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Yaya Yah. Every guy looked up to her, even outside her school. They admired her and liked her. Some are obsessed, too. Every girl wants to be in her place. Of course, her place what every girl's dream is. But some, hated her and envy her. But why? She's famous, kind, intelligent, rich and beautiful. What could she be possibly lacking for others to hate her? No, she's not lacking something. She's perfectly fine. But the thing that makes other girls hate her is that she is the girlfriend of the most handsome, kind, and famous guy in their school. Other girls were jealous because they thought that she had everything that each of them dreamed. It's not her fault. It's just that all good things that a person could have, she has it. 

To be honest, she really didn't like her life. She didn't like being famous because she can't move freely with her She didn't like being intelligent because her classmates would always ask for answers. She didn't like being rich because people are just being friends with her so that they could have free things from her. She didn't want to be kind because people are abusing her kindness to the point that she can't fight for herself and for what she wants, because if she does, people will start thinking that she is bad. And lastly, she didn't want to be beautiful because other people think that when you have a pretty face, you're flirty, a slut, a whore and everything that the people could ever think. She hated her life. She just only wants a simple life that are free from all the shit that she's going through. 

But one thing that she didn't regret doing is loving Boboiboy. That is the only thing that she loves doing. When she sees him, she feels happiness and she feels like she's free from all the burdens in her life. Loving him was the biggest risk that she had taken. But she didn't regret it. Even though it is the main cause why people are hating her, she doesn't care. It is the most precious thing that she has and she wouldn't let go of it. She won't ever regret it. Not even once. 


Morning came and it was time to go to school. Yaya went to their classroom and sat down on her seat. She buried her head on her arms that is on the table. She does this every morning while waiting to avoid attention from the girls who are bullying her. She even cry sometimes because of the burden she's feeling from home. Her whole life was a burden that she was in the middle of the problems and their house and the problems in the school. The only place that she is safe and happy is in his arms. 

While waiting, she felt a tap on her shoulders. She rises up and looked at the person. 

"Good morning Babe! How are you feeling?" Boboiboy greeted with a wide smile on his face. 

"Good morning. I'm fine." She said and smiled to him. He hugged her and kissed her on her forehead. 

"I love you." He said. 

"I love you, too." She replied. While they were cuddling, Yaya could feel glares from her back. She was afraid of what will happen to her that's why she pulled away quickly and sat up properly. Meanwhile, Boboiboy pouts at her sudden movement.

"But i was still enjoying that." He said with a sad tone. 

"I'm sorry, Love. You need to get going because class starts in five minutes, okay? So go to your class now." He sighed and gave up.

"Fine. But will you please go at the rooftop later?" He said with a puppy eyes. Yaya giggled at his cuteness and just nodded. Boboiboy smiled and kissed her cheek. 

"See you later then." He said and got out of the room. But before Yaya even loses sight of him, he turned back and waved at her with a wink which made her blush. As he left, their teacher arrived and the class started already.


Yaya was already on the rooftop. She was currently waiting for Boboiboy. She sat at the bench there and put on her earphones as  she closed her eyes. She leaned there and relaxed. After a while, her alone time was disturbed because someone pulled her earphones from her ears and threw it o the floor along with her phone. She opened her eyes and saw the girls who are always bullying her. 

"Hey!" She said and tried to go where her phone was but one girl pulled her hair and slammed her back on the bench which made her back to ache. She hissed a the pain that she was feeling.

"Brave, huh?" Another girl said and went near her. She slapped Yaya again and again. Yaya was trying to slap away her hands but she failed as another girl reaches her hair and pulled it. The other girl was standing there, filming what was being done to Yaya. Yaya is now crying. Who wouldn't? With this abuse and pain that she is experiencing right now.  The one who was slapping her stopped and started to punch her on her stomach and on her face. The other girl was pulling her hair like crazy that Yaya's head started hitting the wall at the back. The one who was just watching is just laughing and stopped filming. Yaya tried to fight and stop them but she couldn't. They are too strong for her. 

"Hey girls, i think you should stop now. Just look at her, she's so helpless. Tch." The girl who was just watching said and laughed. The other two stopped and lauhed with her. Yaya was sobbing so much. Her lips are bleeding because of the slaps that she received and her head was also bleeding because her head was constantly hitting the wall while the girl was pulling her hair. Her stomach is in pain, i bet that it is filled with bruises. And her legs are full of bruises too since she received kicks from both of the girls and made it strained. 

"Oh~ I'm sorry, we didn't mean to hurt you. Why don't you call your boyfriend, huh?" As the girl mentioned the word boyfriend, Yaya remembered the reason why she was here. 'Boboiboy isn't coming, could it be that he set me up here to be beaten up by these girls? Does he hate me?' she thought. 

"Did he forgot about you? Huh? Poor you." The girls started to laugh again. "Tss. Why would we pity you? You deserve it anyway. That's your prize for having such a beautiful and perfect---"

"WHAT DO YOU THINK ARE YOU DOING TO MY GIRLFRIEND!?" The girl was cut off by the one and only, Boboiboy. He was now raging and his eyes are filled with anger that looks like he would kill someone right now. He walked towards the girls which made the three tremble in fear. 

"W-we're so sorry. We didn't m-mean to---" The girl was cut off when Boboiboy spoke.

"Didn't mean to!?" He chuckled. "You can't trick me! I have my own eyes! Seems like you guys were enjoying what you did to her!" 

"Why do you even love her!? Come on, Boboiboy! There are lots of girls out there who are better than this bitch! You don't deserve her!" The girl who took the video said. He came even closer to the girls and raised an arm. He was about to hit her when Yaya shouted, "Boboiboy! Stop!" 

The guy looked at her and hissed. He clenched his fist and dropped his arms lifelessly. He couldn't bear to see Yaya like this.

"Listen, i want that video to be deleted right now. If i ever see a post about that shit or if you ever lay a finger on Yaya again, i'll be the one who'll kick you out of this school.  Now, leave." He said with a threatening voice. The three girls nodded quickly and left. He glared at the girls one last time and faced her girlfriend who was now sitting properly with injuries all over her body. His face quickly shifted from an angry face to a worried face.

"Hey. Shhh... stop crying, i'm here." He said and hugged Yaya. She hugged back and cried on his chest.

"Shit. You're bleeding." He sighed. "What did they do to you? Tell me." She didn't answer but instead, she just buried her face on his chest. "I'm sorry i'm late, babe." He said and kissed her forehead.

"I thought you set me up."

"What!? No! I would never do that to you. Remember that. I love you, okay?"

"I'm sorry for doubting you."

"No, honey. It's alright."

"I couldn't think straight of what should i do. My mind just suddenly led to that idea."

"I know. I know." He said and flooded her forehead with kisses.

Yaya felt relieved. She was calm now because she knew that she was in his arms. She loved the feeling of being beside him. And beause of that, she stopped crying and stayed in his arms for a little while.

"Hey Babe..." Boboiboy said.


"This isn't the first time that they did this to you, right?" She couldn't answer his question. She was scared. Scared that when she tell him the truth, they wouldn't stop bugging her and maybe her boyfriend too. She couldn't say anything. Boboiboy just sighed.

"Look, i don't want anybody doing that to you, okay? Not even your parents. You don't deserve that kind of treatment. You didn't do anything wrong." Yaya just looked down and whispered "Sorry."

"You should report this." She quickly looked at him, eyes widened because of what he said.

"Yaya, you should learn to fight for yourself. Go and report them. They deserve it." Yaya knew that Boboiboy is dead serious about this. When he starts calling her by her name, it means that she should do it whether she likes it or not. She knew that her boyfriend was just worried.

"Come on. Let's go to the clinic. We'll get your wounds treated first." She just nodded. He pecked her on her lips and took her hand. They started walking to the clinic hand in hand.



Here it is! Sorry for the delay guys. I was too focused on school so that i could finish my requirements quickly. High school is tough but it's fun. Anyway, hope ya enjoy!

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Thank you! Bye!

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