Smile, No Regrets

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On the first of April 2020, BoBoiBoy was executed for murder. But as he passed from this world, he faced his last moments with a smile.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Funny how time flies when you're having fun. It seemed like yesterday when he was riding a train to Palau Rintis. He remembered that day clearly. He remembered how he had mistaken a stranger for his grandfather, and how his grandfather had mistaken a stranger for him.

He remembered the days following that event. It seemed like yesterday that he was ten, chasing after someone who had stolen his grandfather's cocoa. He was so happy back then, and part of him wished that he had not done that if just to spare him his fate.

Retak'ka had taken over the world. Just a few weeks ago, he had watched his grandfather be brutally murdered in front of his eyes. And not even his father, Amato, could prevent him from releasing hell on Retak'ka for killing the very person who had shaped him as he is right now.

He did not regret a single moment of it.

BoBoiBoy sighed as he looked on to the small window of his small cell. He watched the puffy white clouds slowly roll over the clear blue sky. It looked calm and peaceful, and he wished he could feel the same.

To say that he was scared was an understatement. He had spent the last night crying, screaming, begging, for this day not to come. But now that he was here, he had no choice but to accept his fate. It was unfair, but hey, life was unfair.

The sound of the cell door opening pulled him out from his thoughts. He turned to see that one of the guards had opened the door, looking like he wanted to do anything but his current job.

"It's time," the guard said. "Did you enjoy your last meal?"

BoBoiBoy looked at the empty tray that was once consisted of those mushy prison foods. "Yeah, I guess..."

"Are you ready?"

"Can you really prepare yourself for an execution?"

"Not really. Look," the guard sighed. "I know this means nothing now, but you don't deserve this. In fact, if I were to be asked, you should be rewarded for getting rid of that evil bastard. But the minister's word is final, and nothing short of his death could turn the decision around."

BoBoiBoy gave him a sad smile. He was right; no amount of begging or protests could save him from his fate. He had signed his death warrant when he took the life of someone, even if that someone is as evil as a fallen angel.

Because if there's one thing Palau Rintis doesn't stand for, it's murder. No matter how justified it is.

BoBoiBoy waited until he was securely chained before slowly exiting the home he had made for the past few weeks. The guard walked steadily beside him as the other prisoners watched them in sadness.

Like the guard, the other prisoners thought that he didn't deserve to be there with them. They mourned for the pure soul that was about to pass from this world, the youngest one that they had ever seen. BoBoiBoy hadn't known them for long, but they all still saw him as a hero despite the crime that he had committed.

They stopped by a steel door, the only thing that separated him from his inevitable end. BoBoiBoy knew that he would have to die someday, as his dangerous job has ensured, but he didn't know that it would have to be this soon. He was only fifteen. He was still young, far too young for any of this. He should still have a lot of life to live.

The light above the door was red, meaning that it was not yet time for him to enter. BoBoiBoy closed his eyes and wondered if he should struggle and try to make a run for it. Even without his powers, he was still athletic due to training and his talent in playing soccer since he was little. He could hide out somewhere where people won't recognize him and create a new identity for himself. It would mean leaving his family and friends, but at least he was alive.

But then his friends would suffer from the aftermath of his decision. They would be accused, targeted, or assassinated not only by the government, but by the other villains as well. So BoBoiBoy persisted. He couldn't let anyone suffer from his mistakes. Not anymore.

Finally, the light above the door turned green, and the guard opened the door. BoBoiBoy took a moment to look around the room, his final resting place. The walls were made of steel which, he presumed, was made to stop the prisoners from escaping.

Except for one. One side of the wall was made of glass, strong, bullet-proof glass that separated him from the people who came to watch his execution.

His father was there, standing beside his friends. He was saluting him, his eyes puffy and red from crying. BoBoiBoy knew that all Amato wanted to do was to fall on the floor in tears, or maybe even break the glass and snatch him away.

On his father's right side were his two female friends who were crying loud enough for him to hear while banging on the glass. But it would seem that even Yaya's super strength wouldn't be able to break through it.

On the other side was the shadow manipulator, who was trying to hold himself together as he held the sobbing Gopal in his arms. BoBoiBoy wondered how strong Fang was to be able to hold onto their food-loving friend for so long.

It was the sight of his best friend that broke his heart the most. Gopal, his fun-loving friend, was breaking apart in front of him. He was the reason BoBoiBoy did his best to smile so that Gopal remembered it. He hoped that his smile would be enough to remind his best friend that he should keep enjoying his life and not let his death stop him.

BoBoiBoy was escorted towards the chair in the middle of the room. He could feel the coldness of it as if it was death's touch. But he did not show any fear. He would not show any fear. He would die in that chair, strapped and restricted, but he would not struggle. He will face his death with his head up high, like a proud warrior he was.

"BoBoiBoy, elemental user and hero of Palau Rintis," the executor said. "You have been found guilty for the death of the elemental master Retak'ka. Because of that, you are sentenced for euthanasia on this day, April first, at 2:00 pm. Do you have any last words?"

BoBoiBoy took one last look at his family, the people who stayed by his side through thick and thin. His smile became genuine as he saw them all saluting at him.

"...You guys are awesome," he finally whispered as tears prickled in his eyes.

BoBoiBoy relaxed his head on the backseat as the injection needle and tube was put into his arm. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for the final time, the smile never leaving his face.

On the first of April 2020, at 11:29 am, BoBoiBoy was executed for murder. But as he passed from this world, he faced his last moments with no regrets.

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I finally killed someone for the first time since quarantine started.

This is also the first time I've written an execution story. It was merciful though, I don't think I'm ready to write gore and blood yet.

Anyway, hope you like this story.


Glace, the Queen if Angst

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