Memes Reimagined (Pt.5)

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Monsta: *creates BoBoiBoy*

Glace and Scar: Time for character abuse.

~ b l e e p ~

Tau: I just think that Hali's too busy to care about me sometimes...

Gem: Are you being serious right now?

Tau, shrugging: Yeah...

Gem: Taufan, can you do me a favour and shout for a second?

Tau, confused: Uhh sure? *shouts*

Hali, dashing out of the bathroom with soap in his hair and a towel hastily wrapped around his waist: TAU! IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT? ARE YOU HURT?! WHAT'S WRONG?!

Gem: >:3

~ b l e e p ~

Me: Mom, do you know what "biarlah dia berdikari" means?

Mom: No.

Me: It means "let him be independent".

Mom: Tell that to yourself then.

Me: :'D

Yeah, my mom practically told me to berdikari. Why must you pull an Amato, mom? QwQ

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