Do you wanna ride?|FaKe

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Featuring my cousin, RhearaOrhea246 !
Sadly, she isn't active on that account anymore. She has another account but she doesn't want me to tag it, for private purposes duh :p

So, long story short, I was having an author's block on what I should write about FaKe until she showed me this musical and it suddenly gave me an idea! I'm featuring her here as a thank you UwU Originally, I was suppose to only add her in this but she kinda forced me to add myself in this too lmao XD Anyway, enjoy this chap!

Also, I'm so sorry if there are OOC-ness here.

Italics - Singing
Fang and Quake are best friends. They both have feelings for each other, but unfortunately, they were dense to even know. Well, not really. Quake is the one being dense. Fang tried many ways to give him hints that he likes — No, scratch that. Loves this independent leader. Much to his dismay, Quake only thinks it's his way of showing that he cares for him as a friend. That kinda hurt him though, thinking that he has no chance for him to be with Fang.

One day, it's Quake's turn to take a break from his shift at the Kokotiam. There weren't many customers today because it's the weekdays, so the only people here are the gang and two other friends who are apparently cousins. Tok Aba on the other hand, he's running some errands. Quake is sitting on Fang's lap under the tree, just a bit far from the café, playing games in the said male's phone. While Fang is burying his face onto the other male's shoulder. Their friends and the siblings saw this and all they could do is sigh.

"He's really trying." Rheara deadpanned at the duo as she looks down on her phone and continues to look for musicals. "No shit." Match nodded in agreement taking a sip on her Iced cold chocolate drink. "Language." Thunderstorm scolded the black haired girl, looking at her dead in the eye before going back to wiping the table. "Like you're one to talk." She scoffed making her cousin snicker at her remark.

An irk mark appeared on his forehead, "You little—"

"We gotta do something!" Yaya cut him off, causing her best friend to nod. "Yah, loh! I'm tired of seeing them like that!" Ying crossed her arms a frown forming on her lips. "Yeah, but what are we gonna do?" The molecule manipulator asked as he devoured his slice of chocolate cake. "Set them up?" Solar suggested, looking over to the matchmaker who had a pout formed on her face. "It didn't work..."

Ochobot chuckled nervously, flying over to where the cans of coco are and starts arranging them. "I happened to be there that time."

"Aw, man!" Cyclone cried out, "What about your other techniques?" Blaze asked,  "They're too smart for my traps, how dare they." Match grumbled, saying incoherent things under her breath making the others to sweat-drop. Rheara patted her cousin's back in comfort.

"Then what are we gonna do?" Thorn whined, his elbows resting on the smooth surface of the table, and his chin onto his palms. Before they could sigh, a loud thud could be heard. They all turned their heads to where the sound came from, only to see Rheara who has her hand on the table. Her eyes filled with determination, "I got an idea!"

"Well, what is it?" Ice raised a brow as he sat up on his water bubble. "You'll see," She smirked before going back to her phone. "Oh, c'mon! Spill it!" Gopal complained. "Patience, Gopal." Rheara looked up to face him, furrowing her eyebrows. "That's one thing I'm not good at!"
"Glad you know." Before he could protest the others laughed at her remark.

~Timeskip to two weeks and a half later~

It's been almost two weeks, yet still nothing happened. Some of them are getting impatient mostly Gopal. The café is closed because of certain reasons according to Tok Aba. Which even the author doesn't know because she was too lazy to think one.

It's almost 2pm in the afternoon, and Quake was running in a rush. Why? Because Fang asked him to meet him at the Casanova Park (A/N: Remember this park?) at 2pm sharp, to go on a 'friendly date'. When he got there, he sees Fang sitting on one of the benches and made his way towards him. "Hey, Fang!" Quake smiled softly and waved, Fang smiled back and got up. Just from his smile made the earth elemental's heart skip a beat. "Shall we go?" Fang took a deep breath before...

(A/N: Wattpad is being a bish right now, so, I'm just gonna give y'all the title on what Fang is singing. It's already in the picture, the title is called 'Do you wanna ride', yes it's a musical - Although, it's not the full musical, it's just a cover - and it's also the same musical my cousin showed me OwO)

"So.. Do you wanna ride?" Holy crud. Did this guy just... Sing?! Not only that, he sounds so hella good! Awesome even! Quake's cheeks reddened a bit, "F-Fang? What's gotten into you?" The said male chuckled. "What? Is it weird for a guy to want to go on a date with his best friend?" Quake didn't even notice on what he said.

"Well, no, but why—"

"Okay, so let me ask you again." He said slyly before going closer to him as he sings. "Do you want a ride, do you wanna ride, do you wanna go far?" He has his thumb and index finger under Quake's chin. Their faces were an inch close, making his cheeks explode in beet red. "U-Um—"

The taller male went closer to his ear, "Do you want to get, do you wanna get, inside my mother's car?" Quake giggled nervously, "W-What? What are you—" Fang then held both of his hands and caresses them. "Drive it on home, don't you say no," He then brought one of the elemental's hand towards his own cheek, "Quake can you be coerced?" He then kisses Quake's palm causing him to blush even more.

"Home in a snatch only one catch! We gotta stop for frozen yogurt first." Both Fang and Quake chuckled, "Do you wanna ride, do you wanna ride, do you wanna ride, wanna go far?" The earth elemental bit his bottom lip to keep him from grinning. "Do you wanna get, do you wanna get, you don't want to get inside my mother's car?"

Fang then pulled Quake closer, "Drive it on home, don't you say no," He caresses the other male's cheek. "Quake, can you be coerced?" Unknowingly, Quake snuggled to the touch, "Home in a snatch only one catch! We gotta stop at frozen yogurt first." Fang leaned closer, "So.. Do you wanna ride?" Before Fang could make a move, Quake wrapped his arms around his neck and pulls him down and smashes his lips to his.

Fang was shocked at first, not expecting this at all. But nonetheless, He kissed back. They stayed like this, until they heard a fangirlish kind of scream. The two broke the kiss and sees Cyclone and Thorn jumping behind the bush. Wait.. Were they were watching?

"T-Thorn?! C-Cyclone?!" Quake gasped. The said elementals froze, letting out a 'whoops'. "Hehe.. It's not just us, though..." Cyclone smiled sheepishly. Before Quake could ask, the others have already emerged from their hiding spots. "Guys?!" Quake yelled in disbelief. "Welp, the plan worked." Rheara said, casually drinking on her slushy as if nothing had happened. "What plan?"

~Flashback from almost 2 weeks ago~

"But seriously, what is it?" Yaya asked, looking at her curiously. "You guys will know soon, just make sure to meet us at Casanova park at 1:45pm when I text you."
"Us?" Her cousin questioned, biting her straw. "You and me, dummy." Rheara chuckled. "Also, do you have any blackmail material against Fang?" Rheara asked, a glint of mischief in her voice.

"What kind of a question is that? Of course I have. I have a lot of blackmail material against everyone here. Including their secrets." Match lifted a brow, smirking. As she said the word 'everyone' she pointed at the siblings and her friends. "Excuse me?!" Ying yelled in disbelief. "That's just invading someone's privacy!" Yaya pointed at the girl in an accusing manner, looking at the orange eyed female in disbelief. "That's the fun part."

"Huhuhu! That means you know my secret!" Gopal cried, holding his head with both of his hands. "Yep. And it was quite.. Let's say, interesting." Match held back a laugh. She then turned to her cousin, "Why?"
"You'll know soon, my dear cousin." Rheara smirked as imaginary devil horns pops out of her head. Everyone - minus Match - shivered. "Also, Gopal and Blaze, I need your help in this."


-Two days later-

"I know you two are there." Fang said sternly, putting his book down and gets up from the bench and turns around to see Gopal and Blaze emerging from their hiding spots, smiling sheepishly. The shadow manipulator sighed heavily, "What do you two want?"
"Uhh, well..." Blaze muttered out, fiddling with fingers. "We want you to go on a date with Quake!" Gopal said shamelessly. "Huh?"

"G-Gopal! That's not how you're suppose to say!" Blaze yelled, "Eh, then what was I suppose to say?" The fire elemental facepalmed, "Nevermind." He turned to Fang, "Anyway, we know you have feelings for my brother," Blaze said softly, only to receive a chuckle. "Was I that obvious?" Fang asked, smiling nervously. Both Blaze and Gopal's eyes widened. Usually everytime they said something to him, he would deny it. But he didn't. Damn, he must be so lovesick.

"W-Well, yeah, a bit.." Gopal scratches the back of his head. "Fang, bro, go ask him out!" Blaze places his hand onto the other male's shoulder. "He'll probably reject me, why try?" Fang said sadly, before sighing. 'I swear to Gods, you both are so dense as fu—' Blaze thoughts were cut off by Gopal yelling, "We have a plan!" The raven haired male lifted a brow. "Go on.."

After explaining the plan, Fang furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait, wait, wait, so I have to sing?!" Both boys nodded, "No."
"Oh, c'mon! It's the only way for the plan to work!" Blaze complained, waving his hands around. "Dude, you gotta agree, or else...!" Gopal whisper-yelled, a hint of panic in his voice, making Fang scoff. "Or else what?"

"I'll tell Quake that you have a lot of stolen pictures of him in your phone." A voice chimed in causing Fang to jump in surprise. He turned around only to see Rheara smirk devilishly. After regaining his composure, he rolled his crimson eyes. "You don't have proof." The black haired female's smirk grew wider, "Oh, I have."

Rheara grabbed out an SD card. Originally, she was suppose to borrow Match's camcorder, but since she fears that it'll be broken, she handed over the SD card instead. "I can just give this to Quake, you know." Fang's eyes widen in disbelief. "What's it gonna be?" She said tauntingly, waving around the small card on her hand. The boy stayed silent, before giving in. He groaned, "Fine!"

"Great!" Rheara smiled, "You're just like your cousin." He spat, "I know." She smirked. "I'll send you the link of the musical on what you have to sing, feel free to ask any questions."

"It's a musical?!"

"Yes, it is. It's a cover though, but don't worry, it's only almost 2 minutes long."

"Also, you only have 2 weeks to memorize the song. You can change some lyrics if you like." She finished, placing back the SD card in her pocket. "Seems easy." Fang shrugged, before sighing as he massages the bridge of his nose. "You guys better not make me regret this."

"We won't!" The three said in unison.

~Flashback end~

"That's pretty much it." Rheara finished before adding, "I'm kinda not satisfied though. You didn't say 'Pinkberry' at the end." Rheara pouted, her cousin nodding in agreement. "Yeah, it would have made it even more funny." Solar teased, earning a glare from the raven haired male. "But what made it even more funny is Quake saying one of the lines in the song!" Ying giggled, "I did?" The speedster nodded.

After they all congratulated them for being official now, they all left leaving the couple behind. "So, about the date, shall we go now?" Quake asked sheepishly, clinging onto his boyfriend's arm. Fang chuckled and ruffled his head, "Yes, we shall."

Fang pecked his cheek, "I love you." Quake smiled, softly.

"I love you too."


And that's a wrap, hope you enjoyed this chap!

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