Family is not a Tool

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Ever since he manifested, he became independent in everything.

Not for the lack of trying. He tried asking the others for help, but it usually ends up with either him being ignored, or they were too busy to do something else.

So Solar learned to work alone.

Despite this, he always lends a helping hand whenever the others needed his expertise.

He was not selfish.

But even his selflessness has its limits.

"Solar?" a voice sounded from the door.

Solar's eyes left the book that he was reading to look at the forest green eyes of the nature elemental that was standing by the door.

"Hey Thorn," he said, giving the newcomer a slight smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Thorn smiled playfully and went to grab Solar by the wrist, tugging it gently. "Come on, sunshine! Help me plant the new sunflower I bought!"

The light elemental took a look on the book he was reading and back to Thorn's pleading eyes. He sighed.

The experiment can wait, I guess, he thought as he followed Thorn outside.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Solar was back in his room, the only place where he doesn't feel alone. He was trying out the experiment that, when done right, would be able to grant the user enhanced senses for a limited time. He had read about it in theory, and decided to test it out. It would be useful to his team, after all.

"I see you're still up as usual, Solar."

The light elemental blinked out of his stupor upon hearing Quake's voice. He whirled around in his chair (thank god for the invention of swivel chairs), and saw the earth elemental leaning by the doorframe of his room.

"Hey, Quake," Solar greeted, smiling. "Is there anything you need?"

Quake internally winced at the casual way that Solar threw the question. It was as if he was used to people coming at his door and asking for help.

"No, not really," the earth elemental said. "I just wanted to know if you need anything."


Solar didn't quite know how to respond. He was used to them asking for his help, but now, Quake was asking if he needed help. A question that he hadn't heard ever since he was manifested.

As much as he wanted to answer in affirmative, a memory was still haunting him.

Solar badly needed someone. It was dark in the house as there was a typhoon raging in their place, causing the lights to shut down.

Solar, mostly because of his nature, was afraid of the dark. His powers weren't working as well because of his condition. He was sick, and too terrified to do anything else but call for help.

He had knocked into Thunderstorm's room, but he had just closed the door on his face. Cyclone was too sleepy to respond coherently and just told him to go away. Blaze and Ice were too content to sleep with each other, and were uncomfortable to add another person. Thorn was sleeping with Quake, who was hesitant to leave the nature elemental's side.

And so Solar spent the night alone, curled up tightly in his blanket. He wasn't able to get enough sleep for the night as he waited for the light to come back.

He didn't ask for anything since.

Solar was afraid. He was scared that if he accepted Quake's offer, he'll hope once more and end up hurting again in the end.

So he turned his back on Quake and went back to his experiment.

", I don't need anything."

Solar waited for Quake to say anything, but all he got was silence. He went to look back at the door and saw that Quake was gone.

Solar turned back on his experiment and hid the tears prickling in his eyes. He was right, no one would ever lend their hand to him. He was just basically a tool to them.

Even for Quake.

He clenched his hand tightly as he tried to stop the tears from flowing, but it was all in vain.

It hurts, to have the people you consider as family, consider you as a tool.

Solar put his arms and head on the desk and cried, soft sobs coming from his hunched figure.

He felt arms wrap around him and started, accidentally hitting the newcomer with his head.

Solar whipped his head quickly in panic and saw Quake rubbing his nose while looking at him.

"I didn't know you can hit as hard as your attack is strong," Quake muttered in amusement.

"Q-quake," Solar stuttered, hastily wiping his tears away. "W-what are you doing here?"

Quake shrugged, getting the food tray from a separate table. "You missed dinner, so I brought you some."


Quake smiled softly, reaching out to wipe the tear tracks in Solar's face. "Did you really think that no one cares about you? That we only thought of you as a tool?"

Solar's eyes were welled with tears again. "Quake, I-"

The earth elemental sighed. "Solar, we never thought of you like that. I'm sorry if we ever made you feel like that. It's just..."

He took off his cap and ran a hand through his hair. "We didn't quite know how to handle you. All of us were emotion-based elements so we have no idea on how to interact with someone who practically came from intelligence. So we did the one thing that we thought would work: we go to you for help."

"We didn't quite realize that you might feel used. At least, until Thorn us earlier," Quake said, smiling sheepishly. "I have to give him credit. That guy was even more observant than I am."

"The thing is that, I realized that you might need some assurance about it, or at least, an explanation. We're sorry for treating you like that, Solar. Would you like us to adjust?" Quake offered.

Solar was left speechless. He just shook his head and stared at the earth elemental, his golden eyes bright and rimmed with red.

Quake smiled softly and opened his arms for a hug, to which Solar slowly leaned on. "You're not a tool, Solar. Remember that. You're family."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

For the first time, I don't know what to put in here.

Well, I do hope you enjoyed the story.


Glace, the Queen of BBB Angst

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