Truth or Dare #1

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So, I did say in the description that this book may contain truth or dare. So, here is the first one (from me). It's just a quick update, just to inform everyone that I'm still here.

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*in the siblings' house, 7:30 pm (the current time when I was writing this)*

Glace: *bursts into the living room* Haaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Air: *jerks awake and falls off the couch*

Api: *laughs at Air's misfortune*

Air: *gets up* Geez, woman. Don't you have better things to do?

Glace: Actually, I do. I still have to review for all of my summative and quarterly examinations in like 11 subjects, not to mention training myself for the upcoming regional contest in journalism. But let's forget that for now, I'm gonna take a break first.

Halilintar: *enters the room somewhere within the commotion* Why bother us?

Glace: 'Cause it's fun. And I need a quick update and this is the perfect one.

Api: Whatd'ya want to do then?

Glace: *eyes twinkling* Go fetch the others first and I'll tell you all.

*After Api fetched everyone. Actually, not fetched. More like Api shouted, "GET YOUR BUTTS DOWN HERE OR I'LL BURN THE HOUSE DOWN" and he's really serious. Nonetheless, everyone went to the living room as fast as they can.*

Api: Everyone here now, Glace. What do we do?

Glace: Nothing much. Just a bit of truth and dare.

The seven: WHAT?!

Glace: And I'm gonna be the daremaster.

Solar and Halilintar: No way. I'm out of here.

Glace: NoPe! *pulls them  back into the living room*

Solar and Halilintar: *groans but obeys*

Glace: *rubs hands* Now, since the two of you had decided to try not to join, you're the first ones to do the truth or dare. You're first, Solar. Truth or dare?

Solar: Truth.

Glace: Let's see. *thinks* Among the rest of the gang, who's the closest to you and why?

Solar: Yaya, I think. Mainly because she understands me the most compared to the others. 

Glace: Is that all of it? *wiggles eyebrows suggestively*

Solar: *face goes pink* Y-yeah! O-of course!

Glace: *smirks* Sure, whatever you say.

Solar: *face burns with either embarrassment or for another reason that you could just imagine* 

Daun: *for some reason, he's a bit sad*

Glace: *sees Daun's face and chuckles* *faces Halilintar* Halilintar, truth or dare?

Halilintar: Dare.

Glace: *smirk evilly* I dare you to wear this. *shows outfit to him, hidden from the others*

Halilintar: *eyes widen in fear* No, no way. Just give me a truth.

Glace: Nu-uh. No backing out from a dare~ Or else... *eyes hold a knowing look*

Halilintar: *is a bit scared* *huffs* Fine, you win. *snatches outfit and goes to his room to change*

Tanah: What was that all about?

Glace: You'll see. Angin, get your camera ready.

Angin: Baik! *gets his camera out of nowhere brought to you by the author's magical mind*

Halilintar: *comes down wearing the outfit, blushing madly*

(Don't ask where I got this, cause I don't know the exact place.
Credits go to the owner of the drawing.)

Angin: *fumbling with the camera, blushing for a who-knows-what reason* *takes a picture of Halilintar in an accidentally zoomed in mode*

(Credits still go to the owner.)

Glace: *beckons him toward his old seat, which was next to Angin* Sit back down, lil' neko.

Halilintar: *doesn't argue, afraid of worse dares*

Angin: *blushes madly*

Glace: *looks at Angin with a knowing look* Angin? Truth or dare? *says it sweetly*

Angin: D-dare. *still blushes*

Glace: *smirks* Sit on Halilintar's lap till the end of the game. 

Angin: *blushes harder if possible* W-what?!

Glace: Either that or dressing up like a girl.

Angin: I-I'd prefer dressing up like a girl.

Halilintar: *looks disappointed for some reason*

Glace: *shrugs* Okay then. Wear this. *gives him the dress* 

Angin: *goes to his room to get dressed and comes back down wearing it*

(Just imagine him wearing this dress.)

Angin: *sits back down next to Halilintar, both of them as red as a chili pepper*

(I'm having fun writing this chapter so badly.)

Glace: *quietly giggles* Daun, truth or dare?

Daun: *cutely* Truth.

Glace: *whines* Why are you so cute, Daun?

Daun: *blushes cutely* C-cute? R-really?

Solar: Yup. *smiles widely*

Daun: *blushes more at what Solar said* *whispers to self* At least you think of me as cute.

Glace: You still hadn't answered my question.

Daun: Because, *whispers to Glace's ear* I only want to get Solar's attention. *goes back down, blushing as much as Angin and Halilintar*

Glace: *is squealing on the inside* *takes a deep breath and faces Air and Api* Both of you, truth or dare?

Air: Why the two of us? Why not just one at a time?

Glace: 'Cause I said so. Now, truth or dare?

Air and Api: * look at each other and says simultaneously* Dare.

Glace: I dare both of you to act like twins.

Air and Api: *are bewildered* Just that?

Glace: *smiles sadly* I don't have a brother or sister, you know? I just want to see how a sibling's love feels like.

Air and Api: *feels guilty* *Air jump hugs Api from behind while Api laughs in surprise*

(Credit goes to the owner.)

The others: *laughs a bit, even Halilintar in his neko costume* 

Tanah: *in his incredibly rare childish moment* DOG PILE! *joins in the hug*

Halilintar, Angin, Solar and Daun: *joins in the dog pile while laughing*

Glace: *on the side, smiling slightly, wishing that she has siblings like them* (I only have cousins, in which we only talk when needed.)

Tanah: *notices Glace* Come on, join us!

Glace: B-but I'm not- *is cut off by Tanah grabbing her hand and drags her to the dog pile*

Everyone: *laughs, Glace albeit sadly*

Glace: *tears up a bit, realizing this is how it feels like to be loved*

*Everyone gets out of the dog pile, letting Api breathe*

Glace: Tanah, last but not the least, truth or dare?

Tanah: Dare.

Glace: You'll have the simplest one. *looks around* Take care of everyone here. They need to feel all the love and care.

Tanah: I will. *says it with much conviction that made Glace smile*

Glace: I know you will. *stands up* Well, I guess it's time for me to leave. I've been here for like an hour and a half already and I still need to do my works. Good bye!

The seven: Good bye.

Halilintar and Angin: *stays in their outfits, realizing how much each other likes it* *stuck up in a conversation about the advantages and disadvantages of their powers, for once not arguing*

Api: *runs around the house with Daun*

Tanah and Solar: *engrossed in a conversation about power control*

Air: *is sleeping*

Glace: *outside of the door, looking at the window* Home sweet home. *disappears*

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Oh my god. The feels. It dug deep.

I hope you enjoyed the update! Au revoir! See ya!

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