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They are soooooooo OOC here. So yeah, hope you enjoy!


It was Friday. Yaya is in school, eating her lunch at the canteen. She was happily eating alone wen she forgot that she didn't had anything to drink. She stood up from her table and was about to go to the vending machine when she tripped herself from a rock. Luckily, someone caught her and held her right arm to pull her up. She was about to say thank you but she realized who it was.

"Tch. Clumsy." Boboiboy said and continue to walk. She just rolled her eyes and made her way to where she is really going.

After buying her orange juice, she happily went back to the table where she was eating only to see Boboiboy sitting there with his hands crossed on his chest and his feet at the table.

Yaya raised an eyebrow at him and said, "Excuse me? This is 'my' seat. There are lots of tables there where you can seat so will you 'please' transfer?"  She said and drank her orange juice.

"No." He simply said and ate his cookies. Yaya was about to say something but he was cut off by Boboiboy.

"This is where i want to sit. Got any problem with that?"

"Yes. I sat here first. This is my place so get your ass off of that chair and move away." She said and glared at him.

He smirked. "Acting tough, eh? Tss. Fine." He stood up, stole her orange juice and drank. He crushed the can and gave it to her. "Here you go." He dropped the can. "Enjoy~" He said and left her there dumbfounded.

When she realized what just happened, her blood started to boil.

"Ugh! I hate you!" She said which made the guy smirk even more. 

~Fast Forward~

3:00 AM

Yaya was lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She can't sleep.

"Ugh!" She reached for her cellphone at the side table and made a call.

"What!?" Her boyfriend answered with an annoyed tone.

"I can't sleep~" She pouted.

"Then sleep!"

"Idiot! I just said that i can't sleep and now you're telling me to sleep? Wow. What a dumbass."

"Tch. Can you please just end the call and let me sleep peacefully?"



"Boboiboy!!!" She shouted in annoyance.

"Ugh! What's wrong with you!? I'm sleeping!"

"Wake up and start showing care for your girlfriend!"

"What do you want!?"

"I'm hungry~"

"Then go get something to eat!"

"How!? I have no food here!"

"Then buy!"

"Dude! The stores are closed!"

"Tss. Whatever. Just go and do something. I'm going to sleep. Bye."

He ended the call and she pouted. 'What kind of boyfriend is he?' She threw her phone away and just stared at the ceiling.


Her stomach i now making noises because of the hunger she is having. She just shut her eyes and tried to sleep the hunger away.

*phone beeped*

She rolled her eyes. She was thinking if she should pick her phone up from where she threw it and look at the message or just try to sleep peacefully. She ended up standing and getting her phone.

From: Dumbass ♥

Get down here. Right now.

Her eyes widened and immediately ran down and outside her house. When she opened the gate, a frown was placed on her boyfriend's face.

"What took you so long!?" He said and rolled his eyes at her.

"And what brought you here?" She said as she raised an eyebrow. He didn't answer, instead, he held her wrist and pulled her to his car.

"Where are we going!?" He, again, didn't answer. He just continued to drive.

"Hey! This is kidnapping!"

"Shut up! You're so loud!" He stopped driving and turned the engine off.

"Stay here." He said and got out of the car.

~After a few minutes~

"You can come out now." She immediately got out of the car with a pissed expression on her face but it was changed into an amused expression. Yaya saw a blanket on the field with a basket on it and some food. Boboiboy was walking towards her.

"Don't just stare there. Come here, you idiot." He held her hands and they walked towards it. She smiled, happy of what she is seeing right now. (Author: Geez. This is food. Who wouldn't be happy?) Boboiboy sighed.

"You look like an idiot." Yaya's smiled turn into a frown. She looked at him and rolled her eyes. He giggled.

"Are you happy?" He asked. She nodded and smiled. A smile that as bright as a sun. A smile that Boboiboy would never forget.

"I'm glad." He said and smiled back. "Now sit and eat. I don't want to see you suffering because of hunger." She sat at the blanket as he sat beside her. She hugged him.

"Thank you~" She said kissed his cheek.

"You're welcome." He replied as he kissed her forehead. She giggled and broke the hug. She started to get some pasta and eat. He rested his head on her shoulders and closed his eyes



"I'm sorry, hun."

"It's fine."

"But i thought you are going to sleep after you ended my call earlier? Why did you pick me up and brought me here to eat instead of you just sleeping peacefully and not caring about me?"

"You know that i would never do that to you. Well, i was really going back to sleep but then i just can't. I'm not comfortable with you being hungry and stuff. I'm not comfortable when you're not comfortable. And you know that even if it costs my life, i would never stop caring about you. No matter how rude or harsh i am to you, i still love you. You know that, Yaya. Don't you ever think that i don't, okay?" She smiled and kissed his forehead.

"I know, love. I know. The same goes for me, actually." He fixed his position and sat properly. He wrapped his arms around her, giving her a hug.

"I miss you so much, Babe." He said and pouted. But his mood changed after saying the next few sentences. "I can't even hug or kiss or talk to you during those 8 freaking hours of hell! Ugh!" She chuckled at his sudden change of mood.

"Such an idiot. You're the one who suggested that we should not let others know about us and that we should just keep it private with only our parents, relatives and close friends knowing. And now, you're here, mad about how you can't approach me or even talk to me in school." She laughed at him while he just stared at her, pouting. When she stopped laughing, she looked at him and caressed his cheek.

"I miss you, too. I know it's hard, okay? But if that's what it takes to keep our relationship private, then let's just deal with it."

"I know, Honey. But...i's not that i just want to keep our relationship private, i just don't like other fake shitty people talking about us behind our back. You know...i just want to protect you because i know that you don't like getting involve to fights."

Yaya sighed. "Look, if the 'fight' thingy you are talking about involves you, then i won't mind getting involved."

"And i don't want you getting involved that's why i'm protecting you."

"Okay, you know what? Let's just stop this before it goes to an argument or something." She said and kissed his nose. He giggled.

"But isn't it bad if we just keep it private? I mean, a lot of girls are talking to you...and...sometimes...flirting." Yaya said with a sad tone, whispering the last few words. But unfortunately, it isn't enough for Boboiboy to not hear those.

"Hey...are you...jealous?" He said, as a smirk formed on his lips. She immediately frowned.

She crossed her arms and faced at another direction. "No! I was just asking!"

"Then why are you being so defensive?" He asked with a teasing tone.

"No i'm not!" She said as she rolled her eyes.

"Really huh?" He started tickling her and she laughed continuously.

"Hey! T-that's u-unfair! Stop!" She said as she was trying to stop him. (Author: Okay fine. I'm not good with these stuff. And if you guys are asking about the food, they've finished it already. And yep, that was fast.)

"Aww, my dear love is jealous. Don't worry. I'm all yours~" He teased her and tickled more.

"Okay! Okay fine! I am jealous! Please stop now!" She admitted as he stopped.

"Knew you were lying." She just rolled her eyes and laughed. They laughed together, making new memories with each other.

They are now lying on the blanket with her head on his chest and his left arm wrapped around her small and fragile body. They are looking at the stars, thinking of how blessed they are having each other by their sides.

Bobiboy looked at Yaya who was busy gazing at the stars. 'Her eyes. It's so beautiful.'  He thought and smiled while staring. 'She's so beautiful.' 

"Hey..." Yaya whispered.


"I love you" He looked at her and smiled.

"I love you, too. So much." He replied and closed the gap between them. Their lips moved in sync. The kiss was so precious that both of them just want to stay like that forever.

Catching their breaths as the kiss ended, Boboiboy sat up and looked at her with a smile on his face. A smile that Yaya fell in love with. (Author: Correction: All of us*. Or is it just me?)

"Hun, i think we should go now. Your parents might be worried. So shall we?" He said as he lend his hand to her.

"I told you, my parents aren't home until next week. They're on a business trip." After she said those, Boboiboy remembered and a smirk formed on his lips.

"Sooo, your parents aren't home, huh?" He said with an intriguing tone.

Yaya chuckled and rolled her eyes. "I know what you're planning, mister. Don't you dare think about it." Boboiboy giggled and bit his lip.

"Come on~ Let's hang out in your house for a while. Please~?" He pleaded with his matching puppy eyes and pouted.

"No." Yaya simply said and stood up. She picked the things up and walked to the car, leaving Boboiboy there, dumbfounded. Yaya looked back at her boyfriend who is now staring at her with a pout on his face. She giggled at how cute her boyfriend was.

"Hey. I thought were going to my house? What are you waiting for?"

"But you said no."

She giggled and said, "I was just joking, you dork. Come on! Hurry up!"

Boboiboy's face lit up. He immediately stood up and ran towards her with a smirk on his face.

"Wait for me."

No matter how much they fight, at the end of the day, they still love each other.

Enemies by day, Lovers by night.


Ooohhh~ So, what do you guys think they'll do in Yaya's house? Well, it's up to you or your minds to think of whatever.

Okaaaaaayyyy. So this was cheesy. I don't know how i got this far, but this was a really long chapter. Expect that the next oneshots will be shorter. Sorry again for the trashy grammar. Yeah, i know. I'm not good. And please, if there are any grammar corrections tell me and i'll edit/correct it right away. (If i'm online.) Thank you!

About the endearments, i'm currently addicted to this one anime. (If you guys know what it is, you're a legend.) I don't know it just came up and then 'woosh'! This was made.

About the hungry and can't sleep stuff, that is what i was literally feeling that time. Because i wrote that at 3 AM in the morning because i literally can't sleep because of jet lag. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

Please don't forget to vote and comment! See you on the next chapter!

Thank you!

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