MonstersAU x DragonsAU: A Stressful Meet

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Hello everyone! It's me, Hana the Author herself bringing you a collab between me and a friend of mine, Princess-Shadow .

This is a crossover between her AU and mine. Hope you like this chaotic and full of rollercoaster of emotions collab fic-

A lone figure was seen sitting on the floor in his room reading a book. Yes, it was our own bright as the sun himself, Solar. This Solar is different than the one you know though, considering that this Solar has a pair of dragon horns on top of his head, serpentine eyes, and a fur trimmed tail. Yes, he's a dragon. But he's in his humanoid form since his dragon form is big and he doesn't want to destroy his room.


The person perked up hearing his name. He turned around towards the figure peeking from his doorframe, "Oh, Gempa! What are you doing here?" Solar asked the figure, now identified as Gempa. Gempa has a pair of brown leathery wings, a pair of short horns and a tail.

"I could ask you the same. What are you doing this late night? And are those symbols on the wall?"

True to his words, there were a lot of symbols being drawn on the wall in front of them.

"Oh, that- well..." Solar hesitated. Gempa quirked and eye brow, "Well, what?". "Uhh.... Remember the other time where other 'us' accidentally were brought here?"

"Yes, I remember that- Why- Please don't tell me-"

"Ahaha- I might or might not had found a spell for it-"


"I WAS CURIOUS OK- I just wanna see if it could work-"

"I- Solar- please think this through- why are you making this when we're at the brink of war?"

Solar only grinned sheepishly at his big brother before turning back to his book and drawings. Gempa sighed, and ran a hand on his face.

"Fine, just this once- if it fails, I'm putting the blame on you"

Solar saluted, "You got it big brother. Don't worry, I'm sure it won't fail!" "Sure..." Gempa mumbled, albeit sarcastically. Being a dragon, he heard the mumbled words and huffed.

Few minutes later

"Alright, I'm done!" A soft cheer was heard from the room. Gempa, yes him, who was watching Solar doing his thing walked up to him and said, "Oh, done already?"

"Yep! Now step back, I need to cite the mantras" "Just be careful, alright?"

"I'll be fine, Gempa. Now shush, I need to concentrate,".  Gempa merely nodded and backed away for few feet.

Solar gulped down all his nervousness, held up the book and carefully read the mantra that is written in the book.

The writings on the wall glowed, but then it dimmed. Solar sighed in disappointment, sad that the experiment didn't work. Gempa spoke up, "Well, at least there's tomor-"

Before Gempa could finish his words, the writings sparked and glowed brightly. And a portal appears.

"I DID IT, GEMPA- I DID IT!" Solar grinned widely. But before Solar could continue cheering, few figures fell from the portal, groaning in pain.



One yelled, this one was... quite of a different species- they had brown hair, a big white streak with ears and a tail, a wolf perhaps. They wore a fluffy white cape, a white baggy jacket, black underneath shirt with pastel ripped jeans- attached by a golden belt


The said one that was 'crushing' the smaller, wearing the same looking clothes but instead they were red, green and black- immediately stood up

"Hurgh... Where are we? Is everyone okay!?"

Another one, who landed on the side- wearing a dark orange leather jacket, fur lined on hood, blue jeans and a dark orange cap

"Nova- my arm-"



The next two having opposite color palettes, hot and cold as if-

"Gamma I swear if this was you–" "DON'T LOOK AT ME- I'M INNOCENT-"

Then there's these two, one looking like a plant, and another looking like the sun

At the back, there were more than just the ones mentioned, about 19 more of them- with all sorts of height differences. The orange one stood up, "Hurgh... Is everyone okay?" "Yes, Alpha!" he seemed to be somewhat the leader


Solar and Gempa gapped. They looked at each other, trying to comprehend and absorb what was happening right in front of them. They kept doing this for a few moments before Gempa sighed and whispered at Solar.

"You explain to them,"

"Wha- why me?" Solar whispered back.

"Well, you're the one that started this. So, you do it-" "But I don't what to say-"

"You make the portal, you explain it-" Gempa whispered harshly at Solar before turning back towards the door. Solar became even more panicked, "Hey, where are you going? Help me here-"

"Nope, you do it. I'm going to get Creator and tell him about this" Gempa said as he immediately walked out of the room and went to his Creator's room.

Solar sighed, before looking back at the big pile of fur who were growling and barking at each other. "Man, the tails look so soft- I wonder how they feel- Wait, focus Solar! You need to stay focused and try to explain the situation to them!". Solar scolded himself for that kind of thought, but he didn't deny that the tails and ears of those wolves looked soft.

"Alright, here goes nothing. Hope they didn't kill me or something- Hope Creator didn't scold me for this," He thought, resigned to his fate. He coughed and cleared his throat, "Um, excuse me?"

"Man this is awkward,"


That alerted the wolves, along with the Alpha who swiftly took a turn- and strike his claws out



Solar immediately sweat a river, feeling scared.

"Man, the guy has the same aura like my Creator"

"Uh, um.... I'm Solar, and you're in another... uh... dimension? World? You got teleported here, by accident-"

Solar continued to sweat, afraid that the wolves didn't believe him.

"And before you ask, I'm a dragon-"

While he was explaining, Solar took his time observing their appearance.

"Such interesting species, I might say. Wonder what kind of wolves they are. And I sense great power from all of them, especially from the one that they refer to 'Alpha', wasn't it? I need to thread carefully about this"

"Not when the war is just around the corner, no. I don't want them as enemies either."

Solar quickly shook his head, not wanting to dwell further.

He looked towards the wolves, waiting for their response.

Not gonna lie, he also felt that the wolves also is scanning him up and down-


Which to his view, they were all looking at him, weirdly...

"Solar...?" The Alpha registered the name again


"Again, you're in a different dimension or world-" Solar deadpanned. "I'm guessing, there's a Solar in your pile-"

"Well, I don't know how to explai-" He was interrupted by a voice.

"Yo, light head. Father's calling. He also said to bring in the guests with you." A person was seen leaning on the doorframe. The figure has a pair of dragon horns, feathery wings (though a bit unkept), and a sharp tail. His figure could be misinterpreted as a demon from how he kept on scowling.

"Ever heard of knocking, lightning rod?" Solar scowled at the figure. "How can I knock when it's already opened? Anyway, as I was saying, Father's calling. Let's go, better not keep him waiting"

The figure said and quickly walks away. Solar sighed in frustration and looked back at the wolves.

"Okay, I know that you probably won't believe and trust me but you heard my dearest big brother" he said the last three words sarcastically, "said, our Creator called and wanted me to bring you guys to him"

Solar blanched after announcing those words.

"Why isn't Gempa here- he's way more suited in this kind of thing" he pouted, not caring about their guests.

Solar walked out of the room and waited for them


With that, the wolves all gave each other glances before hearing a snap

"Stay close in a group and to your brothers, stay alert and don't anyone dare leave the group. I'm watching all of you..."

Gulped, they did as told, some of the smallest wolves climbed onto their elders for a ride- is not like any of them mind

Alpha then lead the said group out, sending dagger glares at the dragon- a sign of no trust


Solar only sighed, tiredly before turning and walked down the hallway of the cave.

"Follow me, please"

He led them through the twist and turns of the hallway. The cave is not an ordinary cave as it was thrumming with power from the crystals that decorated the inside of the cave.

After a few moments of walking, he stopped in front of a huge door.

"Alright, before I let you enter, please don't freak out- okay-?"

"There are few others like me behind this door"

"welp, here goes nothing"

He pushed open the door, and beckoned them in.


All of them, jaw dropped to the ground-

The Pups who were riding their elders clinged onto them for dear life as they yelped

The same can be said with the rest of the pack, each of them got a partner to hug and tight

While Alpha himself stood frozen with one- who was much smaller than him, hug him tight by the arm


There, in the center of it all, sat a huge dragon. Its colour is dark orange with black on his belly. It has huge wings and a huge pair of horns, with a black gem that shined rainbow whenever a light hit it.

Solar marched forward before bowing for a moment and spoke, "I have brought them here, Creator"

The huge dragon rumbled a laugh, "I have told you many times, no need to be formal. You can call me like the other call me, Sol".

Solar shifted uncomfortably. "I know, it's just that- ugh-"

"Old habits, die hard-"

The dragon huffed a laughed before turning towards their guests. "Well, no need to fret, young ones. I will bring no harm to you and your pack".

The figure from before scoffed from his seat, "until they did something, that is".

The dragon sent a glare at the figure. "Hali, be nice. We had faced this kind of thing before, remember?"

The figure only turned his head, "Yes, father".

"As I was saying, we wished you no harm"

The dragon's gaze is showed nothing but sincere and father... like?

"And Solar? You don't need to explain to me, Gempa had cleared it for me"

Solar sighed (how many times he had sighed?) again, relieved.

"You can take a seat, Solar. And as for our guests, how about an introduction? That might ease the tension a bit"

The dragon noticed the terrified look on the small ones.

"Ah, does my appearance scare you?"

As he said that, he shrinks and transformed into his humanoid self.


The said dragon, has the appearance of... his children? Though, different features- brown hair, brown eyes, a long thin white streak. Big orange wings, and this time small yellow horns. Top on a fatherly smile...

Alpha exhaled, "That's... much better..."

The rest sighed and let go of each other


"Now then, boys. Why don't you introduce yourselves?" The said person turns towards his children.

"Oh oh, I'll go first!" A hyperactive red dragon jumped up and down. The dragon chuckled, "Go ahead".

"Hi, there! I'm Blaze, the mighty fire dragon!" Blaze introduced. Blaze has fur trimmed tail that could be mistaken as fire, a pair of horns and a pair of wings that seem to be made from lava. He turns towards his brother who's sitting on his perch in the cave.

"I'm Taufan, nice to meet you" He smiled. He has the same appearance except that he has two pairs of feathery wings, the lower pair being smaller than the upper pair.

"Halilintar" The said figure from earlier on revealed his name. Gempa, who was sitting beside him, only shook his head, "Gempa, that's my name. A pleasure to meet you"

Blaze pats the person who's sitting beside him, "This is my icy twin, Ais!"

"You already know Solar, so..."

"The one who's hiding behind Solar is Duri, our adorable healer!"

"How about you guys?"


The leader wolf puffed a tired expression and sighed, "In order- Alphas, Betas, Pups. Last for Fusions, no details. Go." He clapped

Each times the wolves reveal their names, a hand raised

"Kristal, Gempa, Tanah"

"Beliung, Taufan, Angin"

"Voltra, Halilintar, Petir"

"Balak, Duri, Daun"

"Nova, Blaze, Api"

"Blizzard, Ais, Air"

"Gamma, Solar, Cahaya"

"Frostfire, Glacier, Supra, Sori, Gentar"

And stopped


Dragon Hali shrugged, "Meh, good enough. Anyways, I need to go back to my post. Need to keep an eye on that bastard". He stood up before walking out of the room.

The dragons only look at his retreating self before shaking their heads.

"That guy never rests, always thinks about roaming and guarding the place" Dragon Blaze grumbled.

"It can't be helped, Blaze. With the bastard being the ruler of this kingdom, we need to be more careful" His twin retorted.


The dragon at the center only shook his head fondly. "And I'm Boboiboy. Though that would confuse you since I have the same face like your leader. So, just call me Ori to avoid confusion"

Dragon Gempa stepped forward, "I'm sure you guys have a lot of questions, no? So, ask away. We'll answer as much as we can"


"No prying... But who is this ruler you're talking about...? I can sense overwhelming hatred in your Hali..." The Alpha proceeded- tiredly scratches his cheek


Hearing the question, the air around them turned cold.

"That's- uh..." Dragon Gempa looks nervously at his Creator.

"No details, just tell them what only most public knows. The rest is private" Ori told him.

"Okay..." Gempa sighed. "It's Retak'ka"

"The fking bastard that ruled over us with such cruelty" Solar continued what Gempa left off.

"It's been centuries. A lot of rebels tried to overthrow him but... all of them failed." Dragon Ais spoke up next.

"The bastard has a freak ton of followers, what they see in him beyond me" Taufan scoffed.

[Cough cough]

Hearing the cough, all heads especially the dragons, snapped towards the source of it.

It was Dragon Ori. He was coughing a lot, he covered his mouth with his hand then he fell on his knees while still coughing. "Dad!" Dragon Duri quickly ran towards him and gently patted his back, trying to lessen his coughing.

The coughing stopped and he uncovered his mouth.


There was blood dribbled down from his mouth and hand. "Ah.... So my time is running out, huh?" Dragon Ori chuckled sadly.

"Tou-san!" Dragon Duri screamed, feeling panicked. "Hang on!"

"Duri, bring Creator back to his room, please. He needs rest" Dragon Gempa ordered his brother to get moving. "Got it, ni-san".

Duri carried his dad to his dad's room.

"DAMN IT!" Dragon Blaze punched the wall near him.


The whole time the wolves were watching, the only expressions they were displaying- was shocked, baffled and speechless

While the leader himself, was in a thinking pose- they had a Retak'ka back in their world, it's obvious to them how cruel he already is- but if this world contained dragons... then oh boy...

His mind went back and forth, trying his best to load all information at once

"Alpha" A hand slid onto his shoulder, it was Gamma "We should help them... I sensed all sorts of bad chaosities in this world..." he carefully whispered- only receiving a slight nod


"Blaze, calm down!" Dragon Gempa shouted at him.




"E- Excuse me Gempa..." The eldest wolf attempt to get the earth dragon's attention


Dragon Gempa snapped his neck to the guest. "Ah, yes?" He scratched his cheek sheepishly

"Is there anything that you need?"


Alpha, "We want to help... Is it possible to join whatever mission you're on?"

Gamma, "We heard something about... 'Sneaking pass guards'...?"


The dragons blinked, perplexed. They didn't expect a helping hand from the visitors.

"Well, that is not my decision. But I can bring this offer to Creator, or do you want to meet him?"

"Oh, and please call me Gaia. There's a 'Gempa' in your pack, no?"

"Gempa- what are you doing? You can't just tell them your- and our true name!" Taufan squawked.

"It's fine. Plus, it's to avoid confusion"

"Well, if you say so-" Taufan sighed. "Since my lil bro is telling you guys his true name, I'm telling mine as well. Call me Fujin"

"You guys can tell yours if you want" he said towards his brothers.

"Yuki"- Dragon Ais

"Flóga here!" - Dragon Blaze

"Solaris" - Dragon Solar


"Gaia... Fujin... Yuki... Flóga... Solaris..." The said wolf mumbled, making a quick memory "Got it..."

"And yes, I'd like to meet your Creator- if that's possible, I'll bring Balak along if there's any more healing needed..."


Gaia nodded. "Then follow me, I'll bring you to him"

Gaia walked away and out of the huge throne room. "His room is not that that far. In the meantime, why don't you let your... uh... pack mingle a bit. I'm sure they have a lot of questions"


Sighed, turning to his mentioned pack, "Alphas, you're in charge! Balak, with me!" He ordered, the Plant elemental Alpha immediately leaped next to him

"Don't cause ruckus while I'm gone"

"Baik, Alpha!"

The two then went out to follow Gaia


The throne room is full of nothing but awkward silence.

"So, want some beer?" Flóga asked.

"FLÓGA!" Yuki scolded him. Sighing tiredly, then turned towards the wolves, "Don't mind the crackhead. Is there anything you want to ask?"

"Well, I'm sure they do! I can see a lot of questions in their eyes!" Fujin interrupted.


"Nope!" Beliung casually exclaimed, and sat down dog style- followed by the pack from behind

All acting like well tamed dogs, they were both influenced and educated this way- and is normal for them, they never really mind the silence anyways


Solaris raised an eyebrow. "Well, ain't y'all an interesting bunch? Just wished that the TTM is like that". He said while giving a pointed look at Flóga and Fujin.

Both mentioned all look away while whistling 'innocently'.

"Speaking of which, do you mind answering my question?"


"Shoot" Beliung gestured him to go on


"Who are the betas and who are the alphas? I know your uh... leader mentioned it before"


"I'm one of the Alphas, along with Kristal, Voltra, Balak, Nova, Blizzard and Gamma. The Betas are your counterparts"


"I see.... That's good to know that there's no omegas in your world-" Solaris shuddered.

"Can we not talk about those kind of things? You make me wanna puke!" Flóga scolded him.



.     .     .



"Alright, we're here." Gaia stopped in front of the chamber, knocked on the door. After hearing a faint 'come in', he slowly push open the door and walk in.

There, laid on the bed with Ankáthi hovering his hands that glowed with healing magic on top of the person's heaving chest, is Dragon Ori.

"Creator, the leader of the pack is here to have an audience with you" Gaia

Dragon Ori tilted his head towards the guests and tried to sit up.

"Be careful, Tou-san. You're still injured!" Ankáthi worriedly warned him.

"It is fine, son. I feel a bit better thanks to you." Ori smiled before fondly petting Ankáthi's head. He turned to the Alpha, "So, what do you want to talk about?"


"Me and my pack want to assist you, we offer helping hands into this mission of yours... May you fulfill me with the details? If it's possible of course..." the said politely chose his words


"Help..?" Dragon Ori, weakly asked. "You want to help... us?"

A glimmer of hope appeared in the old dragon's eyes before it disappeared completely. "It's been a while since others had offered some help," he muttered sadly.

Gaia and Ankáthi heard the words and looked away sadly. Their friends....

"Are sure you want to help us?"


"With all our might..." Alpha steadily slid his hand onto Ori's- the wolf is not quite an affectionate kinda person when it comes to people that aren't his brothers

But... He knew they needed help, this is a family matter he's fulfilling, and would gladly accept the challenges and fates that are waving at him

"As the leader of my pack and the eldest of the wolves. I dare to accept all challenges and fate... To bring your family a refreshing start of joy..." He claimed seriously


Dragon Ori pursed his lips, weighing all the possibilities and options. "Alright we accep-" He was interrupted by coughing. He immediately covers his mouth in desperate attempt to lessen it but it's proven useless as more blood slipped through the cracks of his fingers.

"TOU-SAN!!" Ankáthi yelled and tried to help by emitting more of his healing power. Dragon Ori only stopped him, "Stop it, Ankáthi. You're getting tired, don't waste more of your energy on me,". "BUT WE CAN'T- WE CAN'T LOSE YOU, WE JUST FOUND YOU AFTER- AFTER CENTURIES BEING APART!" Ankáthi sobbed, desperate.

Gaia clenched his fists and growled, "That bastard-"

"Heh, I'm fine..." Ori continued to cough a few more times, each of it have more blood dribbled down his mouth and chin.


Alpha remained his cool, "Balak, help Ankáthi stabilize his creator's condition"

Balak salute soldier style, "Baik, Alpha!"

And took his spot, "Ankáthi, I'll handle this, you save those energy..." the wolf ordered as he laid a hand on Ori's- like his Alpha did earlier and closed his eyes for concentration

The same as the healer dragon, his hand glowed- traffering it to the sick one

".   .   ."

"Heart beat... Normal..."

"Blood pressure... None..."

"Condition... For now stabilized..."

Balak uttered, opening his eyes


Ankáthi observed Balak with awe. "So cool...."

Gaia sighed, relieved. Then he turned to the Alpha, "You said you want to help? We are more than happy to accept your assistance. What do you want to know, never shy to ask any of us"


"I've been meaning to ask for the details of what is actually happening..." the said crossed his arms "Starting with my counterpart's condition, is it a possible question to answer?"


Gaia, "About that... He's-"

"I'm dying..." Ori interrupted him. "It's getting worse every year. My condition may had been stabilized, but it is only temporary before it starts again."

"And it's all because of Retak'ka. He had been keeping Tou-san's gem hostage. Dad had split his spirit or magic self into a statue to distract Retak'ka thousands of years ago." Ankáthi explained

"I thought it could work. But Retak'ka is as smart as he is rumoured. He found out that the statue is the rest of my magic, including the gem, and had been using it as a ransom"

"And the gem's power is getting weaker as centuries go by. It needs to be close to its bearer, or the gem's magic will eventually die out"


Alpha wolf glanced to his plant brother- who also did back

"So that 'sneak pass the guards' you guys were complaining about... Is that you've been trying to retrieve the gem but kept failing..." he theorized


Gaia nodded. "Yes, we've tried many times but... failed. Most of it, is because we are concerned about Creator's health. We can't really keep our minds off of it."

"I told you that I'm fine, no need to worry about me-"

"No, Tou-san. You told us yourself that the gem that we have in our possessions is our life force and you expect us to not worry when we know your health is dwindling?!"

Gaia confirmed about the gem, "Like Ankáthi said, the gem is our life force. If it's shattered or broken, we will die". He looked towards the wolves.

"In our humanoid form, the gem will automatically change into some kind of jewellery or accessories as a disguise." He showed the wolves his gem, which is a necklace. "Here is mine. Ankáthi, show yours"

Ankáthi did as he told and showed his, which is a hairpin


"Interesting..." Both Alphas spoke

.   .   .



Meanwhile, back with the others- it was quite the awkward atmosphere as the only things they were doing is stare at one another

".   .   ."

"Is it possible for you guys to show us your dragon forms?" Api randomly broke the silence


The dragons blue-screened for a moment, not expecting that kind of question before snapping back to attention.

"You sure you want to see our dragon forms? I mean, it's possible but-" Solaris asked.


Blaze blanky, "We'll blame Api if we scream" "ABANG–"

Api nudged on his elder brother playfully before the other wolves snickered at them


"I'll go first!!" Flóga hyped up excitedly and transformed:


The three fire elemental wolves gapped in amazement

"Ayo, that's actually epic!!" Nova and Blaze exclaimed together

"Arf arf arf!!!" Api barked in agreement while wagging his tail


"Hehe, thank you" Flóga puffed proudly and turned to his twin. "C'mon Yuki! Show your floof!"

Yuki stared at him, "No"

"Aww, please- just this once!"

"Ugh... Fine..." Yuki sighed sleepily and tiredly. "Here goes nothing, I guess-"

Yuki changed into his dragon form before sitting down like a cat.

"May I introduce to you, my twin! The fluffiest among us dragons!"


Air innocently wags his tail, "Arf!"

Blizzard casually, "Fluffy indeed..."

And Ais just stared, but that doesn't mean he's not astonished, in a good way of course


Flóga grinned, "You can cuddle with him if you want. He doesn't mind"

"Shush you-" Yuki huffed at him.

"Did I lie? You love cuddles"

"Well no, but yes-"


Air blink twice and proceeded to slowly crawl over to the dragon, rubbing his head to the fur

Heh- a floof rubbing a floof


Yuki didn't say anything and let the child nuzzle his head on him and his fluffy fur. He stayed like that for a few moments before curling his body around the kid and went back to sleep.

Flóga clutched his chest dramatically, "This is too cute for my heart- Please save me from this cuteness"


Ais and Blizzard peek at each other before joining their youngest in the cuddle


Flóga flopped down, "This is- too cute-"

Solaris scoffed at him and rolled his eyes, "Don't be so dramatic, you burning matchstick. Well, who's next? Fujin?"

Fujin shook his head, "You go first"

Solaris shrugged, "Well, if you say so-"

Solaris repeated what his elder brothers did


Gamma mumbled, "Damn those fur though..."

Cahaya barked with his eyes sparkled alongside Solar


Solaris heard it then grinned, "You can come forward to touch my fur if you want".

"I may not be fluffy like my brother but at least my fur is magnificent-"


The Light elemental wolves gave him a 'Dude really?' Faces, but then after a moment, they shrugged it off and went in for it


Fujin snorted then shook his head fondly. "Still the same as ever, that kid. Well, guess I'm the only one left here, huh?"

He stretched his body for a few moments. "It's been a while since I've been in my own dragon form. Hope you like it-"


"There we go. Here's my dragon form"


"MATE- I LOVE YOUR WINGS AAAAAA–" Beliung freaked out with all his fur and excitement

"Your colors too, are beautiful!!!" Taufan stared in awe

And Angin, "Arf! You look great!"


Fujin's feathers fluffed out, "I-I-I'M NOT- HNNNNGGGG" He immediately curled his body tightly and covered his reddening face with his huge wings-

"I hate to say it bro but what your counterparts said are true. You have pretty wings", Flóga teased his big brother while confirming those compliments.

Solaris nodded, "In fact, I don't mind giving my title being the second fluffiest to you- your wings are fluffy enough for it-"

Fujin only hid more, "NOOOOOOOoooooo-"


Beliung snorted, "Didn't think my counterpart was a tsundere, come here you!"

He leaped on his four limbs up to Fuijin and like Air, rubbing his head against the wings- And here comes the other two for a floof tackle

Fujin squeaked and squawked from the big tackle. "Gah, get off-"

Solaris and Flóga cackled at him. Yuki? He's still sleeping-


"Sorry big bro, but its fun seeing you get smothered with those floofs" Flóga continued cackling.

"Oh, I have a question. If you don't mind me asking-" Flóga perked up


"Hm?" Nova raised a brow


"Your leader, Alpha, right? What is he like? Is he kind to you?"

"That's three questions, Flóga-" Solaris retorted at him. "S H U S H-"


Kristal cracked a smirk, "Um, of course~ He's our eldest afterall"


"gasp He's your big brother? Does he ever show his affectionate side to you?"

"That's cute, to be honest-" Fujin slid into the conversation.


"Very! He loves us more than anything! You might not see his soft side now, but there will be a chance once you get to know him better" Beliung chimed

"Not gonna lie, he's super affectionate with all of us" Voltra finally spoke up, proven how much of an awesome brother Alpha can be


The three dragons snorted. "We don't need to, we have our dad to make your big bro to show his affectionate side." - Fujin

Solaris smirked, "It's true. Creator has a talent for it, whether he realizes it or not"

"He knows, it's just that he never use it often"

"Well, let's just hope that Dad doesn't 'accidentally' adopt your big bro-" Floga snorted

"Don't jinxed it, lil bro-" Fujin warned him


"Uh oh-" The whole pack sweatdropped



.   .   .



"Interesting it may be, but at the same time it is dangerous for it is fragile. As I mentioned earlier, the gem is our life, once shattered we'll die. Creator never this sick before, even without his gem. This only give us only one suspicion, Retak'ka had found out that the gem is with the statue and tried to remove and break it." Gaia grumbled


"Ugh...this bi-" Alpha slapped himself "Pardon me-"


Gaia huffed a laugh, "No, go ahead- Call that freak whatever you want, we don't care"

"Not after we had learned what he had done to Tou-san, we just want him to die" Ankathi seethed from his spot


The wolf exhaled, then massage his face before he could shoot another question Balak interrupted

"Alpha, you know I can sense that stress of yours radiating. You've been overworking ourselves for us, you gotta rest too if you wanna help our counterparts"

"Uish!" The mentioned snapped his neck towards Balak as if- why did the wolf spilled his mental health information-

"You know I can handle it-"

"No, I don't." Balak sassed back- hands on hips, learning from the elder Alpha himself


Gaia sweat dropped, "Oh no, you have done it-"

Dragon Ori jumped at the word 'stressed'. "He WHAT now?" His head snapped up towards the Alpha.

"Balak said that his big brother is stressed, Tou-san~" Ankáthi grinned, catching up on what his counterpart's brother was trying to do.

"Is this true, young man?" Dragon Ori looked at his counterpart judgingly.


"Balakkk...-" the wolf teethed-

"Ohh I see how it is~" The plant wolf grinned devilishly

"No...- Balak I swear-"


Gaia slapped his forehead, though he can't deny he's getting entertained by the scenarios laid out in front of him.

Dragon Ori slid off his bed and marched towards the Alpha and gripped his shoulders.

"Answer me truthfully or I swear I'm going to let Balak answer it for you- Did you or did you not have enough rest like sleeping at least 6-8 hours and have a balanced meal?"

He said the sentence with a glare to the Alpha


The said sweated a river, the aura and glare of his older equivalent can shake some knees hard

"Urk- uhhh-" he slightly gulped, glancing to Balak- who was twitching his eyebrows in satisfaction


The humanoid dragon smiled sweetly at his counterpart. "I see, you've not going to say anything, huh? No matter-"

Gaia's shoulders are shaking with laughter, amused at the sight.

"Balak, dear~ Do you mind telling me about your Alpha's conditions?"

Ankáthi winced at the tone, but at the same time amused. He walked to his big brother and whispered, "Think that Tou-san might smother him?"

"Possibly-" Gaia snorted, trying very hard not to laugh.


Balak chuckled and closed his eyes with a thinking pose, "Let's see..."

"Heart beat... Fast..."

"Blood pressure... Slow rising..."

"Hunger... High..."

"Dehydration... High..."

"Stress... Radiating high..."

"Full condition... Very bad..."

His eyes shot open, "It's been a while since I've checked your condition Alpha... How long have you been like this?" True to Balak's word and how he reacted- he was shocked and has to admit it


"WHAT?!" Dragon Ori growled, his grip tightened and his glare sharpened. "That's it, we're gonna have you get a lot of rest and eat a lot of food-"


Gaia saluted, "Got it, Creator!" And he immediately went out to hunt some food to cook.

"The mission can be postponed for a while- your health matters more, kid. Ankáthi-"

The dragon perked up, "Yes, tou-san?"

"Do it-"

"Aye aye!"

Ankáthi took out some kind of light green powder and blew it to the Alpha's face.




"Was that sleep powder?" Balak pointed as he sweatdropped


"Yep! The effect should last for about 2 hours!" Ankáthi grinned deviously.

"Good job, Ankáthi." Dragon Ori patted his son's head, praising him.

"Now then," he glanced at Balak, "mind helping me carry your brother to one of the guest rooms? He can rest there and have one of your brothers look after him. Or do you want to watch over him?"


"Oh, I can just fill them with the situation, you don't have to worry. I think after that, Alpha is gonna get attacked by their floofs."

"They unfortunately never knew about this..." Balak sadly mumbled

He then proceeded to walk up and carry out his passed out eldest, "Uhm... Where is the guest room?"


"Follow Ankáthi, he'll show you the room" Dragon gestured towards his son, who waved at Balak cheerfully.

"Follow me, I can show you our biggest guest room we ever have!" He said while skipping out of the room and waited by the hallway.


The wolf giggled, repositioned his grasp on his brother and catch up with his equivalent




.       .      .




The door was banged open and a figure ran in.

The person has white hair with a long black stripe of hair. He has blood red eyes, a pair of blood red horns, wings and tail.

"Ah, Reverse. It's been a while. How are you doing?"

"Good." The figure merely stares at the pile of fur before noticing his creator isn't in the room. "Where is he?"

"If you're looking for Creator, he's back in his chamber with Ankáthi. He's not feeling well"

The figure, now dubbed as Reverse, nodded and walked away.




...To be continue...

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