A Rainy Night

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A/N: Just a bit of ThundClone to start up!

Note: The characters in this one-shot are just the original trio in their second-tier form. And they're all siblings.

Drip. Drop. Plip. Plop. 

It's raining hard in Palau Rintis, with the occasional clap of thunder.

Thunderstorm sat at the window of his bedroom, reading a book while occasionally looking outside just to watch the rain. The rain always seemed to calm him down, which was unusual since he was the most hotheaded amongst the three of them. 

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Three short and quiet knocks interrupted his reading. Glancing at the clock, he saw that it was almost ten, meaning his siblings would already be asleep. So he ignored the noise, thinking that it was just a fragment of his imagination.

Knock. Knock. Knock. 

Another set of knocks, but a bit sharper. Thunderstorm frowned. Who would still be up at this hour? he thought. 

He went to the door and opened it revealing his blue-eyed sibling, who was wearing dark blue slightly long-sleeved top and dark grey pajamas. His cap was off, showing off his white strand of hair contrasting his black locks.


A shy, timid voice spoke up, looking up at his (slightly) older sibling. He was entranced by his sharp red eyes, cackling with electricity. He looks intimidating even with his short-sleeved red top and black pajamas. Like him, Thunderstorm wasn't wearing his usual black and red cap.

"Yes, Cyclone?"

Cyclone fiddled with his fingers, nervous of what he was going to ask. Knowing Thunderstorm, he would probably laugh at his face and ignore him.

Thunderstorm, on the other hand, was getting impatient. He was interrupted in the midst of reading a very interesting chapter. 

"C-can... can I stay here?"

It was a simple request, one that Thunderstorm didn't understand why. Cyclone was perfectly fine in his room alone in the past years that they have been living in their current house.

Seeing his older brother's confusion, Cyclone decided to elaborate. "I-I'm afraid of storms," he whispered, fearing his brother's reaction.

"Then why didn't you go to Quake?" Thunderstorm asked.

Cyclone sighed in relief, seeing that Thunderstorm wasn't going to be angry at him. "Well, I did consider it, but he was already tired of dealing with the house chores, not to mention helping Tok Aba in the KoKoTiam."


There was a few moments of silence then the red-eyed boy opened the door wider to admit his younger sibling to his room.

"A-are you sure, Thunder? Am I not interrupting something?"

"Not exactly," Thunderstorm said. "If there's anything, it can wait until tomorrow. Family matters first."

Cyclone smiled genuinely despite his fearful expression and climbed up to bed with Thunderstorm.

"Goodnight, Thunderstorm."

"Goodnight, Cyclone."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Quake woke up in the middle of the night, slightly thirsty. On his way to the kitchen, he passed by Thunderstorm's room, whose door was slightly ajar. He peeked in and saw his two older brothers sleeping peacefully side by side. He smiled. Even though he was the youngest of the three, he had been the motherly-type to Cyclone and Thunderstorm. 

He quietly closed the door of Thunderstorm's room and continued his trek to the kitchen for something to drink.

A/N: I'm sorry I won't be able to update The Dark Element and Different anytime soon. I'm a bit of a loss on what I'm going to put next, so help, I guess?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one-shot.

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