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"I did not kill him."

Hali's voice was flat, and his face was devoid of emotion. His eyes gave away nothing--- they were looking as hollow as his soul.

"Stop lying!"

Gempa's voice was shaking, and tears continued to pour from his golden brown eyes. He held a gun with both of his hands, the trigger pointing at the lightning elemental's head.

"I saw you. I saw you there. You were holding a bloody knife against his throat. You were holding, cradling him in your arms, Hali."

"Why did you kill him?" Gempa whispered. "Are you jealous that he started seeing me after he broke up with you?"

"Yes. But I still did not kill him."

"Lies! Tell me why I shouldn't kill you where you stand," Gempa hissed vehemently, tightening his hold on the gun.

Hali pursued his lips. "There's nothing I can say to convince you, Gem. Shoot me if you must, but I will still deny any accusations of killing him."

The earth elemental's eyes narrowed. "So let be it."



Thorn smiled at them as he collapsed on the floor. Both elementals rushed to his side, Gempa cradling his head like a fragile child.

"Why did you take the bullet for Hali?" Gempa whispered furiously as more tears sprung from his eyes.

Forest green eyes flickered to Hali for a bit before settling on Gempa. "Because Hali didn't kill Solar, Gempa."

"H-how did you know that? You weren't there," Hali asked, his voice wavering slightly.

Thorn laughed, choking slightly on his own blood. "Because I was there, Hali. I killed Solar."

The nature elemental's eyes became unfocused. "I was there. I killed him. I stabbed the knife through his throat. I watched as he  choked on his own blood. He couldn't even scream, you know? I watched as the light drained from his golden yellow eyes."

"Thorn," Gempa whispered, his hands weakening his hold on the nature elemental's head. "Thorn, how could you?"

"How could I not, Gempa?" Thorn's smile was bitter. "He turned his back on me. He cheated on me, with two people, nonetheless."

"I..." Gempa looked at his hands, which were now stained with blood. Thorn's blood.  He did not deserve to die. "I'll bring you to the hospital, Thorn. Just hold on."

Thorn choked a laugh. "No, Gempa. I deserved this. Funny how karma works, huh? I watched him die choking on his own blood, and now I'm choking on my own."

The nature elemental's breath was now coming out in gasps. "I deserve this. I killed him, and now he came back to do the same to me. At least we can be finally together, right?"

Thorn smiled painfully at the two. "He loved you both. He loved the three of us. We just can't accept that fact. We were too selfish. I was too selfish."

"I'm sorry, Gempa. Hali." With that, Thorn took his last breath as the light faded from his eyes.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It has been  a long time since I included Thornie in my oneshot. I still have one planned angst oneshot about him, and as usual, it was with Solar still.

Scar will probably be disappointed that Hali didn't die. :)


Glace, the Queen of Angst

(I forgot to put my title on the last one xD)

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