Come Back

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White wasn't really his color.

It was too bright for him.

He preferred the faded gold paint at the corners of the bedroom.

But for now, it'll have to do.

While he was looking for something.

Please, he thought desperately. Let me find something here.

"What are you looking for?"

His bandaged hand froze in midair as he went out to reach a book. He knew that voice. A voice that he had really missed as hadn't heard it in months.

No, it can't be him.

"Ma petite feuille?"****

Daun clenched his eyes shut and ignored the voice. Gempa had said that he should not to listen to the voices.

But... only one person would call me that. He's gone. Dead. We all saw it. And I miss him, he thought, tears prickling in his eyes while he kept searching for the thing he was looking for.

But what if it really is him?

"Mon soleil?"*** he whispered, his voice raspy from the lack of use.

A dove made of light went past his line of vision. He reached out to grab it and it felt... odd. Odd because it felt like him.

His hands unconsciously clenched on the bird as a tear escaped in his eye. The dove made a sound as it tried to escape his tight grip. He let the bird go and watched as it went back to its creator.

Gold met brown and to Daun, it felt like the world brightened up. Because standing in front of him was the person he sorely missed.

"Solar," he whispered.

The said person smiled and held out his arms. In an instant, Daun launched himself into him, hugging him tightly. The light elemental held the smaller boy in his arms as he sobbed into his shoulder.

"Daun," Solar whispered which made him shiver. "I need you to come back."

"C-come back? A-aren't I dead?" Daun asked, his puffy eyes looking up to him.

"No, you aren't," Solar answered. "You're in the place in between."

Confused brown eyes stared back at him and he sighed.

"You're both alive yet dead at the same time. Those two forces are fighting up inside of you and you have to choose which side you want to go," he explained.

"I wanna be with you," Daun said almost immediately.

"No, I won't let you."


"Listen, Daun. They need you. Your brothers need you. They're waiting for you on the other side. They were quite worried about you," Solar said gently.

"But Solar---"

"Please, ma petite feuille? Can you do it for me?"

Daun felt another wave of tears coming up. Here he was, being told to leave the very person that he was looking for.

"No, it's not like what you think, Daun. You won't really leave me, nor will I leave you. Remember the movie series that we've once watched?"

"Harry Potter?" Daun asked and Solar smiled.

"The very same. One of the quotes that I told you to not forget was one of Sirius Black's. The ones who love us never really leave us-"

"-you can always find them in here," Daun finished, putting a hand on the side of his chest where his heart was located.

Solar smiled and Daun felt lighter. He smiled back at the light manipulator and detached himself from him. He sniffed one last time and wiped his tears away using his sleeve.

The light manipulator stood. "Are you ready to come back, mon frère?"***

Smiling, he replied. "I do. Thank you."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Blaze stirred when he felt someone moving from the bed beside the chair that he was sitting on. He had always been on the night shift on watching Daun because he's a light sleeper. Any movement would jolt him awake.

Daun. He suddenly sat up straight, ignoring his head slightly spinning from the quick movement. He moved from his position and went nearer to the frail body of his brother.

A soft groan made him turn the light on from the lamp on the bedside table, not trusting his powers to not set anything on fire. Almost immediately, he heard a raspy voice mumbling from the covers.

"No light. Too bright."

Blaze's breath hitched and he ran from the room. His feet stopped in front of a door and banged against it with all his might, stopping only when his hands were inches away from Gempa's face.

"Blaze?" Gempa asked sleepily. "What's wrong?"

"He's awake," Blaze said, the implication of what he heard finally sinking in. "Daun's awake."

The earth manipulator instantly became more awake. "Come with me."

Together, they ran back to Daun's bedroom wherein they saw him sitting, squinting his eyes against the harsh light.


Gempa immediately wrapped his arms around the plant manipulator, making sure to loosen his hug after seeing him flinch.


"Oh god we missed you so much. You had us so worried when we saw you lying on Solar's bedroom with blood pooling under your head!"

By then, the commotion had woken up the rest and were currently standing/sitting around them.

"I-I'm sorry," Daun whipered, crying into his shoulder.

"It's okay," Gempa soothed, running his hand on his back. "We're just happy that you're back with us."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

****Ma petite feuille = my little leaf

***Mon soleil = my sun

**Mon frère = my brother


That's another angsty oneshot up from meh.

Anyway. Daun was searching for something that will give him the feeling of Solar's presence. And the reason why he's Daun and not Duri is because he doesn't have the energy to maintain his second tier form.

Hope I made you cry.



Glace, The Queen of BBB Angst

Also posted on BBB One-Shots by Boboiboy_FanClub.

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