Wait for me

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Promise we can meet

This scene looks familiar, Daun thought as he walked around the park. There were children playing around, most of them he haven't seen around yet.

That's odd, he thought. Daun had spent so much time in the park that he practically knew everyone there. And to see many new faces in a single setting, well, who wouldn't find it odd?

Daun tried to straighten his worn-out clothes, the green nearly fading into gray. He frowned slightly.

No matter, he thought. When we meet again, he'll give me some new ones again.

Underneath the lonely tree

Daun looked in front of him, towards a very familiar-looking tree at the corner of the park. The kids stay clear of that tree because it was said to be cursed, and the people who stayed there died mysteriously after a few days.

Daun himself didn't believe the rumors. He had been going to that tree for over a month now, and nothing had ever happened to him, even to his friend Solar.

Solar. Daun frowned again. He was supposed to meet him by the tree at this time, and he was yet to arrive.

When I had no one

You see, Daun was an orphan. His parents had died a little over a few months ago and he had no one to take care of him. The child services tried to get him to an orphanage, but he refused, running away from the orphanage every time they put him there.

He refused to be passed on to a family he didn't know.

You cared about me

It was when Solar found him crying alone at the base of the tree that his life changed. Solar had come to him and comforted him. He even asked Daun to play with him when no one else wanted to.

Since then, Daun had stopped coming back to the orphanage. He went to live as a street kid, mostly lurking around the park so he can easily spot his friend when he was coming.

They always meet up at the tree on a specific time, and Daun always waited for him at their tree. Solar had never failed to meet him there.

Up until now.

When we were far apart

Daun had found Solar sitting at the base of their tree, reading a book. His face had an intense look in it, like he was so absorbed in the book. Daun smiled at the familiarity, but frowned when he remembered something.

"Solar?" Daun said, closing in.

I always knew

Solar jolted, jerking back to reality at the sound of a very familiar voice. He lifted his head and he saw his friend walking towards him. He smiled brightly.

"Daun!" he exclaimed, abandoning his book to rush to his friend.

Daun let Solar hug him, but he didn't hug him back. Solar noticed this and let him go with a questioning look in his face. He panicked slightly when he saw Daun's tear-filled eyes.

"What's wrong, Daun?" Solar asked softly.

"I-I waited for you, S-Solar," Daun said, sniffing. "I waited, Solar. But you didn't come. You promised me that you'll come."

You'll be there for me

Solar had a pained look in his eyes as he held his best friend close. "I tried, Daun. I tried. But my bicycle got hit on my way there."

"I didn't break my promise, Daun," Solar said softly. "I waited for you here, just like you waited for me there. I waited here for three days. I waited for you to come because I know you will."

"And now that we're both here, would you like to play with me?"

I'll be there for you

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Song is The Lonely Tree by Lara Shigihara.

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