Monsters AU x Dragons AU (Intensities of Powers)

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Hello, everyone! Here I am bringing the third part of our collab!

And to answer you question Princess-Shadow , the fun has been doubled!


Back with the others, a.k.a the wolves and the dragons, the silence is pretty much awkward as they didn't know what to say with each other.


The silence was broken by Flóga, our loveable fire dragon-


Some of the wolves flinched, Beliung- who was just sitting next to his dragon equivalent, deadpanned, "My guy- chill- this is normal to us"


Flóga twitched, "calm down- You want ME to calm down?" He glared at Beliung. As he said that, his eyes started to glow, and his body was almost engulfed in flames.

He grins, "Oh, I am CALM alright". His body twitched more, wanted nothing but to burst out the flames.

Gaia sighed, expected the reaction. He looked at the wolves and warned them, "everyone, get away. He's about to burst".


They obeyed, shoving away from the fiery hothead and prepare for any un-expecting explosions


Gaia stood up and immediately said to his counterparts, "I want you to make the strongest earth and crystal wall you ever make. If you can, make it in layers. I asked you this because things are going to get messy"

Flóga let out a roar and the flames grew. The flames shifted and out went the mighty fire dragon himself. He roared once more and tried to dive in towards Beliung but he was blocked by Raijin- who had been alerted of the situation.



The Tempest wolf speedily flew behind his pack, getting protected by Voltra

With that, Kristal, Gempa and Glacier started rapidly punching the ground, creating layers to layers to layers wall with the Earth, Ice and Crystal stacking on one another


Flóga growled, unsatisfied that his target ran away. He turned towards the person that blocked him and lunged. Raijin dodged the attack and stood in front of Ankáthi and Fujin. He gave them a look.

Understood the meaning of the look, both immediately ran towards the barrier, "Um, do you mind if we took shelter here too? Our power is not really suitable to fight against fire"


"Come in!" Kristal replied hurriedly, as he and Glace pulled in Ankáthi and Fujin respectively


Ankáthi and Fujin immediately ducked into the shelter.

Flóga raged, his body now fully covered in embers and flames. He fought against the ones who dared to stop him. After few tries, he had managed to take down Solaris and Raijin.

"FLÓGA, CALM DOWN! YOU'RE GOING TO DESTROY THIS CAVE" Gaia shouted, trying to calm his brother down. But the yelling only fuelled Flóga's anger. Abandoning Yuki, he switched his target and went for Gaia.

But before he could reach Gaia, a long white body slammed into him. Flóga felt disoriented, trying to gain his bearings. But the body breathed out icy breath at Flóga, confusing him more.


Kristal and Glace came out, with the said crystal wolf pulling Gaia over, "Any suggestions? We can help"


Gaia glanced at his counterparts before looking back at the fight. He watched as Flóga had managed to counterattack Yuki and blasted a seating hot fire at him. He watched as Yuki retreated and screeched in pain from the fire. He pursed his lips, unsure of his plan.

Then he looks at Kristal and Glacier and ordered, "I want you to try and distract Flóga for as long as you can so Yuki and I can subdue him. Can you both do that? Also, can you ask one of your brothers to bring Raijin and Solaris to the shelter? I don't want them to get hurt".


Kristal smirked, "Voltra! Gamma! Retreat your counterparts!" "Baik!"

"Glace, let's do the thing" the wolf clenched his fist together with the other grinning

They fist bump producing green and pastel blue mist, "GARGANTUAN AIS DAN KRISTAL!" Both yelled

Soon the ground grumbled and right behind the enraged Flóga- summoned a gigantic golem adorned by Ice, Earth- and thick Crystal as its armor, it much bigger than a dragon itself

The golem grabbed the fire dragon like he was a stretch toy, and stood there while the said struggles


Flóga screeched, wiggling around to free himself but no luck. The golem's hands are too tough for him to escape. But the Flóga didn't give up. The more confined he is, the angrier he gets. Switching tactics, he bursts out more flames from his body. The fire grew and it covered Flóga's whole body.

Now, there's nothing but mere flames in the golem's hands. The flames wrapped itself around the golem like a snake and from it, emerged Flóga who bit onto the golem and tightened his hold on said giant.


The two wolves who created the golem gasped, that was their best combined attack- seems like they need more techniques

"Glace, try producing the mist" "On it"

As told, Glacier took control over the giant- he concentrates as he grew the ice on the golem, making it enough to restrain Flóga further snaking as it produce icy mist, messing with the hot temperature


Roaring in pain, he let go of said golem and went away, the mist hurts. Flóga tried to snap out of his blurry eyes as some of the mist hit his eyes.

"Hurts, it hurts! Ally no more for they are now my foe and shall be destroyed". Flóga roared in anger and hatred. This time, his focus is on the golem and golem alone.

He lunged towards the giant and bit onto one of its arms.


Kristal scoffed, "Not so fast..." now in control- the crystal armor wrapping the golem did not dare to break as the wolf himself thickened it up for strength of hold

The giant easily grabbed Flóga with the tips of its fingers like is picking up a worm- gently yanking off the dragon like he was nothing


Flóga growled, he used the same tactic again but this time to get away from the golem. It worked, but before he could attack the golem again, ice shards were shot at him and it pierced through his scales.

He roared in pain, and turned towards the perpetrator. Turns out, it was Yuki who used his last strength and shot him with the shards. Exhausted, from trying to heal himself from the burns, he changed into his humanoid form to save energy.

Flóga saw the weakened target and lunged at Yuki.


Fortunately, Yuki was saved by Voltra speeding through and taking him into shelter with the rest- along with the golem stepping in front as a shield

It picked up the dragon again before another attack burst and swung him to another side- far away from the barrier

"GAIA! NOW!" Both Kristal and Glacier yelled


Flóga shook his head to clear his blurry eyes. Becoming more angry, he tried to attack the golem once again but he was stopped by something. A dragon lunged at him and bit his neck.

Flóga screeched and scratched the dragon to let him go but the grip of the bite was too strong for him. He tried to use the same tactic again but it seemed like the other dragon had anticipated this and hauled him to the side.

Flóga quickly gained his bearings and tried to attack the dragon again but said dragon swung his tail at him.

Flóga growled at the attack and breathed out his fire at Gaia. Gaia dodged and shoved him further away from the shield. Gaia breathed out some debris and dust at Flóga.

Confused, he shook his head to get rid of some dust from his face and eyes. Distracted, he didn't realize that the other dragon had sneaked up onto him and bit his neck from the side.

Flóga roared in shock and wiggled his way out of the bite. But it didn't work as Gaia only bite harder, flipped him over so Flóga was on his back and held him down so he couldn't move.

Flóga wiggled more but all of those movements only tire him out. Whimpers can only be heard out of him before he passed out in exhaustion and reverted back to his humanoid form.

Gaia also changed back into his humanoid form and checked on his brother.


Kristal and Glacier exhaled both exhaustively and relief- followed by the rest of the pack that sighed

The two dispelled their golem and the barrier alongside Gempa

"Does this happen often?" Nova decided to ask as he slowly made his way towards his passed out counterpart- keeping some distance just in case


Fujin stares sadly at his younger brother, before sighing.

"Unfortunately. But I can't blame him. He's frustrated and needs something to release his stress. All this had happened more frequently ever since... they went missing."

The last part was mumbled.


Sharp hearing with those wolf ears, Nova narrowed his eyes but didn't dare to question further- he understands and wouldn't want to trigger anyone else


Ankáthi rushed towards Flóga to check on his injuries and saw stab wounds and burns. He winced, "This might take a while to fully heal"

His hands glowed green with healing aura and started to heal his older brother.


Balak interfere, "Allow me" walking beside his equivalent like a professional- no bragging


"Ah- thank you" He turned towards Gaia and asked, "are you okay, nii-san?"

Gaia smiled tiredly and replied, "I'm fine, just some mild burns. That's all. How about the others? Are they okay?"

Ankáthi smiled, "they're fine. Both Balak and I spent our time healing Solaris, Raijin and Yuki when you're busy subduing Floga-nii. Right now, they're sleeping to gain back all those energy spent"

"That's good. Hope that they'll be fully recovered from their injuries. And I'm glad that you and Fujin are safe and sound"


"Heartbeat...Calming, blood pressure... calming, total condition... will be fine soon." Balak quietly reported, smiling at the newly healed Flóga-

Then stood up- turning to Gaia, "Here, I'll heal you too" he offered, smiling brightly as he held up a hand


Gaia smiled warmly and politely refused the help, "No, it's fine. Ankáthi can help. He's a good healer too. Why don't you check on the rest? I'm sure whatever happened here had traumatized them, especially the pups."

"That's right, I can handle this. The wounds are small anyway so I probably can heal them." Ankáthi confirmed his brother's words

"Now, shoo. Your pack needs you," Ankáthi shooed him away


Balak scoffed amusingly- seems like not just him who has the sassiness, "Alright then, excuse me" dashing back to his brothers

Just then two Alphas approached them, it was the opposite duo- Voltra and Beliung- just clinging behind him like a shy child- which to the taller one just sighed

Beliung poked his head out, "Hey... I'm sorry If I caused any trouble... I was just trying to lighten up the mood with a joke- I didn't know Flóga would burst!" he whined


Gaia shook his head, not blaming one bit as he knew what Beliung was trying to do. "No, it's okay. I know that you wanted to lighten up the mood. And it's also not his fault if he went into a fit of rage. Flóga has always been insecure about himself. He knows that he can get angry and frustrated easily and had been trying to control it."- "But with the war and how the bastard is ruling this kingdom, it has stressed him out so much that it burst. All those bottled up feelings that he contained exploded." Ankáthi continued after his brother. "If anything, we want to say thank you for doing that. It has helped us, a lot" Fujin said as he walked over to them.


The duo titled their heads, Beliung shook a little- "Ehh!? How so?"


"Flóga has always been bottling up his emotions. All his stress, frustration, anger, pain.... He bottled them all up. We had been wanting to help him release those, but we can barely contain him in the past. Even it took all of us, we barely managed to do it. Tou-san is the only one managed to calm him down." Ankáthi explained to the two wolves.

"Ankáthi is right. Most of his tantrums isn't always this bad, but I guess this is the worst he ever done." Gaia sighed tiredly. "Flóga has always been insecure about himself. Not being able to protect his family and himself. You could say that with the bastard ruling this kingdom, all of his frustrations doubled. But the feeling intensified when... they went missing," He whispered the last part, not wanting to say it out loud. He smiled, though a bit strained and thanked the small wolf,

"So, what you did back there.... Really helped us. Sure, this place would look like a mess but I'm sure Creator would understand about this situation. He had seen the same thing countless of times,"


Like Nova earlier- not mentioning that he has been standing right behind his two Alpha brothers- Wolves have sharp hearings and they definitely heard the other sentence very clearly

Did not bother to ask and let it be till at least this world is somewhat stable, Beliung walked out from Voltra's back- levitated and used his wind and pulled Ankáthi, Fujin and Gaia in attempt to hug them- but due to how small he was he was only able to hug the middle one- which was Gaia

Nova and Voltra gazed at each other, understanding the situation- they said nothing. Not really the passionate ones like their Eldest but they proceeded to give it in. Joining the four into a group hug...





"Man, that is one of the worst tantrums I ever seen in my li- OW!"

"Don't say that- even though it's true-"

The dragons sweatdropped at the photosynthesis duo who were arguing with each other.

"They never changed, huh?" Raijin stared blankly from where he sat, which is with Gaia who's busy checking his wounds. "Gaia, I'm fine, see? Balak healed me, remember? All the wounds are gone, along with the scars,"

"You were practically being flung against the wall with high speed AND you expect me to NOT be worried?" Gaia retorted back at him. "You're not getting any breakfast tomorrow," he scoffed.

Raijin snapped his head towards his brother, horrified. Panicked, he backtracked his words, "Wait- no- I'm sorry-"

But Gaia merely deadpanned at him and stood up before walking away. "Hah! That's what you get for upsetting him," Fujin snorted from beside him, amused by the scene. Raijin only glared at him


Over on the other side, Balak had just finished analyzing the pack's condition- while the Betas took the task in comforting their youngers- who were most likely traumatized, can't blame them they're still very young and new to such intense power

B o n k


"Gentar!" Balak hands on hips

"What? Frosty was going to make it worse you know-" "At least do something more gentle instead of using your hell of a size hammer!" Balak scolded- placing a hand on the hot and cold wolf's head- healing it to get rid of the pain

Kristal and Glacier tiredly snickered at the conflict, they were just resting their heads on one another- alongside Gempa laying on their laps, basically just in between them


Ankáthi, who had just stopped arguing with his twin, skipped over to Glacier and Kristal.

"By the way, what you both did during the fight was awesome! I've never seen a golem that huge before!" He excitedly chattered to the wolves.

"It's also looks so powerful- and cool- with the mist and the crystal shield"


The mentioned two smiled softly and proudly, Kristal chuckled- "Why thank you Ankáthi, we learnt all that from our Eldest"

Glacier slowly nodded, "Mhm... He has many more techniques... And we're still learning..." yawned


Ankáthi's eyes sparkled. "Man, wish I had those abilities. But oh well... I'm fine with the special ability that I'm having"

Then, he remembered something. He looks at Glacier with questioning eyes.

"I have never seen an elemental like you, or any of the betas (the fusions) like you. Who are you, exactly?"


The said silently stare for a few seconds before smiling, "For short... I'm a fusion, I was created by Gempa and Ais..." briefly explained


"A fusion? How the heck did that happened anyway? Did you combined your energies and made him?" Solaris look at Gempa. Then he noticed that his twin is looking at him weirdly.

"I did not mean by THAT, you piece of shi-" Solaris scowled at him, his cheeks flushed red. "Sure... I'm telling Gaia-nii" Ankáthi sarcastically replied.


Gempa sweatdropped and scratch his head

Ais- who was sitting not far from them, caressing his younger brother's hair- sighed, he decided to interfere

"Well... Long story short... That one time where I and Blaze were just playing around together, he suggested... we do some..."

"A handshake thing-" Blaze interrupted "Uh huh... And we ended up 'merging' our watches... Which created a harmless mist explosion..." "And had Alpha worried as hell-"

"...When the mist disappeared, a new body was created in front of us... which was Frostfire" Ais pointed at the mentioned

Gempa, "And then Blaze suggested making more and he dragged me into fusing with Ais... And here's Glacier- we honestly don't know how this happened and how our watches work, but it was pretty cool not gonna lie"


Ankáthi's eyes sparkled more at the information, awed. "So cool! Do you mind showing me some of your skills? It's just- fusions aren't a thing in my world and we don't have any.... watches? Yeah-"

Meanwhile, Solaris has that calculating look on his face. Gaia, who was watching from afar and listening in, sighed at Solaris. With a straight face, he picked up a nearby pebble and threw it at him.

"Ow, which bastard that-" he turned around to see the perpetrator only to see Gaia glaring at him. He laughed nervously.


Glacier chuckled, "Well... we'll introduce you to all five fusions first... Along with our powers and skills..."

Gempa sat up, now sitting in Kristal's lap- let Glacier stands up and alert the rest of the fusions, signaling them to re-introduce themselves alongside their powers

"Like you've heard from my Abangs, I'm Frostfire, you can call me Frosty!" He jumped a little- creating fire and ice on his right and left foot respectively-

He then stretch his arms, morphing into an archery pose- light and mist formed as his powers combined creating a fire and ice bow "My main power and skills are archery and physical combat" he winked


Solaris stares at him with the same calculating look.

Ankáthi awed at the power. "So cool"

Gaia, Raijin and Fujin leaned in to know more. They're interested in these... fusions, power. They're certainly powerful.


"Like Frostfire, you already know I'm Glacier..."

The wolf clenched his fists together, mist covered his arms and puffed out revealing big fur fists that was partly ice "My main power is defense, but with the golem it can be both offense and defense"

He hopped, an earth and ice platform created under him as he continue to leap higher and higher- the more he leap the more platforms were created whilst the wolf parkoured on them

Finally and smoothly sliding down- back to his original spot with an earth and ice slide


Ankáthi smiled brighter, excited about the power that had been shown to him. But then his attention was locked on the fluffy fur. "May I touch them?" He said while still looking at those fur.

Solaris stared at those ice covered pillar with a thoughtful look. "Earth and Ice elements. Truly a force to be reckoned with when it comes to defense."

Gaia is also looking at the pillars, but instead of thoughtful or calculating look, he's looking at them with admiration and awe.

Raijin had his curiosity peaked. He looked at the rest of the fusions, curious about what they can do.

Fujin stared. He didn't give any reaction but his eyes showed everything. Excitement, admiration and awe are portrayed in those sapphire eyes


Glacier was a little surprised at the question but nevertheless let out his fur for Ankáthi to pet


Ankáthi cheered. "Yay!" And immediately touched the soft fur. "So soft~,". The touching immediately turned into cuddling said hands.

The rest of his brothers only shook his head, amused.


The wolf didn't mind it, he's one of the cuddle enjoyers in the pack anyways- with that, he decided to pull Ankáthi into a full cuddle


Raijin noticed a fusion who's silently watching from afar and quickly addressed him.

"And who are you? I can sense electricity running through you but I also can sense the other... element as well,"

Raijin's voice managed to grab his brothers' attention and they all (except for Ankáthi who's still busy cuddling the floof) turned their attention to the wolf.


The said perked up his ears and stepped up, more stern and serious looking- he pushed up his reddish gray visor, "I'm Supra... the fusion between Halilintar and Solar... also known as the third ever made fusion..."

"My main powers are..."

He suddenly disappeared leaving a spark- then without a second he was right next to Solaris, then Raijin, then Gaia- finally back to his spot "Speed."

He flexed his claws criss-crossing them- electricity sparks and emitting light morphed two sickles looking swords- "Offense." He swung them as if playing tricks letting spun around like fans then merging them by sliding the two weapons to his back creating a small clanch

As he did, more electricity grew and created another type weapon- this time to be two circular (solar panel things- I am so sorry I have no idea what they're called) that made a shape of a solar eclipse

"I'd like to show you a blast of mine, but I will not do so unless I'm ordered by Alpha or..." He turned to Gentar "And there's a specific reason that you'll be able to see soon..."


The dragons (except for Raijin, he's used to it. Oh, and Ankáthi too. He's there, cuddling with Glacier and sleeping), almost had a heart attack during the demo.

"SHEESH, GIVE US A WARNING, WILL YA-" Fujin screeched. (Hana: I forgot he existed. Sorry, Fujin)

Raijin was impressed by the speed. Now, he wanted nothing but to test his speed against Supra. "Impressive, such speed could be useful for assassination. If you are up to it, let's have a race and test limit,"

Both Gaia and Solaris are still trying to calm down. Let them be, they never see anyone faster than Raijin and Solaris


Supra spread a mere smirk, "As you wish Raijin..." closing his eyes and lowered his head with manners

Then look up and towards the ones that are having trouble breathing, "And I apologized... I am well known... for stealth and most likely to be... quiet."


Gaia wheezed, still trying to calm his breathing. His poor old soul can't handle it. The same goes to Fujin, who's practically crouching down near Gaia with his back turned against them.

Solaris had managed to calm down and immediately went to pat his elder brothers' back to help them breathe.

Raijin only smirked at the challenge displayed by the wolf. Then, he swerved his attention to the other wolf that was eyed by Supra earlier.

"Introduce yourself"


The said smirk, "Gladly." confidently stepping up, "The name's Gentar, a fusion between Gempa and Halilintar!" he swung his gigantic hammer to the back like a lumberjack

"I know it sounds weird to be mixing the Earth and Thunder elements together but trust me! I have my own powers!" He turned to Supra "BLAST ME ABANG!"

"Don't have to shout..."


It was like their life flashed before their eyes as Supra blasted his laser on the lowest force, and of course, nobody was in the way- just Gentar, so we're all safe


Gaia yelped in panic. "Hay, what are you doing?!"

Solaris and Fujin's mouth dropped. Staring at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Raijin had widen his eyes in shock, the situation displayed at him were unbelievable


The laser dimmed, showing that Gentar was okay- very okay, he two fingers saluted signaling that he's perfectly fine with a bright smile

Then his eyes glowed fully white- tint red as electricity danced all around him- "HIRYA!" He aggressively slammed his two fists to the ground

Before they know it, metal scraps formed from his hammer- connecting themselves to the chest plate- covering his right arm- making it a half robotic armor

More and more metal scraps came together and till then they formed out a huge robot, metal golem with Gentar riding it from inside "HOW'S THE WEATHER DOWN THERE Y'ALL?"

Most of the wolves who were just sleeping got shook away this time, and hell if they knew what was happening and almost started freaking out- till they registered the whole situation


Fujin, Gaia and Solaris gapped at the power.

"Holy fuc-"

Raijin also wasn't spared from his shock. Eyes widening and his mouth slightly opened, he tried to compute what the hell just happened in front of him.


Gentar started laughing menacing, or could say he was amused to their reactions- he got out from his robot as it offered him a ride back down to the ground

Once he made contact with the floor, he couldn't help but laugh again, "Hey! Wat up? Never seen a humongous robot in your life HAHA!"

Supra gazed at the blue screened dragons, "Gentar... his powers can only be activated if he gets hit by any source of laser or... anything blast of power... that produces a good amount of energy source..."

Gentar smirk elegantly and proudly, "I'm basically a barrier itself and immune to any lasers or 'power blast'-" shrugged


Fujin and Solaris squawked. Not expecting such power.

Gaia spluttered, "N-no- we never seen a golem that massive-".

"Dragons, yes. Golems, no," That's what Raijin could only say. But for some reason, he wanted nothing but to test if the metal golem is conducive or not.

"Maybe I could ask him later..."


Gentar snorted, most likely delighted at their reactions, "Don't fuss now because there's one more fusion member standing right behind me in a few feet away" he used his thumb and pointed behind him-

To the wolf who just gave them a bright 'w' smile, arms folded at his back as his floofy ear twitch a little- with his tail wagging- this one is a total sunshine in first look


The dragons were all blinded by the wolf. Solaris decided to speak up from the initial shock. "Would you mind tone down the light? I can't see anything-"


The said wolf snickered, "Sori~" teasingly apologize with a ridiculous yet hilarious accent-

"Sori- please" WolfSolar deadpanned at him "Oki, oki- sori-"


Gaia and Fujin snorted at the pun. Yes, out of the dragons, only Dragon, Gaia and Fujin understand and enjoy puns.

Raijin and Solaris deadpanned. Not finding the pun funny in any way.

Solaris sighed, "Can you just introduce yourself?"


The sunshine giggled, "Teehee! Like you heard my Abang Solar, I'm Sori!" two fingers salute pose

"And Sori is the fusion of Abang Solar and Abang Duri! ... And here should be my power- it's mostly offense~"

Sori took out a thick pastel green looking stick that has a few thorns sticking out, he levitated up high, spun the stick till it glowed and started extending- loose snaking all the way around him, making a spiral and at the very end was a giant durian


The ground cracked and vibrated due to the weapon's pressure


The dragons (except for Ankáthi- how tf is he still asleep from all these chaos??) dodged the weapon that almost hit them.

"WHOA, BE CAREFUL! YOU ALMOST KILLED US!!" Fujin and Solaris screeched in alarm


Sori giggled more- and more menacingly... "Sori~~"

The ground didn't stop vibrating though, "STAY AWAY FROM SORI'S WEAPON AS FAR AS YOU CAN!!" this time Duri alerted


Solaris teleported away, followed by Raijin. Meanwhile both Fujin and Gaia flew up to the top of the cave


By the time they did so- summoned spikes rapidly jabbing out from ground in multiple directions, even started poking from the walls

Of course, Sori would never harm anyone unless needed, so fortunate for everyone around- they were all safe and wasn't stabbed with any spikes


The dragons, except for Ankáthi, all dodged the spikes from hitting them. Unfortunately, one of the spikes had accidentally stabbed through one of Fujin's wings. Feeling the stab, he screamed in pain. The screech is loud enough to wake up Ankáthi from his nap. Ankáthi jolted up from his nap

"Wha- what happened? I heard screaming just now," he said groggily, rubbing his eyes to stay awake.

Fujin quickly made a hasty landing so he doesn't hurt himself more than he already did. Once he had landed, he painfully stretched his injured right wing to inspect it. Once he saw the wounds, he felt tears rolling down his cheeks.

Gaia floated down beside him and winced at the big gaping wound on Fujin's wing. "Oh dear, this is bad!"


Balak on the other side panicked, "SORI!" "I'M SO SORRY!" This time the fusion wolf was actually apologizing- he really didn't mean to, his spikes are unexpected

The Alpha dashed as fast as he could to Fujin with most of the pack right behind him, "Here! I'll help, don't move!" he offered, checking the jabbed wing


Fujin merely stretched out his wing to Balak. Doing so really hurts, it felt like his wing are almost being harshly pulled. But, this is nothing compared to the past, where one of Retak'ka's men tried ripping out his wings. If it hadn't been Yuki and Flóga coincidentally were in the same path, he probably had lost his prized wings.

He bit his lower lip, trying to stop himself from sobbing. But he knew that his tears are flowing from his eyes in rivers


Beliung saw this, he carefully crawled beside his counterpart- slowly sliding his palm onto the dragon's hand, as if comforting him everything would be okay and Balak is going to heal his wing soon

The said plant Alpha sweated, as he exhale anxiously- his hands shivered in fear of messing up- he too bit his bottom lip trying to stable his distance between his hands and the wing whilst he heals it


Fujin saw the effort and smiled gratefully. "It's okay, I'm fine. It hurts, sure... but this pain is nothing like the pain of losing family". Then he turned his head towards Balak, "You're doing a good job. Just take your time, okay?"


Beliung smiled, steadily and slowly hug Fujin as Balak merely spread his smile- staying on focus

Meanwhile Sori has already dispelled his attacks and weapon, standing in one spot balling his eyes out from being guilty as he repeatedly apologize- but his hiccups and gasps kept interrupting him-

"SORI APOLOGIZE!- SORI DIDN'T MEAN TO!-" while that, Duri and Solar were struggling on calming him


Gaia stepped up towards Sori and raised his hand before landing it on top of Sori's head, gently ruffling them. "It's not your fault, Sori. We can see that the attack is unpredictable, in fact... no one was to blame. You're innocent, you didn't expect that one of the spikes to hit Fujin". He wiped Sori's tears away, comforting him.

Fujin didn't react to the hug, blankly staring at the ground and letting Balak heal his wing.


Sori sniffles and kept breathing out heavily, he wanted to stop crying but that wasn't happening

"...And... That should do it." Balak wiped a sweat under his chin "I suggest you don't move your wing as much as you can for the next three hours"

Beliung scanned the newly healed wing, "How do you feel?"


Fujin slightly moved his wing, to feel if it's fully healed or not. "Yeah, a bit better. Thank you, Balak,"

Fujin smiled at Balak with gratitude. "And about not moving my wing for three hours... I think I will ask Ankáthi for one of his healing pearls but that would be a little later since our dear healer went back to sleep-".

Fujin deadpanned at the sleeping little brother of his and huffed

(Hana: Did Ankáthi and Yuki switch bodies or something? *looks at the still unconscious Yuki and Flóga*)


Balak chuckled, "Well, hehe... Hope you get better soon... And uh..." he looked over to the still crying Sori "Oh god... This again... Sori's guilt can get the best of him and he would continuously cry for hours"

Gempa standing in the group- sighed, "This happened when he was training with Alpha and the spikes again sliced through Alpha's cheek"


The dragons merely stared at them, but their attention was pulled away when they heard a groan. Turning their heads towards the groan, they found Yuki blinking his eyes awake.

"Yuki!" Gaia gasped and ran towards Yuki. "Oh thank goodness you're alright, we were very worried about you."

Yuki groaned, feeling dizzy. He tried to sit up but failed as the dizziness intensified. "W-what happened? Last I remembered is that I shot Flóga-"

Yuki gasped, remembering his twin. He panicked and started looking around, "Flóga, is he alright? How is he?"

Solaris shushed him, telling him to breathe.

"Flóga is doing alright, just passed out. See?" He pointed at the unconscious twin brother of Yuki. Yuki sighed in relief, glad that it's finally over.


Blizzard- who has been sitting next to Yuki this whole time, laid his hands on the said's shoulders, "Still feeling dizzy?" he asked in concern


Yuki nodded. Face carefully blank, but the occasional furrowed brows told the others that he's in pain.

"Do you have any water? I'm feeling a bit parched"


Blizzard smiled and turned to his two younger brothers, Air happily barked and created a cube of water- levitating it towards the dragon


Taking the cube, Yuki put it inside his mouth. He looked towards the pup, and smiled.

"Thank you, Air"


The little pup responded with little puppy barks- wagging his tail- with Ais and Blizzard giggling at how adorable he is


The other dragons smiled at the scene in front of them. But then, they heard a voice that sent chills down to their spines.

"What's going on here? Why are there so many scorched marks everywhere?"

They slowly turned their heads towards the owner of the voice and Lo and Behold, Dragon was there walking into the huge space with Alpha on his side


The wolf's nose and ears twitch, he turned to many directions, scanning the lobby- to see most of his wolves piled at the center- he smacked his forehead, taking the hint

He tiredly made his way towards the pile and snapped his fingers to get their attention, "Sori." he called "Come here." and open his arms

To what he was expecting, Sori dashed like he teleported out of the group and latches onto Alpha- pushing both back a little as the said stabilize their stands

Sighed, he pets his crying brother, "Is okay... I'm here now..."


Dragon watched the interaction before turning to his children. He did the same thing like his counterpart and noticed Flóga laying unconscious next to Yuki. Blinking, he realised what happened.

"Flóga exploded again, didn't he?"

The dragons flinched before nodding, confirming the elder's speculation.

Dragon blinked at the tear stained on Fujin, shocked to see him crying. "What happened to Fujin? Why is he crying?" He rushed towards his wind wielding son, trying to comfort him by hugging him. In doing so, his arms had unintentionally brushed upon Fujin's newly healed wing. Fujin flinched at the contact.

Dragon took noticed of the flinch and quickly checked said wing. He saw a very faint scar on Fujin's wing and his eyes widened. But then his face darkened, fury rolled off his body in waves.


The feathered dragon felt his breath hitched, feeling scared.

"Who did this to you?"

Fujin turned away, not wanting to reply due to nervousness.


"Sori did it..." sniffles and hiccups, the fusion wolf- still clinging on his brother as he weep

"Sori hurt Fujin... Sori feels guilty..." he confessed, burying himself into his eldest- who also looked as guilty as he is- top on with the exhaustion he has been displaying


Dragon growled. "What did you do?"

The way he said it along with the look on his face could send even the toughest individual to their knees.

"Tell me. What did you do to him?"


Alpha took over for this one- seeing his pack is inching away, "Sori has this ability called, 'Spikes Jab'- is quite an unpredictable attack of his and he hasn't fully mastered it..."

"I'm assuming that one of his spikes must've stabbed Fujin's wing when he was just showing them his abilities..."

"I take the blame for my brother's action, I should've trained him more..." Alpha rubbed Sori's back


Dragon's growling died down, but his glare is still there. He didn't say anything other than turning and walked away towards his only unconscious child and checking on his conditions.

Gaia went up to the Alpha and apologized, "I'm sorry for my creator's silence. It's just that, before we came into existence... There are few people that were created before us. And he lost all of them during one of his confrontations with the old dragon".


Nova, Voltra and Beliung- just simply gave each other the same looks- as if they're talking telepathically

". . ."

Alpha too, kept silent, his hearings were buried with Sori's crying- it hurt him...

Hearing his brothers' cry is one of his biggest fears, he hates it- his priority was to protect them as mentioned but...

He felt and knew he failed them, he started to feel the tears covering up his eye sockets- he tried his best to keep up a straight face... yet, it hurts, he can't held it much longer as he felt his knees shiver

"I'm... so sorry..." he merely whispered


Dragon didn't say anything for few moments. But then, he stood up while carrying Flóga bridle styled. Without turning to face them, "I'll be going now. I have to bring Flóga back to his chamber so he could rest comfortably,"

Then he walked away without sparing a glance at the people around him. He kept his head high, not making any eye contact and simply brushed past Alpha and Sori.

The remaining dragons stayed silent throughout the entire exchange. All of them taking a glance at each other as if they're talking telepathically.


When Dragon was entirely out of the room, Alpha broke down to his knees- pulling Sori along

Sobs managed to escape his throat- letting the pack shudder... their Alpha... is crying? For once and for real, he's actually crying...

"Alpha..." most of them called, full of concern are very much visible to the younger wolves

It was just a quick minute of silence...

Before Alpha entirely broke down and started releasing his river of tears while letting out the roar of his cries as he tightened his hug on Sori

"ALPHA!" The wolves yelled and ran over to him, surrounding the two crying wolves






. . .

. . .To be continue. . .

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