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If you love someone, let her go.

His eyes surveyed the dance floor, but his attention was drawn to only one. He reached into his pocket and brushed his fingers against the small velvet box. Tonight will be one of the most important nights of his life, and if it all went as he hoped, it won't be the last.

Brushing off some unseen dirt from his tuxedo, he stood up just as the music ended and made his way to the sole woman who had caught his attention from the moment she entered the dance floor.

"May I have this dance, my lady?"

Scarlet eyes bore into his very soul as he held out his hand to her. His girlfriend smiled softly, something that very few people have the privilege of seeing. The very smile that made him fall for her hard.

"I thought you'll never ask," Halilintar said.

Hali placed her hand on his and Gempa couldn't be more happier in his life. He took her arms into his and led her in the middle of the dance floor, their bodies moving in sync as they floated around.

Soon enough, they were lost in there own world. Gempa stood there, lost in his girlfriend's eyes as they slowly swayed along the music. He saw love in those scarlet eyes, and something else that he couldn't quite decipher. But still, he smiled at Hali as the music ended.

"Let's go get some fresh air," Gempa said, tugging gently at his date's arm. He led her to the balcony where they can see a perfect view of the clear night sky.

"The sky is wonderful tonight, isn't it?" he asked, looking at his beloved. She did look gorgeous in a black modified A-Line gown accented with simple silver jewelries. She also wore her hair in a tousled chignon style, the white strand of her hair standing out against the black locks. All in all, she looked elegant with the way she carried herself with humble confidence. He felt like the luckiest guy on Earth, and tonight, he will make her his.

Gempa took a deep breath. "Hali, when I first met you, I thought you were the scariest woman that ever existed. You glared at me halfway through the corridor when Solar and I outranked you in the qualifying examination in high school. I learned then that you were a very competitive person and didn't like getting bested by anyone. That day marked the start of our unspoken competition of trying to beat each other in every way."

"At first, I didn't like the competition, but as time passed by, I found myself wanting your attention so I studied harder than what I used to do just to be on the receiving end of your glare."

"But then it wasn't enough. I wanted you. But I was just that quiet geek kid that preferred to stay in a corner. So when you approached me one day, asking for help in a math problem, I was overjoyed. I took it as an opportunity to get to know you."

"That one math problem became two, then three, until we just end up working together on every math problem that was assigned to the class. I found myself liking you more, and that crush eventually turned into love."

Hali's eyes glistened with tears as Gempa went on speaking. "I thought for sure that you're going to end up with Solar with how much the two of you spend so much time together. After all, he was the handsome one, the popular one. So I was overjoyed when you agreed to become my girlfriend."

Gempa went on one knee, looking up to the love of his life. "You changed me for the better, Halilintar. If it wasn't for you, I would still be that quiet geek who would prefer marrying one of his books instead of getting a girl. You made me believe that love existed. You complete me."

"Halilintar, will you marry me?"

Gempa didn't know how long he had sat there, waiting for her answer. He watched as a multitude of emotions swirled at her eyes: love, sadness, pain, and mostly guilt.

Her scarlet eyes flickered towards the dance floor, her eyes resting on a specific person. Gempa followed her gaze and came to a realization.

He had been fooled.

"I see," he said quietly, standing up. "It's Solar, isn't it?"

Hali's head snapped back to look at him. "Gem, I-"

"No, don't," Gempa said, smiling bitterly. "I understand now. I just wished you said it to me earlier so that I won't feel like a fool, believing that you really loved me."

"Gempa," she said softly, tears springing in her eyes. "I do love you. It's just-"

"I know," Gempa whispered. "I know."

Silence enveloped the two of them.

"So, I guess this is where we part ways then," Gempa said. "This is where it all ends, at the place where it all began."

"I'm sorry, Gempa," Halilintar whispered, wiping away a lone tear that fell down her face.

"Don't be." Gempa's eyes were filled with tears. "I should be the one to say sorry."

With those words, he turned on his heel and walked away from his ex-girlfriend.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hey Gempa."

The lad greeted the other who was resting on the balcony. Gem did not respond, only staring dully outside. Solar sighed and ruffled the lad's head.

"Gem, I know this is going to be surprising, but I want to tell you something," he continued, leaning on the balcony's rails. Gem gave a slight nod, a recognition that he knows and listens to what Solar has to say.

"I'm going to date Hali, Gem. I... I guess I really fell hard for her. I just thought I was out of her league, and she was dating my best friend at that time. But then I heard that the two of you broke up, so I'm asking for your permission before I do anything."

"I hope... I hope you are fine with it"

Solar looked down on his hands, shifting nervously. The lad next to him kept quiet, and a long pause went through them.


Solar looked at Gem, startled by his quiet response. Gem looked at him and his lips finally twitched to form a small smile.

"...I'm happy for you. Just as long as you and Hali are happy, then I am happy," Gem said, smiling.

Solar's posture relaxed, and he beamed at his long-time friend. "Thanks, Gem."

Gem put his hand on his shoulder. "You should go make a move on, then. You are, after all, the man in the relationship."

Solar chuckled. "That's kind of questionable." He bro-hugged his best friend one more time and made his way away from the balcony.

When Solar was out of hearing range, Gempa's resolve fell. His kness buckled from under him and he collapsed to the ground. His heart ached so much, and he clutched his chest, holding on one of the rails for support. He tried to contain the sadness, taking in slow breaths. He clenched his eyes shut as he tried to contain the tears that was gathering at the back of his eyes.

He tried. He really did. But an image of a smiling Hali appeared in his mind.

Gempa broke down, screaming as he drowned in his tears. He  didn't know how long he was crying, but it didn't matter to him as cried for the life that he lost.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Solar successfully got Hali to be his girlfriend and they dated for many years. Their relationship was something that many people were jealous of. They were the perfect pair.

Many were wondering when would Solar pop out the question. But little did others know, he was actually preparing, with his best friend staying with him on every single thing. Gem had fully showed his support and even offered to give him the ring he was supposed to give to Hali.

Solar had declined, but told him he appreciated the offer. And when he finally proposed, Hali, without a doubt, said yes. Some would even say that she was enthusiastic in answering. But then, they didn't know Halilintar.

Solar, in his happiness, kissed his fiancé, hugging her. Moments later, he pulled away and he beamed at Gem.

Gempa grinned back, his eyes perfectly masking the heartbreak that he felt through the years. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The wedding took months to prepare, but Solar and Hali couldn't be any happier when it came around. It was, undoubtedly, the best day of their lives. They even asked Gempa to be Solar's best man, to which he accepted wholeheartedly.

As Hali walked up the altar, Gem watched her in her beauty. She looked absolutely stunning in her white wedding dress that accented her figure. Her smile would've lightened up the whole universe.

He sneaked a look at the groom beside him. Solar looked downright stunned at the goddess that was in front of him. If he didn't know better, he would say that there was drool coming out from the corner of his best friend's mouth. His face twitched at the thought and he mentally snorted.

Halilintar took her place beside Solar and she resisted the urge to kiss him. The soon-to-be husband and wife stared at each other, mesmerized. The wedding ensued when the priest coughed, gaining both of their attention. The couple blushed and Gem had to hide his snicker as to not disrupt the ceremony.

The couple soon said their vows, swearing their undying love to each other and finally, the priest announced, "You may now kiss the bride."

Solar wasted no time in pulling Hali into a deep and passionate kiss that would make any female blush. Gempa had to look away, as seeing them together is still painful for him.

When the couple showed no signs of stopping, Gempa had to intervene. He lightly whacked Solar in the back of his head and said, "You have a whole week to do that in your honeymoon. Now stop before you two end up making out in front of us."

Solar just winked at his best friend and proceeded to carry Halilintar bridal style, much to her protests. He carried her out of the cathedral with the flower girls throwing flowers behind him. Gempa could only shake his head in exasperation.

And finally, it was the reception. After a sickeningly sweet moment of feeding each other a piece of their wedding cake and locking arms to drink wine, it was time for the traditional husband and wife dance.

Like the perfect duo they are, they gracefully floated along the dance floor, dancing along their theme song. Soon enough, other couples went to join them, but they remained dancing, lost with each other's eyes. It was obvious to anyone watching them that they were madly in love with each other.

After a couple of songs, Gempa made his way to the dancing couple and asked for a dance with the bride. Solar agreed, smiling knowingly and made his way to the refreshments table.

Gempa held out his hand for Hali to take, and she put her hand on his. He led her to dance as a slow waltz played and they swayed to the music.

It was just like their last dance together.

When the music ended, Gem led Hali towards the balcony where everything happened. He knew Solar was following them so he waited for him to arrive before speaking.

"Hali, Solar, I'm migrating to America."

"When?" Hali was surprised, but Solar didn't seem fazed. He knew what was happening as Gempa told him about it beforehand. He was quite surprised when he told him about his decision, but he accepted his reasons.

"Tomorrow," Gem told her. "I'm starting a new life there. Hope things work out better there."

"What do you mean?" Halilintar was bewildered. "I thought you were happy."

Gempa glanced at Solar who nodded and he sighed. "I never stopped loving you, Hali."

He pulled out a small red box from his pocket and gave it to Hali's hands. "But I support you two. I don't want to ruin your happiness. So I'll give this to you as my token of love and support."

Hali opened the box and inside there was a chain with a ring on it. Hali's eyes widened in recognition as she realized that it was the same ring that Gempa showed her when he proposed at this very same place.

Gempa smiled sadly. "I have to prepare for my flight tomorrow. Goodbye Hali, Solar. I wish you both the best with your lives."

Gempa turned around to walk away when Hali caught his wrist. He turned to look at her questioningly when the newly-proclaimed bride went forward and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you, Gem. I hope you find happiness in America. You deserve it."

Solar also went to clap his best friend on the back. "I can never thank you enough, Gem."

Gempa gave them both a small smile. "I guess this is goodbye, then."

"No," Solar said with a smile. "It's see you soon."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next day found Gempa waiting for his flight at the airport. Passport in hand and suitcase in the other, he walked towards the waiting area where he found someone waiting for him.

It was Solar and Hali. He was surprised, and they grinned at his reaction.

"We wanted to see you off," explained Hali. "It's the least we could do."

"Don't worry," Gem replied. "I will come back as soon as I establish my life there, I promise."

Solar blinked back tears. "Make it quick, 'cause I miss you already." Gem snorted and hugged the couple.

"I'll do."

And he left for his flight.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Gempa was known for keeping his word. Never in his whole life did he ever failed to do so.

But just like the saying, there is a first in everything. And Gempa, for all his worth, failed to keep his promise.

Because the plane that he rode crashed halfway through the Atlantic Ocean.

There were no survivors.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Day 1: Ring


Well, I did say that I'm going to make an entry. And I just finished this after almost three weeks.

I'm satisfied.

Also, a million thanks to Rika who helped me with this.

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