Kukuci and Admiral Tarung'a annoyance. He sighed again and decided to go back to sleep, but the silence he once taught could help him relax, made his eyes landed again to Yaya.

He can't lie to himself as right then and there, he decided that he likes Yaya.

Gulping nervously and forgetting his sleepiness, he went to her. He looked down at her peaceful face and silently decided to caress it.

He reached out of her as his nervous right hand touched her cheek. He blushed but then composed himself. With over three days that he's stuck on watching over her, with her peaceful face, without her pink hijab, it opened up his feelings. He is growing up. And so does his feelings are starting to get over him. Teen age year. What a stupid time to fall in love.

His nervous right hand tucked out some of her hair as he gulped hard. If there is a hidden camera and someone is watching on it, he might be laughed at right now. But... What if that person is his older brother Kaizo? What would he think of him?

Without a warning, someone budge inside, making the heavy silence filled with a shocked gasped from Fang.


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