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Curse words


Yaya was walking down the alleyway, happily listening to her favorite music. School had just finished and she is on her way home. If you think that she's just a simple average girl with a normal life, then you're wrong. She is actually part of a family that lives in a mansion, has more than 3 cars, accompanied by bodyguards and has different branches of companies all over the world. Yes, she is 'that' rich. And if you're wondering of what she's doing there, walking down an alleyway by herself, well, she just kinda sneaked out. She is naughty. She loves her family to the point that she'll follow them but, of course, not always. She also wants freedom from those kind of stuff. You know, when people are talking about her and her family being rich and all that. And to think that the people around her are just being friends with her because she has that power and the money. I mean, who would want that kind of friends? (Author: Well, idk i think i already had those people around me. Idk.) I'm pretty sure that her bodyguards are searching all over the place just to find her. But hell, Yaya was so clever that she can even sneak out at night just to do what she always wanted to do.

As she was walking down the alleyway, (Author: Uh...i've been saying this line for how many times now?) someone suddenly grabbed her wrist and pinned her on the wall (Author: Not 'that' kind of pinning on the wall.) and pulled her headphones away. She opened her eyes and saw her brother.

"What the hell are you doing here!? I thought the guards are gonna pick you up!" If there is one person she is afraid of, that's probably her brother. Well, she doesn't really get him. I mean, she knows that he is just doing this for the company but why does he need to be rude to her everytime? Yaya is probably the one who'll take care and take hold of the company not him. Why? Because he is adopted. She is actually an only child but her mother, being a great woman she is, adopted him just to give him love and support.

"W-well, i---"

"Why the fuck are you here and why do you keep on sneaking out!? Why don't you just follow Mom and Dad!? You should keep working, you bitch. You don't know how much money i need to buy my lively cars." Yaya really wants to fight back right now but she just can't. She doesn't know what was stopping her from fighting him. Tears were about to escape her eyes but she kept if from falling. Her brother was about to hit him but someone stopped him.

"What are you doing with her?" The guy said.

"Why? I can do anything to my sister. What about you? What are you doing here?" Her brother replied, letting go of her. Yaya sat on the floor(?) as she looked so traumatized by what just happened.

"Well, just checking out what's happening here. Seems like you guys are having fun." The guy said which made Yaya's brother raise his eyebrow.

"Why the hell do you care, you shit!?" Yaya's brother let out with a pissed tone. He was about to punch the guy but the guy held his wrist and stopped it from hitting him.

"Tch. What are you doing here, lecturig your sister when you yourself can't even follow your parents orders." The brother was about to say something when the guy cut him off. "I saw you sneaked out last night just to hang out with your girls and, sorry, but i oveheard that you stole money from the company just to treat you whole gang and to set a party up. Is that right?" The brother was dumbfounded. "Oh and also, when you told your friends that you were just living with your so-called-family because they got lots of money that you can use for your happiness and shit. That's what you said right? Isn't it such a wonderful night for you while your sister here is working hard to take hold of your company. She is actually the one who obeys your parents well. Like hell, give her a break. She needs her own freedom. She works hard and all she just gets is this kind of treatment from you, her so-called-brother who just brought misery and sufferings to your family's life? What a shitty story." The brother took a step back as he was processing what was happening. "Gee, you sister here's so brave. If my life was like that, I wouldn't hesitate to get the fuck out of that fucking house or even take my own life."

The guy looked at Yaya's brother and smirked. He walked slowly to him. "You don't realize how much of a lucky bastard you are. Having all that money, a sister that respects you, a family that loves and cares for you that will even forget their own legitimate daughter just for a shitty adopted son is too much and you don't fucking deserve it." Yaya's brother was still shocked of what is happening. "Listen, I'll give you 5 seconds. If you don't get the hell out of here within the time i gave you, i swear, you won't see the sun rising up tomorrow. Now, GO!" Upon hearing the word 'go', he immediately ran as fast as he could and in just a few seconds, he couldn't be seen.

The guy looked at Yaya who was now sitting, looking so traumatized while the tears that she kept falling from her eyes earlier already fell followed by another. He walked to her and squatted in fornt of her. He hugged her just to comfort her.

"Shh. I'm here...i'm here. He's gone now. Don't worry." He kept comforting her and kept saying comforting words to her until she finally hugged back and cried on his shoulder like a baby would do. After that, they both released from the hug.

"T-thank you." Yaya said still crying. The guy wiped her tears away and removed the hair on her face.

"Stop crying, beautiful."

"What's your name, anyways?" She said with little sobs.

"I'm Boboiboy."

"Oh okay. Well, I'm---" She was cut off by an index finger on her lips.

"I know, Yaya." He smiled upon saying her name.

"H-how did you know?"

"U-uh, well, my f-father is actually a...detective and i think he has connections with your family." (Author: Hm...suspicious. Welp, sounds like a plot to a new story? Dunno.) Yaya just nodded in agreement. "That's also why i know a lot about you? Well, at least i think." Yaya, again, nodded and smiled.

"Anyway, there's no sense telling your parents. They wouldn't believe you anyway. Do you want me to drop you by on your house?"

"No, please. I don't want to go home yet."

"Okay, so, where do you wanna go?"

"Anywhere just not my house."

"Do you have money with you? Maybe i could take you to some hotel? Or what?"

"Oh well, probably after hearing my brother's complaints, they'll deactivate all of my credit card accounts."

"You don't have bills?"

"I actually put all my money in my cards and just withdraw what exact amount i'll use so, no." He chuckled 'so organized' he thought.

"Um, is it okay if you stay at my condo until we finish your case? I mean, i'll call my dad and ask him for some help regarding what shits your brother have been doing." She blushed at the question which made him blush too.

"Y-yeah, i guess."

"I-if it makes you uncomfortable it's fine if you refuse. I can just pay your hotel bills just to keep you good and for you to have something you can live for a while."

"No, no it's fine. Really. I'm just a bit shy? I guess."  He giggled 'cute' .

"Don't worry. I-i'll sleep on the couch and you sleep in my room." He smiled, awkwardly. She nodded and a wide smile formed on her face. They both stood up and started to walk but the Boboiboy noticed that Yaya was being a bit too alert. She was looking around her too much. That's why Boboiboy took the chance and held her hand which made Yaya's eyes widen and made her cheeks blush. Boboiboy just smiled at her and then they continued walking.

'Don't worry, Y. I'll get you out of that shitty life you have. You've been through a lot.'



Should i make another part? Or should i make this a story? Or nah? And please, tell me all the typos i've made because i know that there's a lot. It's just that my eyes are blurry that's why i can't really get a proper reading and yes that's all. Sorry bout the curse words tho.

Okay, didn't really expect that i'd come up with an idea today. I wrote this straight on the spot without stopping and just wow. My eyes hurt lol. (not really but i feel dizzy) Anyway, here it is. This is my gift for all of you. I really am sorry to keep you all waiting for that long. (such a useless author i am.) So yasss, hope you enjoyed and thanks for waiting? I guess. I think it'll take me a while again to think of an idea (dumb author). HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I LOVE YOU ALL!


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