Let's Grieve.・゚*。☆

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Coping after your death

Just so you need to be aware, you're heading into the zone which mention of self harm, blades and some heartbreak moments. Stay away if you can't handle. No, it's not that hardcore though.


Quake never able to forgive himself. He promised. He sworn his life for you. And yet, he's a human being. Despite being an elemental wielder, he is in the end, powerless. Only himself were left to blame. Solar visited his house. And sure, he never imagined to see Quake in a state he never able predicted before.

Quake sat on the couch, expressionless. Hair messed up. Shirt seems never been changed as stains decorated on it. He was rocking in a slow motion of back and forth while he sat. A sign of distress. The foul smell of rotten didn't help either. "Quake... Please, stay at our place for now. Everyone's worrying about you." Solar begged. He never beg in his life. And here he is, begging for his brother to leave this place, saving him from haunting himself. Quake hummed silently, an old melody that was now bring you asleep for eternity.


"I don't need you."

His words hissed every single nerve in Cyclone but Cyclone knew best to remained quiet. He stood there silently at the corner of the living room. Which are now perfectly described as a losing battlefield. Thunderstorm stood there, eye no longer able to maintain his glare on the wind manipulator as he is far too exhausted.

"Just. Leave me." He whispered, voice croak as he fighting back himself to collapse again. He can no longer shed tears and it hurt his throat more to wail. Cyclone stood there, witnessing the stoic element wielder to crumble into pieces as he desperately wanted to help him. To comfort him.


It was indeed a sudden news. Shock is literally an understatement. No one knows how to feel by now. But Cyclone seems to be the one able coping up with it, despite him being the most attached with you. He do his works, smiling like the news never reached him in the first place. Until Thunderstorm decide to check what's under the façade. "Cyclone, stop it."

"Stop what? I'm not even doing anything." He grin, cocking an eyebrow up. Thunder grip his shoulders, eyes wavers. "Stop..faking your smile. Idiot." He muttered the last phrase. Cyclone stared at him, a smile broke wider as his eyes finally dampen. "I can't." He whispered silently, swatting Thunder's hands away. "I...can't."


If anything, he is quite. He gone rampage when the news come to him, even Ice had a hard time on distinguished the fire he made. But as time passes by, he was forced to accept the fact you're no longer there. That he never able to see you anymore. He come home less as he exhaust himself by punching everything that punchable, with a damaging blow where you can't fix.

"Blaze.." Ice called out but was left ignored. He wrap his arms over the twin's stiff shoulder. "Just talk to me.. Please." Ice muttered solemnly and again to be replied by silence.


"When was the last time you've eaten? Do you even sleep?" Blaze ask worriedly as he enter Ice's house. Literally kick down the door because Ice won't open. The said person is lying on the couch, baggy eyes, his lips chapped and there's a big difference on his body figure, rather be said he looks as thinner as an anorexic person.

"Ice..." Blaze whispered, sitting beside the couch. He pulled out a mineral bottle as he about to make him drink. Ice turn his head slightly away, refusing."Ice please. You need to drink." Blaze plead. Ice have no longer will to continue living. And maybe, he can reunite with his love in that way.


Thorn locked himself up in his room upon the day he heard of the news. Quake's heart clenched as the tray outside of the room left untouched. It had been several days. He took the keys and unlock the door, heart ache harder to see the figure lying on the floor in a tight fetal position. But as he approach him nearer, his blood ran cold. Blades. And much worse, it was stained. He pulled Thorn to his lap, as the younger boy flinch awake at the sudden gesture. "Q-Quaky?"

He pulled his arms out, lots, lots of cuts. Some were old, mostly new. "Let me clean your wounds." Quake said laying the younger male on his bed. Thorn lips quivered. He did this as a fact to feel that he still alive. As if the gestures can made him think that the things he kept inside can be poured out, in a physical way. "I'm sorry." Thorn croaked. Quake pat his head softly. "This time, let me help you."


Solar were restless. It had been weeks after the news and he never find himself to rest. No he could no longer rest. Doing his works in his only escape from the shattered reality. Submerging himself in the office, keeping himself busy. Because that's the only way he can find to forget the news. But it hit him when he arrived back home. That no one is going to say 'welcome back' to him anymore.

He was shocked to hear rustle of cutleries in the kitchen. He try keep his hopes low to think it was you but it never works. Running to the kitchen entrance, he was eye in eye with Thorn. "What're you doing." He demanded, a little harsh. Thorn flinched slightly by his tone. "I can't sit by and do nothing when you're suffering so much." Thorn said. Solar eyes soften as he lay his back against the wall. "Thank you."

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